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Janet and Michael return to earth as they Snowplow a way forward for the group.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/dQkgf7Pgunw

Uncut video above 


Deviant Parker

We are inching to the funniest concept in the show! I know none of your hordes of anime fans care about this, so thank you for continuing to include some high quality comedies, despite your comments not being bombarded with what you didn't do right.

Jay Willis

I love the fake out in this episode, another instance where you think the show is gonna go one way (another reset) but then it flips the whole thing over (the group finding Michael and Janet in front of a magic door).

Mike B

I'm an anime fan and I care about this show, almost as if you don't have to choose a side and can like more than one thing...

Deviant Parker

Absolutely, there are just a few that give the rest of you a bad name, but they are so annoyingly persistent.