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Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny survived the pandemic, but will never be the same post COVID.

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/651317912/70c2fb64ac




So dope!!! Glad they seen this lol

Rishi Shukla

Viktor Chaos will save us!

John Vick

Yeah people just get the Covid shot. Whats wrong with you? You f selfish people. Just because Pfizer has been involved in buying doctors off and faking research in 2009, doesn't mean they do it now. JUST TAKE THE F SHOT. Just because long term side effects are unknown doesn't mean you should not take this mRNA based new type of vaccine that can do god knows what to your system after 24 h, after 5 months, after 1 years, after 5 years , after 10 years or after 20 years. So TAKE THE SHOT. Also you have to ignore the fact that now in high vaccinated countries people still get sick. Vaccinated people now get more sick than unvaccinated people, still spreading the virus... BUT TAKE THE SHOT you selfish bastard. Take the f shot against a virus that is almost harmless to young people under . 20 and even if you are above 20 you still got a 99,9 % , then 98,5 % ( decreasing with age ) .. survival rate.... but take the shot you f bastard. Just because C- 19 is less harmless than a regular flu , is no excuse not to take an experimental mRNA based new vaccine.... just do it you bastard. Also now you need to also vaccinate your 5 year old and infants ,you selfish bastard, there is nothing weird or strange about it. The GOVERNMENT tells you and you have to do it. don't ask questions you selfish bastard, just take the shot and vaxx your 5 year old too, you f selfish bastard. Also nothing weird or strange about that that people who dont take the vaccine are not allowed to work in some places, while in other places they can work, but they can't go outside after work. So when they work, they don't spread the virus, while being not vaccinated but some how after work they do, so they can't go outside. THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE, DONT ASK QUESTIONS, just get the shot. Also in Australia and now in Latvia. Parlament members who are not vaccinated cannot vote in parliament. Even if they sit behind a computer and work from home, they are not allowed to vote on anything This sounds perfectly normal and is no threat to democracy. DON'T ASK QUESTIONS JUST GET THE SHOT you bastards. Also police shooting at protesters who protest those mandates, arresting them and beating them ( like it has happened in some countries ) is perfectly normal... its all for your safety and health. That's right the police is shooting at you in order to protect you dont you get it you morons...JUST GET THE SHOT , dont ask questions. Its all totally normal what is happening , only a moron would not get the shot. People who follow orders and get this new untested mRNA based vaccine where the long term side effects are unknown ,are totally smart.

Michael Wilson

People were so worried about Fascism, yet here it is popping up all over the world. Medical Tyranny at it's best and it won't stop there. If you have doubts, just remember... two weeks to stop the curve.

Joel Sasmad

Seriously asking questions and having doudts about taking it right away is fine but acting like it is some evil conspiracy or people are wrongfor wanting to take it is really your problem.


fr holy couldnt even get through it lol. Thought it was a shitpost until i realized it was legit haha