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Bliss 28



Even men cried in this moment


Laura bailey did such a amazing job with Kushina. I cry allot during this :/


Yep. It was such a nice idea to watch this at 3 AM. Now I can't sleep because I'm still emotional.

Chaos T

This episode...


The first time I shed actual tears


Someone put away the damn onions


after the pain arc. You really just get moments like these. You will see the issues


To answer ur question guys it was Danzo that revealed to the village that naruto had the nine tailed beast in him which made the village hate him

Kevin Kovacs

And that's "best girl" for you Normies!!! even though she didn't lived for too long... :( one of the best episode in the whole show ever like this whole arc is up there with the Pain arc for sure (at least for me) story,characters, fight(s) but it wasn't like Naruto VS Pain level animation or anything like that but it was short BUT epic AF!


It's been said Hitler cried during this episode too🥲😭

Richard McClure

I think the confusion is with the reaper death seal it’s basically the eye for an eye sealing jutsu you die and are imprisoned by the shinigami along with whatever it is that you sealed away so minato dying and being imprisoned was the price for the same to happen the that half of the nine tails. Unless you do a reverse ritual like you guys mentioned then you pay the same price to get something out life for life


So a few things. Sarutobi had to to inform the Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf what took place, and that Naruto was the new jinchuriki. This is because the tailed beast is an important asset to the village. He did however, declare that Naruto's parents be kept secret and his Family name would be Uzumaki instead of Namikaze (Minato's Family name). This is because if other villages knew the 4th Hokage had a child, that child would be the target of everyone. The 4th Hokage is the reason the last war ended. He quite literally mass murdered thousands of other ninjas in the blink of an eye. To say they feared and revered him would be selling it short.


The Tailed Beast are like masses of Charka given form. If they die the charka will reform somewhere else later in the future. Its the reason they have to seal them in the first place


I doubt they will be going through what fans had to endure when we had to wait for one episode each week. Think about it they skipped almost 40 episodes to get to these last three. Around that time I was cussing out the creates of the show for having me check each episode hoping it was canon but to be pissed off for a good 30 min.

Chili Chanda

Sarutobi decided to keep Naruto's lineage a secret because Minato as the fourth hokage had a lot enemies who would potentially target Naruto, thats why he has his mother's last name. He also banned talking abbout the 9 tails in hopes that the kids would grow up not hating naruto unlike their parents.


Sarutobi a whole bitch for not taking care of naruto idc

_ FlusterCluck

Naw man, nine tales was getting controlled and was being attacked so if the control was given back to him the only thing to do is fight back or run


"Thank you for being born to us" is the best thing you could hear


After this is the perfect time to watch Road to Ninja!


People said the Pain arc is the peak, but there's plenty of big moments after it. Also they said the Sannin didn't know Kushina due date, she was to give birth in secret to avoid what happened. Of course the village couldn't account for a man who is supposed to be long dead.


I'm sure a lot of people wanted him to see these moments.

Zack Aranda

That's because they're talking about an entire arc, not just some cool moments here and there


What happened to Nahid? Why’d he leave?

Emmanuel Roberson

One of the reasons people say it peaked is because even during future arcs, it starts dragging. Danzo told the village. He's the 4th Hokage son, it's dangerous for him if others knew that.


Actually Jiraiya already finished training the Orphans for awhile at this point. Remember Jiraiya hadn’t even met Minato yet when he was at the rain village


Also Momma Uzumaki was so strong, she had Nine Tails extracted immediately after giving birth, survived the ritual (!) AND still was faster than Minato (!!!) to save her child

Quinton Campbell

these last few episodes were the only times i've watched the uncut lol


Another vote for you guys to watch Road to Ninja! It's written by Kishimoto and is probably the best overall Naruto movie. Pre-war arc is the perfect time to watch it.

AyPeeElTee .

I wish we could have seen Nahid's reaction to these episodes

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

No Chris lmao that's not how it works. The Nine Tails is split in two. Stay on that.


Man I was hoping until the end. He was ment to be there 😔


Yeah, people are wrong about this stopping being good after the pain arc. There's even wayyyy more top tier stuff to come too. This show never stops being good in my opinion. There's flaws, but man is it good


Yep its a bunch of really high highs and really low lows. The war arc had so much potential and it only lived upto about half of that potential but still there are a LOT of great moments ahead


Anyone saying that this series drops off after the Pain arc probably just hasn't watched the show after that. Now the War arc does have some bad parts to it but there are still great parts within the arc as well. Overall there is noticable drop off at points like before the real last battle where we witness probably the worst inclusion of a character ever.


