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What did you think of the latest Disney + / Marvel addition? In the first episode, we explored the possibilities of what one decision could change in Captain America's fate. 



What If Marvel went full Left.


you're subbed to a channel called the Normies, blindwave, and then some waifu trap. W u t lol doesn't seem very 'right' of you


Marvel’s been full left for a while now. Where have you been?

Erich Bomke

Closes eyes with fingers crossed "please like the lighting, please like the lighting..."


You guys should include the pre show and post show discussion included in the Uncut.


It’s a cheap way of getting double viewing (pessimistic) also, the file size would be that much larger, just adding to their already long download and upload times (optimistic)


True. Just a little inconvenience when they release the uncut before. Or having to go back and forth to hear discussion.

Erich Bomke

Uncuts don't require the editing. Its just a product of the edit.


Ehh I’m hoping the next episodes are better cause this was 6/10, maybe a 7/10 at best…

Chris K.

Funny Suraj wants a live action Captain Carter, you might get lucky...

Daniel Gotenks

this was an ok episode. not the best but not the worst

alex Cita

can wait last week


Imagine crying about comic material. Was it "Leftist" back when it was written moron?

TinCan Cosmanaut

I’m with you Phillip. I don’t mind it. At all! Like sigourney weaver in alien or Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. My favorite movies of all time. But when it’s so obviously jammed in your face like this or captain marvel it doesn’t feel… organic? I dunno. Preachy I guess.

Chaos T

This series will be amazing if they give us "What If The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe". EDIT: After doing some research on the topic I can't help but conclude the comic book writers were on some crazy drugs when the "What If?" publication in Marvel became a thing. There's literally a "What if Venom possessed Deadpool" comic.