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Whoa. Never been first before lol



Neal Cabanos

Because you guys skipped the fillers… there are two filler episodes involving chasing the ninja ostrich. Yup… they dedicated two episodes to a talking ostrich instead of “Hey Naruto, tell us a story about one of your adventures during the timeskip.”


You guys make this episode 100x better


Edo Tensei is one of the best Jutsu in Naruto


On my site animefillerlist.com on manga canon this was considered a filler...

Redding Tier

It's definitely not a filler episode. It adapts chapter 512 and 513 of the manga. But there's a lot of padding that's filler material inserted in


where is Suraj? Need my dude back


The reanimation jutsu kabuto is using is the modified version of the jutsu orochimaru used in original naruto to fight the third hokage by reanimating 1st & 2nd hokage. I know it was a while ago but hopefully this comment refreshes the normies memory !!


Have you guys forgotten about the Reanimation Jutsu? Orochimaru used it to revive the First and Second Hokage during his fight against Hiruzen.

Anas Ghadfi

That was not an army of the dead. Look again.


They dont remember anything. You'll be at peace once you realize that.


A few things: The jutsu that Kabuto is using to revive the dead is the reanimation jutsu which is a jutsu that was also used by Orochimaru vs the Sarutobi. The Gedo statue is the statue that was used to extract the tail beasts from the users and is the summoning that Nagato used after Yahiko died.

Kamina 1

Armadigo is for the streets. Can't blame her for playing the field.

Kamina 1

Like one person already pointed out. You guys made the first half of this reaction enjoyable lol i laughed too much.

Guilermo Alonso

How are we still confused on the reanimation, they already teased people that kabuto can revive and how the are revived.


A reminder on the Reanimation Jutsu; its an earth style move that can bring someone back from the dead if they have a DNA sample, a physical body is not required. Their "shell" is made from earth and dust, and is host to the persons spirit. The tags Kabuto used were similar to the ones Orochimaru used when fighting the 3rd hokage, it is used to control the reanimated person

Lively Nili

Yamato has episodes dedicated to his backstory, they come up later in the series. Answers some of the questions you have of his history. Also Orochimaru's version of the Edo Tensei had the special Kunai suppress the resurrected's personality, whereas Kabuto's version reincarnates it.


That stupid fuckking ostrich, i completely forgot that he was in shippuden too


It is the same jutsu that Orochimaru used used improved significantly. The version Orochimaru used brought the 1st and 2nd Hokage back significantly weaker. He also supressed their personality to make them mindless puppets, he doesn't need to do that with Deidera.


Ranas notes ain't cutting it anymore, they need a person who has seen/read this series to recap info lmao

Arindrajit Sen

Na Micky not every only/mixed filler episodes are like this. This one was on the wilder side. Some fillers are really good. Some are not good but definitely nothing like this one.


This episode is really something else lmao


Shout out to Chris and his love of Avatar, same though.


chris i love avatar too and this episode always funny lol