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Gaara leads the Fourth Company into battle against the previous Kage, including his father, the late Fourth Kazekage. The Fourth Kazekage attacks Gaara in order to determine if his son is truly worthy to be the current Kazekage.


Aadit Doshi

if the "tweaks" hunter was adding last minute to the episode was the Suraj laying an egg joke.... it was worth the wait ;p


Where’s the group reaction 196?


It’s ok to cry Suraj. I cried mad times watching this show bro lol


Underrated episode. I imagine Kishi had a great relationship with his mom given how well he writes about them.


Lol y’all definitely seen that whole conversation I love it when y’all forget things it’s so funny


Soon the normies will learn how to dance🧐

John Vick

They need to do some more episodes if a episode has 10 minutes of flashbacks. I am not saying every week but when they watch and see that an episode has 10 to 15 minutes flashbacks then they should add another episode to the week. 2 episodes a week is already low.

Matthew Cronin

No the scene isn’t new, ugh


In part 1, they showed the uncle attacking Gaara, saying that he was ordered to, and that he did it because he hates Gaara for killing his sister. Seeing Gaara father POV, and getting more context was new .


"Little Tyke" meme going strong


Y’all gotta do more videos per week especially with the war going on.


Don’t worry Chris I got the Primus reference


Bruh you do realize that haven't seen the episode in years right?


tear always drops this episode lol no lie


What happened to the other guy that was reacting to naruto with y'all? I haven't seen him in a while.


Gaara dad is one of the worst characters in Naruto history


Can't wait untill next WEEK!!!!


I’m glad you guys skipped the fillers, but there is one scene I wished you guys could’ve reacted to. A giga chad Stone ninja vs Explosion Style Gari. Those who have seen it know what I’m talking about.


Chris being a Primus fan is fucking cool


Next week is going to be awesome! Anyone call for a Sting entrance to this Wrestlemania?

Michael Diaz

People usually complain about seeing the same flashbacks we've already seen. But Suraj saying they'd never seen that flashback before of Gaara's uncle dying is comedically the exact reason they keep show it. lol (I mean Chris literally referenced having thought the uncle was just being an asshole, alluding to a vague memory of see the uncle dying as revealed to be the assassin)

Adrian Bisutti

they literally forgot the kakashi had mangekyou sharingan when he was fighting pain lmao, only chris remebered. Watch them forget again lol

John Vick

They should learn to post more episodes if they stumble on some episodes that are mostly flashbacks. Its pointless to show 2 episodes if those two are both full with 15 minutes flashbacks. And in the war arc there are alot episodes where nothing really happens and flashbacks are shown.


Im so Glad these reactions are 2 a week


This episode always breaks me no matter what!

Ouss Uchiha

when is 298 coming out ? it's been a week ago, so curious if there is any schedule?


Yes! We post Naruto reactions every Wednesday. We have a schedule on our website at www.thenormies.com.


tears every time for this episode.