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Bliss 28

First baby



Gabriel Moreira

I really like that Chris knows the hand signs for jutsus hahahaha he always makes the same jutsu tho... need to learn more moves my man


For the Editor: the episode where Suraj bets a tattoo on it is ep. 244 Killer Bee and Motoi in the beginning intro around 2:31. I'm doing Gods work! Lets get this boy a Naruto tattoo


Eight-tails is voiced by Mathew Mercer who is basically Troy Bakers voice clone. He even voices Yamato and Yahiko in some episodes and you can’t really tell the difference.


Orochimaru was sealed with Itachi's Toska Blade. He can't be revived

Alexander Hawkins

The little Fox he transforms into is actually the original design for Naruto’s character


Nice that Chris remembered Orochimaru’s hands were sealed 👍🏼

Fred Carmichael

which one of you idiots told suraj he was wrong about the coffin?

Jacob Castle

I cannot wait for the moment everyone realizes navi is right about the alien


I know some of the Normies play (or played) Overwatch, I'm surprised none of them recognized the 8 tails voice as Mccree lol

Michael Diaz

Hey. That guy wasn't TRYING to die. He was trying to save his comrade but was being really stupid is all. We don't victim blame here, Chris. :V lmao


You just blew my mind. I watched naruto as it aired and watch critical role all the time, and I just realized that's matt mercer

Mark M

dude hahahaha out of nowhere? let the man hope, ya'll need only to hold the spoils for three more years