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You asked, and you shall receive! A double drop is underway! 

Premium reaction: https://youtu.be/hyoBdYZY-rY

Premium uncut: (video above) 


Jeppe Oliver Danielsen

Double drop! Is it Christmas already? Thanks Normies Team.

Pervy Sage



Jason says Bortles because he is a Jaguars fan and loves Blake Bortles.

Deviant Parker

Blake Bottles was the mediocre quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars at the time. Back then all the stupidest football fans in the world thought he was good, when it was obvious to anyone with a functional brain that he was terrible. History proved the dummies wrong.

James Jones

Sorry, Nikki. The only frozen yogurt in the show can be seen in the pilot episode. Everything else is actually mashed potatoes and food coloring.