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McNulty goes off the deep end with his frustration in the city government's inability to investigate cases, while Gus struggles to keep the newsroom to a high standard in Season 5 Episode 2 of The Wire!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/LwHs_ahjfEI

Premium access uncut: (video above)


John Richards

The girl at the NA meeting has had her own character arc over 3 seasons.. She was in a car buying drugs in Hamsterdam, buying cigarettes' at Old Face Andre's shop, and now in NA with Bubs. The level of background detail that makes me love this show.

Martin Heron

This is where S5's reduced episode number hits hardest. I feel like having three or four episodes to build up to McNulty's choice at the end would've made it seem a bit more naturally paced, but they just didn't have the time.


To be fair to HBO, they were willing to give the writers more episodes, but the writers felt they only needed 10. I'm guessing in their eyes McNulty's descent happened over the time jump.


"Oh really? I think you need a lot of context to seriously examine anything." <- thesis of the series right here


One thing I noticed this time, Scott announced the type of person he wanted to find and the type of story he wanted to write, when he got given that opportunity to cover the game, before even going to that baseball game. A very small way he gives away that he writes what he wants, not what he finds.


I think a lot of people missed the beauty of the meeting with Avon and Marlo, it was something Avon always wanted Stringer to understand and never could. That scene showed the STREET SMARTS OF AVON to understand what Marlo was trying to do, Avon for once actually did business like STRINGER and would allow Marlo what he wanted if he got MONEY out of the trade. The scene ended amazing as well with Avon asking how was everything besides the situation at hand and Stringer would always talk about school, investments, real estate, but Marlo replied with an answer that Avon always understood and Stringer couldn’t.

Kamina 1

Well you can't imagine Jimmy in past seasons doing this because Jimmy in past seasons didn't feel directly responsible for someone's death. Kima situation comes close, but not quite. Even then you have to factor in that this is Jimmy after 5 seasons of dealing with the same bullshit. This serial killer plotline turn isn't necessary the best, but it certainly feels like something Jimmy would do if pushed to the brink. We saw the gears turning in his head a couple times in this same episode. Could this have been given one more episode to develop? Sure. But i was never surprised by the decision he made.

Martin Heron

For sure. I feel like the style and pacing in the 2nd half of the series retroactively justifies the 1st half, as it really grows into being a much more bluntly satirical season, but at this point it feels like they're rushing.

Joe Mama

Anyone know why I can’t watch this in full screen landscape mode? Video crashes every time I rotate my phone :(


Marketa really just doesn’t understand Avon’s character at all does she.

Philip G.

Rotate phone then start vid. Or if you start vid and try full screen and it crashes then rotate phone while vid is still playing


So the women in the opening scene at the NA meeting was buying dope in hamsterdam with a bunch of of college kids in season 3, then in season 4 she is a prostitute who goes into old face Andre's shop. Season 5 she's telling stories at an NA meeting. Character development of someone with 3 scenes through 3 seasons.

Kwame James

I didn't realize that she was the same person on first watch but like they say all the pieces matter


Wow! Great catch. I never noticed that.


EXACTLY! And on top of dealing with the same shit, all of the police departments are dealing with cutbacks and no overtime. A lot of people also forget that Jimmy would constantly go around the ENTIRE chain of command straight to the judge in order to get the focus on Avon in the very first season. And this was before anyone in the department (including Jimmy) even knew what Avon looked like. Now in this season, MOST OF THE DEPARTMENT knows that at least 22 murders are tied to one man who’ve they’ve been gathering evidence on, and major Crimes still gets broken up. As you said, the descent was a little rushed, but it made since to me as well.


RIP Michael K. Williams

John M.

The opening credits this season are done by Bubbles sponsor, Steve Earle. If you know the song Copperhead Road, that's him. (It's from 1988, but it still plays on the radio occasionally.) On Avon, it is fun to see him, but he cuts a sad figure, I think, which is why he's essentially comic relief.