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Welp! It’s been very fun hanging out here for the past year. But I’ll be coming back to Patreon when we get loser to 322! I Just find the first half very boring. I’ll stick to YouTube until that time has come. 💙




Not one of the better written episodes lol Naruto's S-Rank mission could've been literally ANYTHING else lol It could've been practicing his new Nine-Tails mode until it's mastered

Ganesh Dhore

My god, the forest flip over discussion had me dying!!


Damn next week is gonna be so good 🔥

Neal Cabanos

I skipped these episodes as a kid and watching the not-market-substitute now makes me think that younger me was right. The reactions to this lunacy is entertaining AF tho


The trees are bc of Yamato doing deep forest emergence when the island flipped


17:33 Look at Rana's reaction. proving that she already knows who Tobi really is.


But that would defeat the entire purpose of sending him to that Island in the first place. From Naruto's POV, he's being sent to an Island (or "resort") to complete an S-Rank mission there, and so the mission can't actually be something that he can do practically anywhere else in the world (including the Leaf Village). So I guess the animal thing is the best that they could come up with. And correct me if I'm wrong, don't they eventually try to have him practice his new mode there anyways? I can't remember much but I think they tried to somehow make Naruto's practising of the new mode relevant in the S-Rank mission


Next week...yaaas 256...Cant wait for the reaction :D


I expected the best speech ever said in the show this week 🥲

Fred Carmichael

Awww suraj missed deidaras return, goddamnit


Armadicko yo lmao


@MojoJojoGojo Why don't you try to watch their reaction to Gon vs Hisoka re:anime. you will see and hear it in the discussion part. around 11 minutes and 40 seconds of the video.


If you ever watched Dragon ball they show Goku’s penis


where is nahid in all this?


Navi you don't need to be so adamant about Naruto trying to find out a gender of a giant armadillo...understand he's on a "official mission" trying to do his job and this came out a long time ago lol

Christina Meyer Zickowski

I forgot how much happens in this episode. First time ever seeing an armadillo pp on this show, Deidara is still hot, and Kabuto is a giant sperm with arms.

Ruben Lopez

Just a heads up Normies but there is a YouTube channel named Madra-senpai they are uploading all the recent Naruto Shippuden reactions. He also has more accounts that he lists in the videos. I reported but not really an option for copyright.

Kamina 1

Navi is queen. Always remember that.


Right? People are so touchy. It's not like he's trying to disrespect it. He's just trying to get accurate information.

Glenn Cabasso

Shoutouts to the Armadicklo


Ok, the Tree thing happened bc Yamoto wanted to save the animals during the flip. However I agree the light source is off, unless they had light coming from the floor too,


The armadillo dick is canon.


In a world where theres a room made of light that jinchuriki can train and fight there inner tailed beast, we still wonder how that turtle had light inside lol I blame it on the armadillo dick ☠


Cant wait for the peak moments of the war arc. But sadly I literally cant wait because its like 60+ episodes away 😭😭


the beginning of the war arc is SO SLOW but it its worth it once you reach a certain point and then its all up from there


they really cant even remember some stuff that happens during the episode smh


5:38 🤣