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We reach the interim, the pre-show, the part right before everything goes down. The Great Nations are getting ready for WAR!


Bliss 28

Numero uno

Ivan Gamez

Every week we get closer and closer to Kushina


looks like someone is getting a tattoo


he's taking a break from the normies/youtube/reacting.. don't know for how long though


It's said that the reason this opening is so fun and cheerful is because 2011 is the same year when the tsunami hit Japan. It's believed they were trying to cheer up the people by making this so upbeat and funny


Navi better be here

John Vick

No Sarutobi tried to stop the 3 rd coffin because 3 reanimated Hokage would be too much vs him alone... he would had stopped the other two too, but Orochimaru was too fast. So that logic is wrong.... I tell you right now that Madara is not scared of Minato.


If you were real friends.. find Suraj a dope Orochimaru tattoo or a snake with a headband or some shit

Fred Carmichael

Can you guys just stfu and stop correcting them when they speculate wrong?? Thats the whole point of yhese reactions, we want them to be wrong so that when they realise they are wrong the reaction is better


Pretty sure the opening is cheerful because of an earthquake or something that happened in Japan and they wanted to cheer people up.


I literally said that to myself aloud last week when he said that lol

Malik Black

Navi is so fine

Pervy Sage

yay Navi is back!


I never liked how they made him back into the dumb main character! For me. Naruto isn’t a character that should be dumb for the rest of the series. I wish he stayed mature after meeting Nagato

Darryl Lowe

I like Navi's hair

Raul Iggynashow

Motoi keeping an eye on kid Bee is like Hinata always keeping an eye on kid Naruto from a distance.

Christopher Charles

Don't look to far into the Raikage brother thing

Chaos T

The Japanese tsunami was the reason why the opening is cheerful.


Didn't even notice she left tbh


How dare you tell Killer Bee to stop rapping? Thats toxic asf Suraj 😤😂

Eric Parker

Don’t over think the coffin lol


If I see 1 more comment about the OP's tone being influenced by the 2011 Japanese tsunami...


That is how it works. If killer bee died then the tailed beast within him would of died as well.


"Hashtag not my Itachi" Oh boy, cant wait


Raikage and Bee aren't blood related


Yooo hahaha the Storm Generations Killer Bee rap cutscene in the outro though 🙌🙌

Michael Diaz

I like that they remembered a third coffin Orochimaru had that was never revealed and speculate it's the 4th Hokage. I also find it hilarious that they conveniently left out the part where Sarutobi sealed all 3 away with the Reaper Death Seal. (As well as himself now that I think about it)

Michael Diaz

"If I killed master Bee then the 8 Tails would also die" Navi: "That's not how it works." That IS how it works.....

Michael Diaz

Chris, your speculation that Bee is privately the saddest person in the world sorta falls flat when you remember the whole point of this revelation was about how Bee learned to master the 8 Tails. He mastered the waterfall part in no time at all, while Naruto is having a hard time. A reminder, the waterfall is showing the Jinchuuriki their own negative side, darkness, sadness and anger. If anything, it's no surprise to know Naruto has a lot of sadness in him. But it's interesting to find out that, while he's becoming a little bit more saint-like on the outside, he's also got a lot of hatred within him.


Yeah, i dont usually do this, but you guys as well as us would def benefit from a triple drop, if not next week then the week after would be even better. it would be best for the story arc your about to get.

Johnny Blue

Spamming this doesn't make it come true faster. They don't have the episode backlog for this to happen at all. This isn't going to change any time soon.


You know, the whole 'we never see Bee sad on the outside' discussion is really interesting. Because a lot of people probably saw Naruto the same way. He was that kid who pulled pranks and always put on a smile. And most people still thought he was obnoxious for it, but rarely did we ever see him lash out or crumble into something that looked like sadness in public from the way he was treated. (The only exceptions I can really think of are during that little Iruka arc.) But he's the central character, so we get to see that he did get sad once he was on his own. We only get to see Bee's story from an outside perspective. As much as I love to think of him just being genuinely in good spirits all the time, I think it's very plausible that he was secretly sad. It's an interesting perspective conversation.


Didn't think i could love ya'll anymore, till i saw the dunkaroos on the table lol


yeah im one of those pepole who hides the sadness that's why i love Naruto so much because i connect to it


what do y’all nitpick? Each other’s commentary, fits, or the show when the cameras are off?