Nah bro there's definitely a drop off, maybe not RIGHT after pain... the kage summit was pretty good but after this point the show takes a pretty big dive, there are some really good highlights in the episodes to come but the writing just gets so messy and things get too convoluted and they try to do way too much for a single arc. the writing is never again on par with the pain arc, the action and epicness yes but the writing no.

Blackest Hippy

only people saying it got worst after the pain arc are idiots. period.

Abdul Manneh

So u belive the war arc was a better arc than sasuke shippuden or pain arc story wise. Most ppl were bored untill the dancing god came through fuck shit up then fell flat again in the mid after picking up again

Abdul Manneh

Sarutobi still a bum letting danzo run idle wen he knew how nasty that fucker was. Danzo tried assainated him multiple times but he was too soft so much for the God of shinobi of his era who is featless


He became a teacher in Uganda helping the children learn about anime that theyve never seen..he's spoils them every detail with passion

my new name

Shippuden after Pain Arc is not bad but it’s just not as good (in my opinion).

Benjamin Donahue

The power balance is a politcal thing not so much an actual balance for the tailed beasts themselves. Remember that that the tailed beasts and Jinchuriki are like nukes in our world so a known loss of one can be viewed as a major weakness further more exaserbated by the fact that this thing will reemerge naturally and largely at random which would be both a natural disaster and a huge resource competition at the same time. I don't know if its ever fully stated but my understanding is that Minato took his actions here as a means to prevent what could potentially spark a 4th Great Ninja War. Kushina was all for killing it to spare her child and the village from immanent destruction, Minato looked a little more big picture in terms of secondary and tertiary affects over the next generation.

Michael Diaz

Jiraiya literally mentioning the 3 prohibitions waaaaaay back when he and Naruto were searching for Tsunade makes this so great how consistent this show can be despite the things that aren't. o:

Darren Metts

I definitely enjoyed the war arc far more than the pain arc your idk if you didn’t


Adding to the post-show discussions. Any Soul sealed by Reaper Death Seal (both sealer and sealed souls) will suffer for eternity in the belly of the Reaper, as mentioned by Sarutobi to Orochimaru in his battle before dying. As per this 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Hokage's can't be reanimated. 4th because he sealed the half of nine tails and he was sealed by reaper death seal. 1st, 2nd, and Orochimaru's justu were sealed by the 3rd, so 3rd was also sealed inside the reaper death seal. So, these 4 can't be reanimated by the reanimation Jutsu. Reference, Netflix Naruto Season 3 Episode 21 (Subs). Please don't comment on any spoilers.


Right... Naturally


Minato and Kakashi gaiden are probably some of my favorites besides the Pain arc. Glad y'all enjoyed this one.


There's a reason why Orochimaru picked Lady Tsunade to fix his sealed arms, she would've healed him. People really forget she's the best healer of all time even. especially after the 4th war ended.


Jiraiya wasn't with the orphans because that happened before the 2nd war ended and he literally left them during the war too... This 9 tails event happened way after the 2nd war and 3rd war... Jiraiya was always out of the village.


Chris is right about the nine tails, think of him as just “chakra” with a personality, if you kill him the chakra disperse and over years come back together to form the nine tails again, that’s why some people thought the nine tails attack was a natural disaster, they thought he just appeared

Abdul Manneh

Your in the minority especially watching it as it aired almost dropped this shit.


Lmao Suraj right at the beginning of the video "Remember when Naruto was supposed to be your every day average kid, like, you could be Naruto?". I sure do, it's one of the many reasons i hated the direction the series took with these latter stages.

Keep It Zen

Best Anime Parents. One of the most emotional episodes ever.


