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The Holocron trilogy continues! 

Premium access episode: https://youtu.be/7wmfFCYpqQw

Uncut: (video above) 


Frankie H

They've actually used AT-TE's in space before. Anakin placed them on asteroids and had them blow up separatist frigates from behind in that episode where R2 was stolen. Sometimes the clones just call them "tanks" in the show instead of "AT-TE's" (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer). Also Suraj's description of frigates is not accurate. Frigates are not cargo ships or freighters. The definition of a frigate varies across sci-fi. In the Expanse the Roci is called a light frigate. In star wars frigates are medium sized warships. Anything larger than a frigate in stars wars is called a cruiser.


you guys are gonna love all the reference that fallen order got from clone wars !


oh and no anakin asked clones to carry master ropals body you guys talked and didnt hear


You expect these people to pay attention? That’s funny 😆