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When a wily pickpocket steals Ahsoka's lightsaber, she enlists the help of an ancient Jedi to track down her weapon and reclaim her honor.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/kwP94WQUn9s

Uncut video above


Edwin Ayala

Anyone else notice how Sinube has a grey/white lightsaber? It’s the same color Ahsoka one day has. The only way to have a grey/white colored saber is if you find a red kyber crystal and heal/purify it. Sith crystals are red because they pour their negative emotions into it and make it “bleed”, staining it forever unless it is “healed” through intense focus. The way Ahsoka got hers is told in the book “Ahsoka” by E.K. Johnston. I recommend it to those who have finished watching clone wars as it takes place during the end and after the events of the show.

Edwin Ayala

On a similar topic, the way its accepted in the current Canon (canon, not legends or grey area/unsure canon) Kyber crystals don’t change based on force attunement like we used to believe except in the case of bled and healed crystals. Yes, there’s a lot of media that states the contrary but there’s a lot of contradiction and inaccuracies that have led such statements being declared non-canon unless directly stated otherwise by the different new CANON comic series following the Disney acquisition or in any of the canon movies and shows (which are officially stated to be the OT, PT, CW, and any on-screen Disney productions with the exception of Visions and (obviously) any LEGO specials). Now, based on certain events, it is still viable to assume that certain Jedi will be given kyber crystals already colored a specific way to represent a position or temperament, such as Temple Guards having Yellow sabers. Windu was believed to have a purple saber because of an understanding of light and dark however that assumption has been recognized as non-official, at least not completely. The real reason is cuz Samuel Jackson just wanted a purple saber and George was like “aight bro”.


Saving this to read before bedtime instead of my normal Shakespeare novel. Lol thanks!


I think Sinube's lightsaber is actually a light blue, but due to the lighting looks almost white.