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Ep 263 coming at ya! Uncuts will be up shortly.


Adrian Bisutti

longest arc of naruto but one of the best

Adrian Bisutti

kabuto controls all the re-animated so whatever he knows they know


Agreed. I think 80-85% of the arc is solid. Theres only a couple pretty low moments but i think the highs vastly out weigh them


Definitely understand it being anti-climatic. You're hype for these guys to come back for the battles not for the talks. There's a healthy mix of both in this arc.


They film these in a batch like every three weeks or so. You'd think they'd schedule it for a day where everyone is available to film. It feels like there hasn't been a full crew in months


Gotta really agree with Chris on this one, thats some weak sauce.


Rana's reaction to episode 297 can wait


I agree with Chris, pretty weak ending to this fight. I remember seeing this the first time and being pretty disappointed too.


Yall don't realize how long this war about to be. Relax!


With this schedule, It will take 3 months to get to the good shit, #322


For this being the first official fight of the war, I do agree that the ending was very anticlimactic.


I agree with Chris, there are a few anticlimactic "fights" in the war arc and honestly how many times can you pull the talk no jutsu card before it stops becoming emotional and impactful? For me it stopped being impactful a long time ago.


Yeah the lackluster feeling if the fight ending so quickly is understandable but y'all still got so many episodes til this war is over... you'll see Kabuto make some changes these episodes were kinda an introduction to a possible way to beat them but it doesn't happen all the time


I gotta say i was like Chris feeling this episode just kinda feels... Meh when i watched it the first time. Last time we saw this jutsu was in a fight with Orochimaru and lord third and that fight was on a whole other level.


It's absolutely anticlimactic. Not like offensively so but any technique hyped up as much as reanimation being undone by feewings makes it feel like a lie. Especially on the first set encountered. The war has barely started and one of the biggest difficulties of the war... feel like puddies now. WHILE THERE ARE ACTUAL PUDDIES YET TO BE FOUGHT! Again, it's fine but I see no reason to grief Chris over his take lol.


Chris literally saw one encounter 😂


In response to Chris, I see where he is coming from, but like Suraj, I respectfully disagree. For one, this was the first encounter and and it served it's purpose of expanding the lore of the reanimation jutsu. For another, I believe you guys waited 3 weeks between Naruto episodes and maybe that heightened your anticipation of this encounter, but Sai is maybe in the top 25 power rankings(not mine), but no one was really anticipating this climactic fight to live up to huge expectations. It served as an introduction to the reanimation, like I said. Next, there will be plenty of bloodshed, you don't have to worry about every battle being talk no jutsu, that's unrealistic to expect. Also, you guys had a discussion about maybe the third Hokage talking the 1st and 2nd out of the battle, but Orochimaru removed their personality in that fight. Kabuto is doing things his own way. Besides all that, I actually appreciated Suraj's reaction to this episode, it struck me as mature. Maybe Chris is upset with how the Pain fight and this fight concluded, but it seems like the conclusion skews your perception of the things that transpired. You will get your violence and bloodshed, let Rana and Suraj enjoy these moments and you can relish in the violence later. I felt like we got abridged versions of the girls opinions this episode cuz they were just responding to what was said before them.


Agree with Chris but you guys needs to listen more than talking like Navi Rana, it is better to talk in the discussion so you can enjoy the Anime and the Music you missed most of them


dude i find them the quieter two lol. There watching with subtitles on anyway so even while theyre talking there still seeing whats happening. Sometimes they go to talk and mid sentence will stop because they see something is happening


Good thing the fights will get better from here on out


Chris, they can't do talk no jutsu with people they don't know, like Hanzo and others legendary people.

Kevin Kovacs

It make sense with Sai and his brother here but the Sasori one might not for people even though we know that he cared about Chiyo and still had some emotion after he turned himself to a puppet!

Kevin Kovacs

It's make sense with the Sai one with his brother but maybe not with Sasori even though after he died he still had feelings for Chiyo as a puppet.


