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Uncutty babyyyyyy



I love the uncut version of the reactions

Richard McClure

I give Chris a pass on his opinion because he is the only in the group who can do hand signs<3

Mark M

these dudes are sad, naruto without nahid is just as good as any reaction on youtube or elsewhere. chris is so harmed by stereotypes its sad, this channel is turning into shit was $25 for months and just got mickys drawings hahahahahaha

Mark M

none of them can do hand signs, u mean gang signs? thats racist. or he the only one who could do gang signs? i dont understand they all do the same ill teach you hand signs


where is nahid?


Marco, Micky's drawing gets sent out every quarter and not every month. We alternate our monthly rewards between a custom Newsletter, Micky's drawings and 1 other physical reward. So this way every quarter you are getting 3 sep things. Please let us know if you did not receive any of the others I had mentioned above.

Pervy Sage

I don't want to sound like a perv or anything but every week her hair gets longer Navi looks hella foine

Marquis Rucker

I’m really missing Nahid hopefully the bro can come back for a few episodes here and there.


It's sad that we live in world where u have to preference a normal compliment to avoid internet blacklash, and yeah I agree,

Mark M

he finished naruto already bro, whatever the reason was he had no reason to wait, he been watching manga my dude