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The Fourth Company continue their fight against the reanimated Kage. Gaara and Ohnoki team up to hold off Second Tsuchikage Mu, while the remaining shinobi take on the Second Mizukage, who is willing to be sealed away.



I really enjoyed how annonyed the 2nd mizukage was at those shinobi💀


Casual Bojack references, I see you Micky

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

Chris has 100% made the Trebuchet joke before. I can't recall what show, but I remember the joke.


i dont know what the editor is refering to when they say 22 more. i can guess but im not 100% sure


talking about ep 322, they have been doing that for weeks now tho.

Eric Graham

The Second Mizukage is from the same clan as Suigetsu and the Water Gun Jutsu is this Clans deadliest technique

Johnny Blue

Suraj, I think you need to address how Hunter and I are not the same person one time. I still gets DMs about it.


Johnny, wait, you're not Hunter? Lol. I actually didn't know

Jim Watkins

lmao 22 remaining, hunter knows what's up ;) :D

Jim Watkins

aug 5 is my bday, perfect timing :D


you guys better skip the fillers or SO HELP ME GOD😤😑


What I do find believable about this episode is that they threw every rookie they could find to match Madara's forces. What I don't find believable is that this company was allowed to be so unbalanced: no ninjutsu/genjutsu users, no sensory-type; just pure comedy-relief. Ridiculous.


"Get your shine box" lol Chris. Goodfellas movie reaction would be dope


So the 22 remaining does that mean episodes cause that makes more sense...but we're not gonna watch those fillers are we lmao... Plz no. There's some cool episodes they'll like like the sound rematch but definitely some skipable fillers


Looool love the countdown to 322

George Bondo

Episode's kinda trash asf. People love Naruto, but cmon, the War Arc is largely below average to mid. 10 Episode's out of the 100+ it lasts doesn't qualify as goat material


Kinda miss when y'all vibed with the OPs instead of just going over them

Chaos T

This episode should be called "Some Soldiers Are Pawns For A Reason". In WWII the soldiers in this episode would have been issued flame throwers


MIckey's face when they were watching that ninja group clowning out was hilarious.

Pervy Sage

NGL, this was my least favorite part of the war arc. I didn't really care for anyone in these storylines


naruto finally joined this battle….i’m getting hype for 322

Nicholas R. Gonzales

There’s far more than 10 episodes that are good, but I agree this episode was sub par. However the episodes from when you know who joins the fight up until when they reveal a certain characters identity, all those episodes are among the best in the series. It’s really only the start of the war arc and the final fight that are mid. Rest is pretty good save for a few random episodes scattered about.


The fact that people find this episode boring/mid/etc. baffles me. This episode is literally my favorite one from the war, lol. I live for clownery.

Adam Vialpando

Micky, the Mizukage was being incredibly clear. He said that he and the clam are illusions and not to attack them. He also said the clam was likely somewhere behind them. Any decent shinobi would have gone 'Oh, we better use sensors and stuff to find the hidden clam summons and attack it'. But these dumbasses kept attacking what the Mizukage repeatedly told them was fake. And that one dumbass literally attacked the spot directly behind the Mizukage which very clearly had a giant rock in the way. They should have had at least 1 named character in that group.


The mizukage never lied or misled anyone, the only ones who thought he was dishonest were the shinobi and now you guys lol

Chris Hauser

Every jutsu of the past mizukage is lethal.


gaara took L on that decision


do it suraj. do it!


2nd Mizukage has real, "community theatre director," energy here.