The way Kabuto evolved over the course of the series from an unassuming side character, to minor antagonist, to an end-game boss is one of the coolest villain character arcs in anime. Also, regarding talk-no-jutsu and understanding WHY the bad guys are the way they are, it's a completely unheard of way of resolving conflict in a world of ninja, until Naruto successfully defeated Pain with it and it gained credibility among the Leaf authority. Now to see that it may be key to winning a great ninja war is an even greater accomplishment, and shines light on the previously unknown possibility of resolution without conflict on this grand a scale, which also lends credibility to Naruto's potential as a leader. I think it all neatly fits in narratively to this story in particular.

Kevin Kovacs

True but the first half of the war arc still gonna have HYPE moments of it but I'm not gonna say it what but I'm sure you know what are those! 😅

Kevin Kovacs

Well to me I had only 1 time when "it stops becoming emotional and impactful" and it's happens the guy with who had the same dream like Naruto and has one of the saddest backstory in the show.


Seeing your comments on the War Arc now's pretty interesting lol. It'll be fun to hear them at the end of the arc. This arc's always been the most divisive of the series. Some people love it, a great amount think it's a letdown so yeah we'll see how yall feel. As for Chris's opinion, I'll let it rock because we all think differently. It's all good. Dope reaction.

Eric Seitz

In the fight against the 3rd Orochimaru suppressed the 1st and 2nd hokages emotions so talk no jutsu wound not have worked. This was a very lackluster first fight of the arc but I look forward to seeing your thoughts as the arc progresses especially the end of the arc.


The anticlimactic thing is Chris' new "aerial shot" from the Pain arc. Hold your horses there, buddy. It gets better.

Rishi Hattiangadi

I agree with you Chris for these first 2 reanimated deaths were anticlimactic, but please don't think they will all be like this.


fun fact the signs for the reanimation jutsu are earth style. thus the second hokage created this forbidden earth style jutsu to bring dead people back to life. Which has already been mentioned by Kabuto in previous episode.


They dont understand that if the emotion of the reanimations are suppressed you cant talk no jutsu them...


You know to be fair this was the first encounter of the arc and Chris always complains that the show is so long and they should shorten it more...so there u go a 2 episode confrontation Chris lol keep watching

Shallow Truth

Kankuro is my boyyy lol, he's cute without the hood imo

my new name

Chris's comments about anti-climactic strike a chord. There's a reason why many fans think the first half of the War Arc is rather slow and boring.


I understand Chris, the first half of the war until Naruto enters is a snoozer

Arindrajit Sen

I understand what Chris meant but this fight is just the beginning. Kabuto is learning now. He's making mistakes. That's how you you develop the story and the characters right??? Everything can't be flawless. And this is just the first fight. It's not like every enemy is already squashed. Just have patience. People lose their patience so quickly nowadays and their attention span is becoming so shorter that even a 2 episode fight seems long now and if something of a banger doesn't happen it becomes boring. Well it explains the fact why we don't get anime with this many episodes nowadays. All new gen anime are like 12 or 24 episodes.

Gabriel Arreaga

Jeezus christ Chris is so whiny he's the embodiment of the fandom sometimes

Arindrajit Sen

Your second line is just straight up a spoiler my guy. Might wanna edit that out.

Arindrajit Sen

Ikr I liked this so much. People only wanna see bloodshed and chaos when they think about war and forget that emotions playa part as well. Well the enemies have emotions now at least. Well I'm glad Rana, Navi and Suraj understood. Also that's who you develop a character. They'll soon see that.


I completely understand Chris but I feel like if the feelings thing would work on someone then it would be someone like Sasori who already had a finished arc back when he died and when he hesitated at the last moment to give Chiyo an opening to kill him. It would be weird to see Kakuzu with the same end but Sasori already implied his feelings side


Chris is right. That's the exact reason why the fandom says the series dropped after Pain got talk-no-jutsu'd. Emotional backstories are a valid storytelling technique but it deviates away from original Naruto/typical hype shonen. So it strikes a chord with day 1 fans who grew up with Naruto and basically divided the fandom. (Kinda explains why fandom is a little crazy and always arguing with each other LOL.) OG Naruto will always have a special place for me. I was never a fan of how Shippuden took the storyline to some extents. Kid Naruto had a completely different vibe; he was portrayed as the underdog outcast and I rly wish they had stuck with that. If anything, Rock Lee became the real Naruto if that makes sense.


