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Great episode imo, and finally one that's two parts (i assume), so it has room to breathe lol.

John Vick

where is naruto??? The day is almost over.


The day is over for you but it's still only 2.30 pm in NY sooo calm down. They'll post it when it's ready!

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

Could yall react to the DC animated universe at some point please. There's about 4 movies in total, flash point, JL war, JL Dark, JL Dark apocalypse war

Blackest Hippy

fuck the mcu, where’s naruto

J. J.

They stopped watching it cause they didn't want to deal with narutards anymore

20 16

They post it around the same time almost every time how tf do you clowns continue to ask this question is beyond me

Blackest Hippy

but they’d rather deal with mcutards like you? good try, but they just uploaded

J. J.

Got you scared for a sec over that little kid show eh? Poor baby. Imagine being triggered by a show for 5 year olds.

20 16

Drop the address lmao what a fake ass bitch

J. J.

Lmao quiet there simpy, you watch kids cartoons, you ain't doing shit narutard.

Erich Bomke

It was funny until you went homophobic with it. Normies, block this loser. His money isnt worth the hate!

Scott Brown

Can we get this thread deleted please? This is probably the most childish thing I've ever seen on here.

Twin Hallow

Yeah its like naruto brings out the worst in people or something haha. They be so angry/aggressive.

Blackest Hippy

no, fucking idiots like you bring out the worst in people. none of you losers had to reply to my comment like assholes but you did. so go fuck yourselves


I think it makes sense that Ultron was able to kill Thanos so easily. Remember, Vision had very little time with the stone and said that he was still learning its power. Ultron had much longer to harness the power and Uatu said the power is infinite. Couple this with Ultron being an extremely sophisticated AI that continuously learns, it also makes sense that he's able to push the stones further/use them more efficiently than anyone else. This is also the reason he was able to see Uatu and travel through the multiverse because he had so much time alone with the stones he was able to "ascend to a previously unattainable plane of consciousness". He also caught Thanos completely off guard and gave him no time to defend himself with the stones.

Scott Brown

You post something toxic, annoying, and rude then expect nobody to comment on it? Then, you start being an absolute git to everyone, threatening to show up to their house and fight them like a maniac. Almost seems like you were baiting on purpose, but that doesn't seem to be the case based on how you're acting. When you post something in the comment section, you're talking to everybody in the community, which you don't seem to understand.

eric lemieux

so according to the show runner, the reason it is 9 episodes instead of 10 is that they weren't able to complete one of the episodes in time. we will get to see it, it has just been pushed to season 2

Erich Bomke

The reception to this episode has me all warm and fuzzy! "They like it, they really like it!". <3

Scott Brown

Being better at fist fighting doesn't mean you're a better person, and you're proving that right now. Also, I have said nothing about Naruto at all in any of my posts, just about you being a jerk.

Erich Bomke

I think Vision could have laser killed anyone he wanted to, the different I think lies more in the element that Vision was a good guy and good guys dont just murder everything. In DC Batman could potentially just shoot every villain and the stories would be over. Its why guns are rare in hero hands in MCU. Where as Ultron has no issue with shoot first, question later.


So The Watcher is going to be the multiverse Nick Fury and he will put together the multi verse avengers: Evil Doctor Strange, T'Challa the Star Lord, King Killmonger, Captain Carter, Iron Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel. Well thats my theory. That may make this show connected to phase 5 and the multiverse of madness movie


"I'm a boxer in real life, so watch me act like a Keyboard Warrior in a Patreon comment section" lmao man you're goofy as hell "Hippy"


Wait wait, you want OUR addresses so WE can come see YOU? Did you think about that unintimidating line before you wrote it?

Pervy Sage

this kind of breaks the Infinity Gems are useless in the multiverse rule. I am guessing they don't have that in the MCU or I guess as Ultron said, anything is possible in an infinite possibility


I really enjoy The Normies, but I think this is a perfect example of to many cooks spoil the broth. Every 2 seconds some one is making a joke or talking over some one else. It's kinda like trying to watch those reaction videos of people in bars reacting to game of thrones. Why not just split it up? Do a 2 videos, reaction group A and reaction group B.


@Blackest Hippy bruh you a straight up 🤡


Its mostly Damarian and his unfunny jokes. Every time he opens his mouth i can't help but cringe.


If your actually about it catch me at 42 Wallaby Way Sherman St. Sydney, Australia I bet you won't pull up


Wow so now that i gave you an address you're making excuses? I knew you weren't about that action


I really dont think you can blame it on one person. It's a group mentality type of thing. It's fine if your just chilling with your friends watching a UFC fight or something and want to post the video


"Retconned it to 9" What does that mean? You can't change the continuity of our reality, and you can't retroactively change something before it happens.


What?? I mostly watched these because of his cool insights! Damarin's is perfect in which information to give without spoiling with comic knowledge. I wish he was in MORE reactions!