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YES! Amazing show, I think you guys will really love it!

A. Saffari

I am so glad you all are reacting to this show. 3 more episodes are coming this weekend. I can't wait


Normies: should we watch arcane Community: 63% say no Normies: fuck you Why poll if you're not gonna listen to the majority?

Shadow King

Love that you guys are watching this


So you make a poll and majority said No to wasting time with it but they still do it anyways lmao. This shit didn't interest me but I guess that just comes down to opinion.


Literally no reason to make the poll if they weren't gonna listen. They probably made it so it gained a little attention that they were doing it and they probably expected it to be majority Yes. Smh -_- Waste my time clicking No on the poll. I want my 10 seconds back from reading and clicking it.


If you had an extra time slot you should of just added another anime


Aman. Why poll if your not going to listen. At the end of the day there going to do what they want and who care what we have to say about it. We just have to shut up and take it I guess 😞SMH


Did we look at the same Poll? On Twitter its 75 yes 25 no ?


You guys never looked at the twitter poll


693 people voted on Twitter compared to over 13,000 on YouTube.


Love all the salty people. Give this show a chance, folks. It's one of the best pieces of animated media I've seen in years. Do not let the League of Legends affiliation scare you away. I know absolutely nothing about the games and it did not detract from my enjoyment at all. I can only imagine how much better it is for die-hard LoL fans!


I don't get why people are complaining, its literally only 9 episodes and they seem interested. Love the reactions! Hope to see more!


I didn't see the poll, but I'm glad they are reacting to it. I'm a former League of Legends player and I don't think it's as amazing as people have been saying, but I do think it's pretty good. You don't need to be a league of legends player to appreciate this series.


it's not only what their regular viewers want that matters. they stand to gain more regular viewers by watching a show as popular as Arcane is right now. also, they probably have an interest in watching it themselves so why not film it and make money?

Julian Walker

Yea the movie is nothing like the game, yep its a prequal Next episode explains the blue stuff for you, By the 3rd episode you know what its called and for


Just out of curiosity, did you actually watch the show? Or at least episode 1?


btw Milo is Sasuke's VA


React to The Last Kingdom


Just so you guys know, you don't need to know anything about league to enjoy this, admittedly there are a few things that make it better if you know about the lore of league, but that's just icing on top of how good this show already is. Also the cities aren't next to a river, it just drops into the ocean, so that loot is long gone.


Sad to see so many salty comments in here. This show is amazing and the group clearly loved this first episode. Not to mention the show is massively popular and pretty much every big reaction channel is watching it. If it isn't for you just don't watch. It's not that hard guys lol.

Champion Bescos

Regardless of the quality of the show (which I’ll admit is pretty great so far), I think the Normies fans are just upset because the majority of their voice was disregarded. A poll was put out on YouTube and Twitter on whether to watch the show or not and when all the votes were added up, the clear majority of the channels fans said ‘no’. The Normies likely didn’t expect this reaction, and probably recorded this episode before the results were even in, but it nonetheless makes it seem like the fans vote doesn’t actually matter.. Short as this show is, it could have easily gone to something short AND fan voted, like Samurai Champloo or True Detective, etc. that’s probably what the people who voted ‘no’ were thinking, aside from disliking the LoL association. Now, The Normies are of course allowed to watch and react to whatever they want. Obviously. It’s rightfully THEIR channel at the end of the day and we can choose to watch and support them or not. But if they were going to disregard fan feedback anyway, why even put the poll out? I believe it’s the principle that seems to have upset people more so than them reacting to the show. They could easily have just dropped the reaction out of the blue and said, “Here’s a surprise reaction for ya’ll! It looks really interesting and is also really trendy which understandably helps grow our channel. Hope you enjoy.” If they had done that, I doubt half of these people would have been salty. That being said… I’m actually hyped for this show and hope others come around to it, so long as the quality stays up.