Great reaction now learn a lot of new information I love when you guys are speechless and enjoying the show


I was waiting for years for y'all to get up to this point y'all finally here it is more to go keep up the great reaction you guys


I think navi confused hinata and her parents with sakura lol


This episode is hard to watch

Lively Nili

Best girl for sure, no one even comes close. The fact the she didn't die straight away, restrained the nine tails while dying and intercepted his nail to shield Naruto is mind blowing. And one of the best characters in the show Minato having amazing perception to recognise the 'Masked Man' would be a global threat in the future. And that his son would stop him. One of the best set of parents in all of anime. And for those hating on Sarutobi for his nurturing methods lol He was the stand in Hokage who looks after an entire village. It's also a job that comes with tons of work that from what we've seen, takes up the majority of a persons time (Tsunade's work load lol). To add more to that fact, he had to protect Naruto's identity as the legacy of the 4th. Minato had a lot of enemies in all the other villages. Him being seen with Naruto would have raised some eyebrows in the other villages. He even made sure Iruka was teaching him. Not defending him lol just seeing it from his perspective. Side thought: Naruto has only had half of the Nine Tails within him. And we've seen how devastating that power has been, could you even imagine how powerful he would've been with the full thing, and how incredibly risky it would be to have an infant bear it? Minato really did make the best decision.


Lmao. Naruto stans trying their hardest to deny the valid criticism about the series falling off after the pain arc. The normies already see the flaws in the writing. They can sometimes be dumb but you can't seriously stop them from developing their own opinion once they see all the rushed areas of the story and dragged out spots and unnecessary story and asspulls in some parts and just in general the writing flaws that continue to happen. But they probably don't care cause they are getting money so I doubt they will admit it.


Honestly, I feel like Naruto has some of the highest highs and lowest lows of anything I’ve ever seen or read. Ever since the start of the series, not just after the Pain arc. The highs make it worth trudging through the lows, and these episodes are a high point. Unfortunately, what’s coming up are some of the lows. I still think it’s worth watching up until at least this point of the series. The good outweighs the bad. There are definite flaws, but nothing is perfect. The only fans (of anything, really) that I don’t like are the ones that can’t see the flaws. Accept them, but love it despite them.


Too bad Naruto didnt listen to Kushina and got the most cookie cutter girl


Love how much in awe you guys were in these reactions. Top notch story telling on Kishimotos part

Matthew Knell

Well I think the moral of the story was that even though naruto wasn’t a natural at being a skilled ninja. He worked hard enough to become stronger than them all through perseverance and hard work.


Nahid unfortunately isn’t doing reactions anymore. He put out a video about it a month or two ago.

Abdul Manneh

On this same day present I hear him say "spoilers is the coolest guy ever" and ppl tell me naruto is a realistic mc lol

Arindrajit Sen

11:17 Sarutobi died after the reaper death seal in OG Naruto (He was old as well so...) but Minato still did the sealing of the rest half of nine tails in Naruto after that and that was quite a long time judging by the situation he was in and then getting pierced by the 9 Tails' finger nail.

Arindrajit Sen

Minato left more chakra of Kushina inside Naruto's seal which meant when the time came she could spend a longer time with her son. That's why Kushina is able to talk to Naruto for at least this much time whereas Minato had just time to warn him of about the danger(Madara) and that he believed in his son that he can harness the power of the 9 Tails coz it's a parent's duty to believe in their child.

Arindrajit Sen

They don't point it out properly here but Minato sealed the Yin half of Kurama inside him and sealed the Yang half (The good/lesser evil half) of Kurama in Naruto. And ya the half inside Naruto can regain it's power but the power only that half has. Like in the Naruto and Kurama fight you see Kurama become skinnier when Naruto takes out his chakra. So he can regain back that much chakra/power that he lost but he can't regain back the power that the other half has. So basically he'll always remain half as powerful as his original self but he can regain the full power that, that particular half itself has. If this is a spoiler someone tell me and I'll delete it. I don't think this is but still.

Abdul Manneh

Jiraiya literally said yang half seal in naruto and here we see minato seal one half inside himself and the rest in naruto. I understood this as a teenager watching it


Doesn't matter how many times I watch this episode. I always cry. So much sadder now that I'm a mom. Literally crying here and my toddler is patting me on the shoulder.


Fun fact: Danzo was the one that told the villagers about naruto, that’s how everybody knew


@The Normies yeah when i first saw this episode I was balling my eyes out and I still cry but i didn't cry this time because i was holding the tears back and the tears almost came out


I'm glad that I've watched this show, and it admittedly has some of the greatest moments in shounen anime history but wow does the production of it just bog me down at times. It's like the studio did whatever it could to make it as borderline un\watchable as possible. This part of the story is fantastic but when I see other people getting into Naruto I feel like I have to lay out the massive problems I felt this shows has production and writing wise.


These last few episodes are an emotional roller coaster. From Sadness to excitement back to sadness. Really makes you connect with Naruto and retroactively makes you think of how the older shinobi in the village look at Naruto.