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Disney+ and Marvel were very generous throughout 2021 and came up with so many amazing shows! Which one has becomeyour absolute favorite?

Have you watched any of the other shows Marvel produced this year that The Normies did not watch? Would you recommend checking any of them out? Let us know in the comments! 


Fred Carmichael

Suraj mentionned he hasn't seen daredevil season 3, I'd like to point out that it is the best season of the show


Whatttt??? Thats absolutely crazy. Suraj Daredevil S3 reactions asap lmao


My top 3 is Loki, What If..., and WandaVision in that order hehehehe


All of them in different ways.. Most entertaining definietly What If..?, most ”moodish” Hawkeye but the best has to be Loki.

Rando calrissian

My favorites are hawkeye, falcon, and wandavision


Loki was absolutely trash.

Abdul Manneh

I thought I was the only one. Falcon show was trash as well. I find wanda the better out of the bunch


@abdul i liked Falcon ok. It was in TWS vein. Its hard to be black and navigate in white space such as the mantle of Captain America. It would have been unrealistic for Sam to just take it and be like Ayyy. That said. Loki was just a hot mess. I never knew wtff was going on. And then the Sylvie crap. Smh. I still don't really know who Kang is.

Jamal Bayliss

I liked helstrom on hulu. A horror show they did. Hitmonkey and mordok were fun as well. Both on hulu.

Rishi Shukla

Going into the year, I definitely did not expect my favorite to be Hawkeye, but here we are. I just enjoyed it from beginning to end, great close to the year.


Disney/Marvel productions tend to follow a formula and feel pretty generic so I didn't watch any of the Disney+ Marvel shows this year.

Abdul Manneh

I get that but it just didn't move me, falcon wasn't compelling enough for me to carry a show even with bucky by his side. Steve was my dav character perhaps I never gave falcon a chance


I think I enjoyed Loki the most overall, but Hawkeye REALLY surprised me in the best kind of way. All really good, though.


Wanda was good, the rest were either Garbage or a strait up Garbage Fire.

Shaun Forbes

They were all good in their own ways which I loved It wasn't so formulaic. I had a great time watching all of them


Loki is the only thats watchable really


Wandavision was the best


Loki was overrated, Wanda vision was better.


im surprised what if didnt get more votes

Kamina 1

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was my favorite. That show propelled Sam straight up to my top 5 favorite Avengers list. His plight was extremely relatable. Also there has always been a huge disconnect between Bucky, and i. This show changed all that. Now i absolutely adore the guy.

carlos banegas

For real though, Everyone I recommend What If to says. I thought that was Marvel's throw away show. Like for children. It's truly flying under the radar because it's animated.


Wandavision was so inventive in the way it told its story (up until that very Marvel Ending), and was such an affecting story of grief, that it propelled to the top for me. That and Falcon were my favorites; they both felt very character-driven and thoughtful. Really wanted to like Hawkeye, but it felt more by-the-numbers than the other two. Also wanted to enjoy Loki more than I did.


Boy will you be surprised if you watched WanaVision and Loki. You hit the nail on the head with Falcon and Winter Soldier though.

Ruben Mira Jimenez

Wandavision has been my favorite show, but honestly? for me Loki has been the weakest one. Glad so many people seem to have loved it, but it just wasn't it for me.


The mystery week to week in WandaVision unfolding was some of the best stuff.

Ricky Tran

Honestly same… Loki just wasn’t for me either. WandaVision on the other hand was AMAZING! It’s my #1 with Hawkeye following it at #2!

Fred Carmichael

I agree, altho it does seem to me like wandavision is only really great on first watch but doesnt hold up on rewatch as much

Champion Bescos

Honestly? They were all underwhelming. Some experimented and delivered a few really interesting moments before gradually falling off (ala Wandavision), some were regrettably a bore to sit through and frequently muddled by incomprehensible writing (Falcon) or acting (Hawkeye) and others were a complete disservice to the character (Loki). I really felt What If did it all the best, to be honest, and yet it seems the least popular…


I couldn't get past Marvel pitching a world where the Falcon couldn't get a bank loan, that was so unbelievable that I checked out that early lmao.

William Timmins

I loved all of them. I don't know what's with these other commentators. Sheesh.

Manny D.

The MCU has gotten more diverse and more comic-booky since endgame, so increased dislike for it isn’t surprising.

Kev Martin

Loved them all. I dont understand people who complain about Marvel shows being too Marvel. Its like complaining that Game Of Thrones has too many Dragons. If you dont like what something is, watch a different type of show thats more to your tastes.


Not new persay, but the Netflix Series "Daredevil" has 3 seasons, and is officially canon within the MCU...


I would rank them... 1: Loki 2: Hawkeye 3: Wanda Vision 4: What If 5: Falcon and the Winter Solider

Isaiah Cox

My ranking 1. Wandavision 2. What-if 3. Hawkeye 4. Loki 5. FATWS I think Loki is a bit overhyped

Isaiah Cox

I really didn’t like FATWS the villains really ruined that story for me


How is Hawkeye getting more love than FATWS?!? I can’t believe my eyes rn

Christopher Michael Porter

I didn’t even want to watch Hawkeye until I saw ppl react to the fifth episode

Erich Bomke

Its kind of sad because while it did hit some really good American topics, Falcon and the Winter Soldier really didnt do anything than say "these are your new group one heroes" even though we already knew it.


It's so sad that people don't realize how bad the Marvel shows are.


i mean the shows have gotten good ratings both from critics and viewers alike. so maybe its not the shows that are bad. but something else here.


Dont look up reactions


And Hawkeye isn’t?!? I had to force myself to get through most of those episodes with nothing but camerawork or either yelena or Kate keeping me interested. That was never the case with FATWS 🤷🏾‍♀️ but different people,different opinions. Nothing I can do about that ig.

Michael Diaz

I’m honestly surprised Falcon and the Winter Soldier is rated so low. I remember people being REAL into it and so much so that it instantly got all reactors hyped after going through WandaVision. WV was a cool experience but FATWS was top tier. Loki is kind’ve a tie with it for me but I only rank it higher because I really like seeing the concept of the worlds and timelines. Hawkeye is….. I mean…. Okay. lol and What If…? I thought was a cool concept too. Being animated was cool but it didn’t really capture me as much since Marvel have had animated stuff before and it feels slightly disconnected. It’s also because the stories are so short.


Your just jealous because they don’t watch your favorite show. Boo hoo


FAWS had some good fight scenes, but toe for toe I think Hawkeye ended up being the better 'buddy cop" show we got from Marvel. And it's not even bad, I just think that the rest of the live action shows topped it


I haven’t watched any. Is it worthwhile?

Brandon Kaz

all of these shows are way worth it. they really did A theatre quality production and also performance. for any who havent seen any of these series its forsure worth time. none of them are a long investment either. by the time you finish one. youll be wanting more. A true treat foreal tho!!

John M

While I loved all of them, I think Hawkeye ended up being the gem the MCU desperately needed. It was just good writing with fantastic acting and brought the focus on the street-level happenings in the MCU that hopefully continues.


From critics ? You read/listen critics who like bad shows, good critics don't praise Marvel shows...There are hundreds of great shows all over the world, hundreds of shows way better than Marvel shows. Same thing for movies, obviously.


I agree with you actually, while I enjoyed watching them, they're cotton candy tv, let's be honest. I just watched Midnight Mass and the difference in storytelling quality is leagues. Let's not pretend the marvel shows are anything but junk food television.

Jacob Nokes

Y’all really need to watch Hit Monkey