I know nothing about League of Legends BUT this anime is everything. I hope we get more seasons


Fair enough, I agree they probably weren't expecting the results they got from those polls. Since the show is super popular they probably just assumed the poll would easily win in favor of reacting to it. I know I was shocked when I saw the results. I'm sure they also took a look at the comments on those polls and saw a large majority of the comments being in favor of watching it. As they mentioned in the reaction they have been getting a ton of messages to watch the show. I'm curious if a lot of the people who voted in those polls had no idea what Arcane was or had not seen it yet to see how good it is. It seems like the loud minority in those polls who had seen the show were very adamant about them watching it.


I really hope you guys react to the entire series! I'm loving it so far and I'd hate to see you stop after you already started because some people are upset):


TO BE HONEST if 37% of the Patrons want to see it then that is absolutely reason enough to watch it. The other 63% can...just not watch. Why be salty because you couldn't impose your will upon them?

Dusty Glover

After seeing people talk about how good the show was in the comments I decided to give the first episode a try and ended up watching all three and really enjoying it. There are a lot of shows that I decided to try out just because I saw the normies doing reactions for them like Bojack and the wire for example. So maybe people should just give the show a chance for themselves to see if they like it.

Miguel Estrella

I just binged the 3 episodes and loved it. I know nothing of the game but cant wait to see the reactions.


They made a youtube poll and I saw it and almost 70% said No to watching when I saw it.


@Trapahol Its not even really that popular for a new series. Why people acting like this series blowing up? They made the reaction and its not even 50K views yet and its been up over 12 hours. A good chunk of around 10K views are automatic for their channel no matter what. So its not even all that popular and plenty of people don’t care about it either. They gonna gain like 50 new potential subs.


Reacting to Arcane brought me to their Patreon. I think they saw the hype and cashed in - smart business decision.


Bro this show is good but did the Patrons get a vote?? ...all I've seen was Twitter and IG polls is who voted for this I would have gotten an email at least for a vote...can't find it. I want The Last Kingdom lol whatever time to vibe with the show


Alright… Where’s that Naruto??

Gabriel Moreira

@kryptonite dude, Its LITERALLY the most hyped serie in Netflix now, with most people whaching then Squid Game/Round 6. Stop being Salt Man, If you dont want, Just dont click

Gabriel Moreira

This show is really really good guys. And i would say you Will enjoy It best If you DONT play the game. Also, I didnt Saw no pool vote, and i can garante a Lot of people didnt saw too, so you guys can Just watch whatever you want


Have you ever made a comment on here that wasn't you bitching about something?


It's sad that I instantly think Spider-Man before Sasuke lol


I think in the youtube description they said they would react to this as it comes out does that mean we get all 3 episodes this week?

Douglas Wolfe

Imagine Dragons has worked with Riot Games for years, making music videos and stuff. Their song Warriors was written for the League of Legends world Championship


Only reason I'm here too lol. I don't usually buy into Patreons, but I wanted to see their uncut reactions to Arcane. Hopefully they finish it, if not...there goes my money lol


@Kryptonyte ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND ? this show is #1 IN 38 COUNTRIES and you say its not popular enough ? Ur just a salty kid.


Most people dont care? It has 64k views in 22 hours. They made the right decision by not listening to some randoms, who force them to watch random garbage that noone ever heard of, for which they then get rewarded by barely getting 10k views.

Miguel Estrella

So uh… can we get more episodes 👀 im dying over here


This show is fantastic and I hope you watch it and give it a chance. Others voting no just because they didn’t give it a chance but I’m sure if they watched there mind would easily change

James Hall

loved the show excited to see how well the rest of the episodes do cause if the show does well we will get more with the other kingdoms all of which have cool story that will add huge lore from magic, the void, demons, gods, and mystical creatures


that's how reactions work people don't want to see the reaction cause they haven't seen the show that's why they vote no, 40% is actually pretty solid for a reaction since it basically means that 40% of the community has seen the show which is better than most shows.


Call EMS if you're dying pls. But if by chance you're alive, the rest of Arcane was posted today :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-06 00:46:16 Thank you !!!! <3 show is amazing so as your reactions !
2021-11-11 20:05:03 Thank you !!!! <3 show is amazing so as your reactions !

Thank you !!!! <3 show is amazing so as your reactions !


Bro they watch like 15 different animes, I'm sorry that you are this angry, sad, and pathetic that you have commented about 10 times whining that they took 40 mins to watch something different, lol.