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I'm just going to leave this here... 

1x1 + 2

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/hawkeye-7/

PSA: Episode 2 reaction will not be ready until next week. Episode 1 is still scheduled to come out today! Thanks!



Quinton Campbell

Oh wow! I didn't even know it was out


That was quick!!!

Bliss 28

How do you guys have a reaction up to something you reacted to today like Hawkeye but your Naruto reactions are still not up. You guys watch Naruto at least a week in advance

Bliss 28

If you can get a Hawkeye uncut reaction up the same day that you react to it then it shouldn't take this long to get a Naruto reaction up that you reacted to at least a week ago

Bliss 28

That's one thing I never get. You guys react to shows in advance but somehow they are not ready to post when the day comes


I do kinda agree with that, actually. It's weird that they edit the shows on the day they're supposed to come out, rather than just editing them in advance instead and simply releasing them on the day (i'm pretty sure Blind Wave, for example, do it the latter way and i can't ever remember them being late with anything). Obviously i know sometimes the copyright gods strike, so you sometimes end up having to edit them on the day of release anyway, but that surely doesn't happen to every show lol. And also obviously, shows that are ongoing would have to be reacted to and edited and released the same day too, roughly. But for non ongoing shows? Editing on the same day of release seems strange to me. Either way, i don't mind that much, but i'm just curious is all lol.


Honestly we should start holding them accountable. We're paying for content yet they choose to edit on the DAY it's being released. Makes zero sense. Too many times they get a pass for this so they have no incentive to release on time every time. Them being late is almost expected at this point. A normal job would fire someone for being late this often.


It only doesn't make sense if you think they're further ahead than they are in episodes. Regardless, the first time a premium is posted is the first time you'd have to deal with nonsense like getting copyrighted. It makes sense for premiums to be last because everything else has pretty much been tested already. Any same day efforts are just that - expending extra effort to get an episode out early. Naturally things from Japan tend to get hit the most. Meanwhile Disney/Marvel laws fall under the copyright most of us understand already. Not to mention more American companies get the value of a reaction.

J. J.

Lmao these crybabies really get their panties in a knot because it comes out in the afternoon and not first thing in the morning. You don't have jobs or lives to keep you busy? How sad


Except there’s no timeframe. Uploads are on Wednesday, as far as I am concerned, it’s still Wednesday. Plus, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, Copyright laws are different in Japan than the U.S.


I would like to reiterate that it is still Wednesday! :) They will be up as soon as they are available!

Chaos T

The day they can't post on Wednesday as a direct result of bad management is the day I'll say something but tell me... when's the last time Naruto was dropped on a Thursday because of delay or things not associated with strict copyright issues? If they gave Patreon members an exact time on Wednesday they schedule things to drop but they miss that deadline, then there would be justification to "hold them more accountable". People being upset because there's a delay on the day it's supposed to drop is a you thing.


ya...ive come to the conclusion that the majority of people who complain about reaction uploads are kids cuz theres no way you are this whiny about a reaction uploads when its just wednesday morning,and the popular excuse of saying anime fans aresometimes toxic wont cut it this time cuz wtf is actually wrong with yall


To clarify (because i'm not sure if some of the comments are aimed at me or not because it's difficult to tell who tf is replying to who on Patreon. garbage comment section) i can't speak for others, but i personally don't have a problem with delays at all. I can wait even a day or two after something is scheduled no problem, reactions are not a priority of my life lol (heck in the case of Naruto, that can be delayed indefinitely for all i care, i don't care about that show one bit lol). I'm just curious about the whole "edit stuff on the day it's released" model. It gives big "complete and submit your homework right before the deadline" vibes, which i know from experience is not good lol. Would it not be better to edit stuff in advance, even by a day or two when possible? But idgaf about delays.


Yeah it blows my mind how entitled these people are 🤣 I just read a comment saying we should start holding them accountable for being late… bruh it’s barely even the AFTERNOON right now are you serious?


Learn to spell and use proper grammar before calling others "kids".


i imagine its mostly from people who do not think about time zones. for me itll be midnight going into thursday in about an hour. so if they see itll be up wednesday on the calendar and dont take time zones into account. then itll seem like its often last minute. that and people just memeing because it has become a bit of a meme to complain about it at this point.

Kage Uzumaki

Stop complaining children

Kage Uzumaki

Thanks for all that you do, don't pay mind to these complaints they are ridiculous


Yeah, i have to agree. I just can't see most adults complaining about this. I feel like people just have way more serious things in their life to stress about 🤣

J. J.

I don't even think they're kids, just immature adults with no responsibilities.


Those people are paying for this service just like you and can complain about whatever they want.


Ironic yall are posting paragraphs complaining about people complaining


Andy...i dont remember anyone paying for time specific uploads,just cuz you paid for something doesnt mean you should be unreasonable,i dont remember the last time they didnt post a reaction on the day its supposed to come out without an explanation

Adam Vialpando

Honestly this is perfect since it will likely drop around when I get off work. I don't have to spend all day having it taunt me.


It's safe to assume the normies studio is being held hostage that's why the Naruto reactions are late lol

Bliss 28

It's almost 6pm east coast time. This has to be the latest they have ever dropped a Naruto reaction. I love you hunter but cmon my guy


Yea they dont realize the hypocrisy of what they're writing haha

Raul Iggynashow

They reacted to 2 filler episodes by mistake and had to react to the correct 2 cannon episodes. LOL It's up now.


They should simply be more professional. They ask for the respect and money a business deserves yet has no kind of consistency (with setting and even members) and can’t even set a deadline for days. No matter how much we love the normies, we can’t let them grow complacent and lazy. It is our job as the supporters and fans to hold them to a level of accountability. A deadline or atleast more consistency is simply what we are owed by the people we contract for content. I’m tired of how little they give a shit

Adam Vialpando

Last I checked Naruto drops on Wednesdays and it is indeed still Wednesday. They never specify an exact time because they know it varies. And whenever a reaction is delayed they make almost always make a post letting people know.


Aion, they apologize for delays. Every.other.day. I’m not just being an asshole for no reason. We pay for consistency, not apologies. I can forgive the first 20 but after that it’s just ridiculous. My goal isn’t to be a pain in the ass. It is to provide the notice that despite all these people who want to throw away their money for less than promised, I’m trying to uphold what they promised us when we payed for this service. I’ll go back to being nice and respectful when they go back to doing their job correctly


Glad I paid for this premium account. As long as I can see marvel post on or a day after the initial release, I’m happy.

Pervy Sage

Suraj just casually says Pat and Rana are doing a scary movie marathon and I am all for it


Oh damn, they are saying Hawkeye takes places Xmas 2025. And not 2024.

J. J.

lmao the 2 babies get together in one post

Chaos T

It's weird how people confuse bringing up counter points with complaining these days. I don't think it's unfair to point out how silly it is to think they have a time deadline when there's never been an established time deadline; at least since I've been subscribing. No irony at all.


Guys they were auctioning a dinosaur skull but you missed it cuz you weren't paying attention

akiro somp

they were paying attention to the ronin stuff that goes with the story. The dinosaur skull is irrelevant to the story and is negligible . As long as they are able to follow along with plot points, thats what matters.