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The purebloods within the Britannian Army scapegoat Suzaku for Clovis' death, planning to use him as an excuse to rid the army of Honorary Britannians. Lelouch concocts a plan to save his childhood friend, with some help from Kallen and Kaname Ohgi, leader of Kallen's resistance group.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/T5OrlKGJcrE

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The show only gets better from here


God I love this show! Please if it is possible add Suraj to the roster. However I am pleased with who is watching this show currently.


cool thing about Zero's costume its design looks similar to a Chess piece i think a knight piece


u mean king. the knight piece is a literal horse

Nick A Sam III

Yes and no. It gets amazing towards the end of each season, but you get crap like the cat ep and the China arc inbetween the good stuff


I'm convinced everyone else here also thinks Lelouch is Japanese, otherwise someone would be fact-checking the Normies by now.

Kevin Eian Bennett

I'm sure there will be many versions of this comment, but it is often a point of confusion when first watching. Lelouch is a full-blooded Britannian, as both his parents are also full Britannians. Lelouch's mother was a Britannian commoner who achieved knight status. Hope this helps!


No he is not, his mom was a Commoner form Britannia. Lelouch and Nunnally are full Britannian. They where sent to Japan because they where viewed as worthless to there father the king after the death of their mother. They were sent to Japan as "bargaining tools" cause Charles didn't want deal with them.


I like how Suzaku has a lot of honor, especially since Japan holds honor to a higher degree than other cultures. Meanwhile Lalouch is just out here being a full terrorist against Brittania, since he is Brittanian he is willing to go to the extremes.

Christopher Clark

Have they realized Suzaku’s voice actor is also Sasuke’s?