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Naruto makes his entrance onto the battlefield and uses his sensory powers to detect and destroy the transformed White Zetsu clones. During the battle, Shikaku updates Naruto with what they currently know on Madara.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/oio1OJRN8QY

Uncut video above 





Yes. So normally we post each uncut and reaction separately however Suraj wanted to get some numbers for Naruto. If you can see above, the reaction and uncut is in the same post. He just wanted one episode like this leaving the other episode uploaded separately like it normally is. I hope this makes sense.


you skipped episodes 284 to 295 THANK YOU


That feel when you forget to cancel your patreon... Guess I'm here for another month 🤦‍♂️


😯 almost at the 300 mark of episodes shit about to get Real.


Let’s Gooo


Can someone wake up SlumberGod? Naruto is ready lol


321 enough said


You guys are going to seriously regret reading titles..naruto is available on a bunch of other streaming services that number it properly


Am I the only one who doesn’t like Gaara’s dub voice? To me he sounds like someone trying too hard to sound stoic and emo. I’ve heard this VA in other anime and he sounds fine without the angst.


Great reaction but there’s no video on the screen of naruto shippiden🥴


yes u are, everyone thinks his VA is one of the best in the show, ur on something bro


They've already watched it


Lol nvm I’m slow🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


I wonder what legal stuff blocks from using a site like gogoanime or animesuge. Do the normies need to disclose where they're watching? gogoganime has a few pop ups, never during the video, but nothing a command+W can't fix. And they only number the episodes. Gogoganime is what I use to watch along with the uncut versions (besides from supporting the OG content on my own on Hulu bc this is not a market substitute)

Flex i cute

That toad Gamahiro is not new that was 1 of the 3 toads he summoned to help fight Pain and his summons the one with the samurai swords.


Someone get Rana a voice autograph from Gaara's English VA, please.


Someone should tell her that the same VA (Liam O'brien) voices Lloyd in Code Geass.


Naruto was a week to week show and I watched it in real time it was hell


Yes it was. When I started watching, the OG series hadnt even completed yet. I had no idea that eps 137 to 211 were filler lol. The first episode of Shippuden was a big event!


Are you going to watch the movies aswell?


Power arc? 😢

Corey Pearson

Chris saying it double check to make sure it's no filler. Suraj still checks. lmao that's so annoying lol like you can't trust that your bro is right?


When Chris was talking and everyone was on their phones, I got quarantine reaction flashbacks