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euanator 5000

When do we get the edited version?

Devil’s Arrow

I would suggest reading the manga for this arc. The adaptation is poor at best

Jarryd Thompson

Finally after much of waiting we finally come to it my villain accident is villain academia


You cant judge it until its over, and if you HAVE actually read the manga you will find that for the most part MVA has been VERY faithful and only minor things that have been removed. The adaptation is doing just fine dont listen to these haters. If you wanna bitch about bones re-ordering the arcs for this season, or them just dragging out the first half of this season so damn long sure go for it. So far for MVA they are adapting it well. Separate your hate for season 5 from this arc because so far this arc is doing very well.

Devil’s Arrow

I’m caught up with the manga and the amount of stuff that has been cut out and rushed damages the characters in this arc. Also the fact that this is only 4 episodes is ridiculous

Devil’s Arrow

@Pam We’ll just have to agree to disagree because I definitely see big problems with just this arc alone and I’m not here to argue with anyone

Divine Wrath

Can’t agree with ya there the animation and the amount of stuff cut hasn’t really been doing it for me


we've seen enough. This season is an embarrassing adaption


The animation is shit, I'll give you that. But the last 3 episodes can make up for it if they are good enough. the episode after the next is really good.


You guys are seriously blind if you think the animation is shit. MHA are the whiniest fanbase i have ever seen.


@aSackOfReactions Lol coming from the guy who's whining about other people not liking the animation this season 🤣


I think something that manga purists need to realize is that even though the pacing and animation quality of this season has been subpar (I guess because of the movie? idk), most anime fans would still rather take that than switch to the manga which has NO animation, no color, no voice acting, no music, etc. Yes the storytelling and art may be superior in certain instances but that's just not enough to win most people over. Also it's worth noting that people who are anime-only don't really feel as strongly negative about this season as manga fans do, since they haven't seen the alternative. I myself definitely felt the pacing slowness and animation degradation for most of this season, but I felt like MVA so far has been going really great, and had no idea people had an issue with it until I checked reddit and stuff lol. So telling anime watchers to switch to the manga, even though they're enjoying the anime just fine, just comes across as you being an elitist. (Also I don't see the point in telling a reaction channel to read the manga, lmao, they're obviously not going to)


@Pam idc about animation and art quality that much tbh or the censorship, but Bones have definitely fucked this arc over to an extent (and people are even angrier over it than normal because it was fucked over for yet another non canon bs movie). To say the anime version of this arc is "very faithful" and "only minor things have been removed" is straight up lies. They've removed a lot of big and important stuff too, mostly character stuff (specifically stuff about Spinner, Re-Destro and Shigaraki himself, but others too).

Manny D.

Which people tho? Are Japanese fans angry over it? Because that’s the only fans the animators are ever going to care about. I don’t know either way how the Japanese fans feel, but getting angry over that stuff if pointless IMO. The animators will never care about our opinions, one way or another.

Dino Morte

I literally go to the chapter that was "censored" in the anime and it is the exact same. That goes for upcoming eps too. smh. Y'all just talking.

Deji Sauce

At least episode 22 was well adapted so I will give them that

Daniel Gonzalez

Like i read the manga and im completely fine with this part admittedly they did drag the class A vs B stuff out but people just love to complain nothing is ever good enough in the age of entitlement

Mr. I Like Spam

Amanda D. It's ONE OF the least liked arcs by the Japanese fanbase and the class A vs class B is more liked than MVA arc.

Jack veliz

why isn't this ahead?