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Michael goes into crisis mode after confronting his own mortality! Let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/JCKfLsXNepM

Premium uncut: (video above)


Pervy Sage

was this last week's?


But 2x3 was last week's..?

Deviant Parker

I can't wait for Jeremy Bearimy. That's my favorite part of this show along with Doug Forcett.

Dusty Glover

This is the correct episode and title. This is a 30 minute show but the first episode of this season and some others are 1 hour long instead. The first episode of this season is one 1 hour long episode not two 30 minute episodes. That episode does not have a break in the middle nor does it have two separate openings it is one episode that is an hour long. The confusion comes from the network where the show originally aired where the show was slotted as a 30 minute show. When the hour long episodes aired they technically where taking up two 30 minute time slots, but the creators of the show obviously only consider them one episode. This is only an issue because of how network television works, but they are not watching on t.v. they are watching on Netflix which has the correct episode listing.


omg you are right. I had to ask suraj what happened, I didn't know that episodes 1 + 2 were released as 1 episode. I will name them correctly moving forward! - marketa

Dusty Glover

No problem. I've seen people get confused by this before. Both ways of listing the episodes are technically correct, but judging by the fact that on Netflix and even the Blu-Ray's season two is supposed to only have 12 episodes I think it is clear the creators consider it to be one episode. Network t.v. has specific rules and regulations for how they do things because they need to sell time slots to advertisers. It is like when a movie is played on a network channel the movie is censored and cut for time and to make room for commercials but that is not the way it is meant to be watched.


Aw, how can anyone hate Jason!

Adam Singleton

Always gotta give it up for the visual effects supervisor for The Good Place, David Niednagel. He always makes so much weird stuff for the show like the unicorn and tons of hidden gags. He eventually gets a shoutout in universe.