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Kisame and Itachi were the most unproblematic Akatsuki duo It's good to see him being true to himself in death and deciding to be loyal to his comrades


Yes, Kisame is the shit. He is a very good example of how a shinobi should be. He always had the guts to do what is needed to be done whatever it takes, even to kill his own comrades. And in the very end, he was loyal to Madara and to the Akatasuki. HE IS THE SHIT.


RiP to a real one...even tho he was our enemy everyone respects a character like Kisame...lasted the longest out of the Akatsuki lower members too


Kisame wast the most loyal out of everyone in the Akatsuki. He was Loyal to Madara to the very end.

Liam D

Wtf lol, a comrade killer is definitely not what a shinobi should be.

Kevin Kovacs

Kisame is such an underrated character... like he had a short/simple backstory with a very impactful end to his character. even though I wish Kisame had more screen time in the series but I'm satisfied with this as well!! :)


Did Nahid quit Naruto or something?


The process in getting to this point is a disaster but damn its a good moment.


I love that no matter how strong Kisame was Gai could never remember him but him chossing a noble death is the thing that made Gai respect him forever. Interesting that Gai values that compared to raw power

Daniel Sessions

I really like this death scene and just the back story we got in general. I think it definitely made Kisame a much more interesting character with honestly a perfect ending for him. I also really like how you can see a lot of similarities between him and Itachi


This is one of my favorite episodes in the series. Kisame gets his flowers by making Might Guy go all the way to the 7th gate to take him out which is already incredibly strong in itself, but we also see a glimpse of the relationship he had with Itachi and Kisame in the end went out like a real shinobi. He rather kill himself than sell out his crew.


Calm down it was one episode that wasn’t great to get to this


Wheres uncut?

Myles Oates

Next week’s reaction is gonna be legendary


Next week boiiiii

Kamina 1

Sharks are misunderstood. It's Dolphins you gotta worry about.


I need Hunter to explain to them how edo tensei works before next episode

Kamina 1

Great edit Micky man.

Abdul Manneh

I think they should do like a quiz type video before starting war arc.. they did one for part 1 back in the day I believe

George Bondo

Chris' calves looking like they could kick through tree trunks


Haha Suraj loves a good villain

Flex i cute

17:11 Rana “Man I really want to see Madara” Next few words… Me - Aw man you were so close!


I think it 's not bad if they watch Itachi Shiden now right? I think waiting til 390+ th episode is not the way

Queef Burglar

chris see's things only in black and white...he has no grey area....if you have to kill someone you love for the sake of humanity, than your not a bad person ....


Both Zabuza and Kisame went out like true ninja. Nothing but respect for them

Deji Sauce

In order for you to kill someone or a group of people for the sake of humanity and for the better I would say ur a grey character. Tbh I always and I will keep saying this but Itachi is a very misunderstood character

Eric Parker

Kissame is much more interesting than people give him credit for.


I just realized what the next two episodes are and it's going to be sick! Gotta get that PAPER


Broooo next week is gonna be LITTT :D


Let’s just triple drop from here on 🥸

Enver Doran

Again with calling kisame a bad dude. For what? Doing his job, which is killing code breakers before they fall into enemy hands. You have seen the code breakers do you really think they stood any chance if they are caught. No they dont they are weak and probably spill everything within seconds and the whole ninja town and country will be in danger. There are moments in war where they sacrifice a lot for information. If you have read enigma machine stories then you know that in the second world war allies sometimes let nazis sink battkeships so they dont know the enigma machine code is broken, a lot of people died but if nazis knew the machine code was broken and changed it a lot more would have died. It is a shitty choice but there are shitty questions and choices in life. Kisame was an intelligence officer before akatsuki and after akatsuki and a pretty damn good one.


That stuff makes him more complex but he's obviously not a good dude


Rana is right…. Itachi is the best!


Correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't those stairs in the background of the Itachi and Kisame flashback where Itachi and Orochimaru had their "talk"?


Something interesting nobody catches naruto tells sasuke how can I be hokage if I can’t save one Conrad and itachi who story was not being able to save his whole clan but he saved one person aka his brother so that’s t sasuke got mad in there first confrontation since of naruto FYI for itachi hokage 😂


Gonna keep this vague just in case, but based on that discussion, they’ve 100% been spoiled haven’t they?


Itachi and Kisame, Fire and Water, both killers of comrades, but for the greater good. Both are spies, both left surprise traps after their death, they are considered two of the strongest akatsuki members behind Pain and Madara. One is a master of Genjutsu and the other over Ninjitsu. Both ended their own life in a way, both remained loyal to their cause. Itachi was willing to do anything to protect his village and little brother. Kisame was willing to do anything to protect his village and the value of truth and trust. I can see why they were paired together,

Charlie Fyb

guys talk way to much , pay more attention 🤡

AyPeeElTee .

let Micky speak! lols,




Ugh I'm gonna sound like a broken record. But Nahid would have loved this episode. Kisame was a true comrade to the Akatsuki and to Itachi. You guys call him the bad guy because you're seeing this from the Leaf's perspective. No character is entirely good or bad because that's just boring writing. I wish you would be more open minded and appreciate what Kishimoto is trying to tell you with these characters and the way that they are. But honestly you're several hundred episodes in and you're still acting like literal normies and not progressing whatsoever...


Also that last speech by Itachi was one of the greatest lines in the show and you joked and talked over it again. Like you don't pick up on mood changes and social cues, and just laugh at the worst times. I haven't been this disappointed since the OG Naruto when Rock Lee dropped his weights and you didn't react at all. That scene was ICONIC. That era of Naruto along with the Zabuza arc were the realest


Worth to add, they are not you. They are their own person. Not everyone reacts the same as oneself. And if that make you mald, go ahead and unsub. Cuz i doubt they would care. You need the waterfall of truth treatment. End.

Arindrajit Sen

Just fyi the fifth lady Mizukage said how Madara controlled the fourth mizukage you see here and became the birth place of the Akatsuki.

Arindrajit Sen

Man I hope Nahid watches all of these episodes.

Darren Metts

I’m trying so hard not to spoil but man if they think guy is cool now oh man


@The Normies yeah Kisame's backstory does make you respect him more kinda sad too and the knowledge about the sharks is still insane to me!!! Itachi much love!!!


Suraj making a DARK reference... I love the losties/darkies :D


This episode turned a funny gag into an amazing character arc for both Guy and Kisame. Some people believe Guy is just dumb and that's why he forgets his opponent's names, but the main reason is that he doesn't believe they're worth remembering, they're not true shinobis in his eyes. Kisame ending his own life to protect his people (good or bad) showed that he was a true shinobi, and someone worth remembering.

Shallow Truth

Listen when Guy said "I thought I told you not to move" I still find that so attractive wtf is wrong with me looool. No but fr, Guy really is ruthless like Rana said. He comes off as a clown, and although it's true to an extent - he's extremely powerful and can be serious when his friends are in danger which is only part of why he's top 5 for me.

Daniel Sessions

Chris and Suraj you are 1000% wrong both Itachi and Kisame killed their comrades for the exact reason, they were ordered too. The real difference is Itachi remained loyal to the Leaf afterward, Kisame did not with the Mist. Also yeah KIsame did seem like he might have enjoyed doing that when he was talking to Itachi, but that scene was these two infamous bad ass rogue ninjas sizing each other up and seeming not all intimated by the other. Because think about it if Kisame really did enjoy it then that whole crisis of self speech he made would mean nothing at all.