Nah Suraj would be a more accurate emobidment. He takes the role of constantly correcting how fans should feel about the writing. And that's hilariously accurate of Naruto stans

Lively Nili

Notice how talking with them, set their souls free. Important moment for the future.

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

These episodes are pretty good if bingewatched, but back when we had to wait a week for 1 new episode (sometimes several weeks), it was hell watching these episodes that are half flashbacks and where not much is happening.


I think there souls didn’t have closure before they passed so when they came back to life so did those regrets but by getting the answers to what they sought before ends up truly setting their souls free. And ends up releasing the reanimation jutsu

Todd Williams

Chris this literally the first encounter lmao


Damn Naruto stay making me cry

Michael Diaz

Deidara does the "Hmmph" thing more in Japanese I think. His first line, which was after the fight between Naruto and Sasuke at the Final Valley, when they first hinted at the rest of the Akatsuki, he says "Hm" in a more calm chill way. I guess they didn't know how they wanted to portray the damn thing in English for a while. But I've also noticed there's a lot of random anime characters that have random sounds or phrases they need to say at the end beginning or end of a sentence. Though it usually doesn't get transitioned over to the English versions of anime. But I recall some little girl being like "I don't like that person, hoppy." and then like... every sentence they'd say "hoppy" at the end even though it's not related to anything. (That's just an example. I can't remember the actual word or sentences. lol) Also... Animal Crossing does that too. They sometimes say random shit at the end of their sentences when talking to you. And I remember choosing what weird phrase to give them. lmao

Michael Diaz

Chris: I UNDERSTAND what they're doing. You can tell me about it all you want. But it was anticlimactic for me. You can't change my mind. Everyone Else: Let me explain to you anyways so you can understand and change your mind cuz I'm goofy. I get what Chris was saying. At the very least let them actually battle it out before the sentimental shit. Then it would be climactic. But to be fair, this is just the first 2 of the reanimated sooo.. there's lots of eps left. lol


True, but story evolve and change with their writer and what they once felt becomes something else with time. With any long running series you will see this kind of shift all the time. The longer a story last, the more it can change over time. It's the danger of not knowing when to stop telling a story (Smallville for example).


they literally just said the foundation members are paired up and forced to kill each other. Is suraj like half deaf? If so that would explain alot. And I'd understand. But if not, its just comical at this point. No danzo didnt just make them two kill each other because one was sick. Thats a tradition. For everyone in the foundation.


Eh, it was just the first battle of the war. :) And I think this sort of end works for someone like Sasori. He may have been undeniably a villain from the start, but they made such a point of showing how growing up in this world brought him to that mental place-- how he was an innocent kid once who just missed his parents. This is such a good episode for Sai, though. To see him emoting this like compared to the way he acted when we first met him? So good.


Don't worry Chris, it definitely feels more anti-climatic than it is, which it is a little let's be honest. You get the impression that oh, all you have to do is say something clever or sad and any Akatsuki-level reanimation will just sigh and be defeated. I think once there's more context it feels much less anti-climatic. But also, it's the first skirmish of the war, you'll have plenty of time to get every kind of battle and conversation.


chris i love you but gotta disagree with you on how they defeated shin and sasori i loved it and always will


The only lie was from Kabuto talking up his version as better because he could leave the personalities in place and still control them. He didn’t know that it’s the person’s regret and lingering feelings that act as the anchor for the Jutsu, which is why Orochimaru always took their personalities away Sure for some it might feel anticlimactic, but it’s really giving a small glimmer of hope before taking it away


i just think shin and sasori got their closure and was not bound to their lives anymore thats the way i see it. I wouldn't say anticlimatic i would say their showing you the multitudes of ways the reanimation justu could be released. Again tho this is only the start of the war arc with 100+ episodes of it to go.

Abs Mahamud

i actually get what Chris is saying lol it is kinda anticlimactic.. like damn Kabuto, i didn’t know the reanimation jutsu was your daddy

Opposite George

Rana drunk again lmfaoo love it