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Scott goes out in search of quotes for the serial killer piece while McNulty and Lester conspire to get a wire on Marlo in Season 5 Episode 5 of The Wire!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/GE-dDIhPqMQ

Premium uncut: (video above)


Latt Mee

not to age myself but I used to look through the newspapers for movie showtimes lol

John Richards

a little irony: Tom McCarthy, who plays the corrupt reporter Scott Templeton in "The Wire" went on to write and direct perhaps the best newspaper movie of all time, "Spotlight"


It dawned on me… wait. It’s Tuesday!! The Wire with the Normies day :)

Alwyn Smith

The reason why Dukie had that fight in the episode is because the actor's dog bit his face right before they started filming and they had to have a reason why he has a cut on his face.


Thing is, Scott's doing it for his ego and his career. McNulty's doing it for the resources to catch Marlo (the guy that is actually responsible for a serial killer body count) and he's doing it because of the guilt he felt over Bodie. I feel like you guys forget the fact Marlo killed 20-something people including Bodie, and that McNulty feels responsible for Bodie being added to the bodycount.


Spidey's trippin the Season 5 opening is fire

Elle B.

Same! We also used to call the theater and listen to the automated message listing showtimes. Simpler times.


I think the big thing about the serial killer plot line is how drastic it ends up being as a way to go after Marlo. Not saying the Barksdale arc didn't end perfectly, but if Stringer and Avon were still around and free come S5 it would feel less sudden of an idea that McNulty and Freamon would reach a point where they break all the rules to go after them.

charlie hume

I was refreshing all morning for this episode just to see your guys reaction to "joe gave us him just in time"

Kamina 1

Marlo a literal serial killer that no one gives af about. Jimmy, and Lester create fake serial killer who they eventually get enough of the right people to give af about. Now we have a wire for Marlo. Whether it works out for them or not is to be determined. Overall i thought it was pretty impressive how they were successful in using fake news to manipulate the system into moving how they wanted to move. It's unfortunate that this season isn't hitting for you Ketty. But unlike the Thrones finale, you're going to get some excellent closure by the end of this. Promise!

Kamina 1

Imagine for the series finale reaction of The Wire we get Micky, and Dustin on the couch *hype Intensifies*. We haven't heard anything from ether one of them in a long while.

