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Emilia goes down memory lane and sees what led to the ultimate freeze of her people. 

PS: We're dumdums and made dumdum assumptions about Emilia's parents' relationship out of nothing. The dub did us no favors keeping it extra vague and prompting us to think of the worst. We now know she is not, in fact, an incest baby. Our apologies for misinterpreting and misunderstanding what was being said. 

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/2NdDZdbZO0A

Uncut: (video above)


Anas Ghadfi

Thank you normies for admitting your fuckups. Greatly respect it. That being said, the dub was very clear. You should go back and see for yourself.

Jesse Collins

One thing I like to clarify is that Emilia's pass was a 100 years before the present. And the time The Witch of Envy nearly devoured the world was 300 prior to that. Hence why Fortuna mentioning last episode if the seal was to be open, then the world will end 'this time'. Also: It was great for you yah to mention messing up on the whole 'Who's Emilia's mother and how was she born?' thing. I would recommend you adding that mentioning in the YouTube version as that's the next reaction available to all next week. And there will be more criticism if it's left not acknowledge.


Real parents gone/died before she really knew them, locked in a big tree for most of her life, witnessed the demise of her only home up to that point, witnessed her only father-figure kill her only mother-figure, carried her dead mother in her arms as she slowly froze herself solid, had her memories shredded to remove all trace of the one responsible for all that misery (who is still alive), and finally, had fake memories added that resulted in her thinking the whole incident was all her fault just so she wouldn't go completely crazy. ..... Even for a series full of tragic, horrible backstories, Emilia's is especially emotionally charged and draining. Also, I guess Pandora wasn't expecting Emilia to take a magical trial to re-experience all those memories.

Adam Lenarduzzi

“Look. You must look., That is the result of your actions. By doing nothing, you practiced sloth..., And because of that, the girl is dead! You killed her! How awful! How awful! With my arm, with my fingers... You... You... You... You... You... killed her...” - Betelgeuse Romani Conti (Sin Archbishop of sloth) Season 1 Episode 15 I just wanted to point out the amazing foreshadowing/ Callback the story does with Betelgeuses backstory. “with my arms with my fingers… You killed her” In the context of the scene he says it in he’s referring to himself killing rem as subaru does nothing but in the context of his backstory it refers to pandora. Tricking Betelgeuse into killing fortuna by making her appear as her.

Anas Ghadfi

Mickey talked over very important dialogue. Pandora was saying to emilia at the end that she was gonna erase her memories of her(pandora's) existence so she wouldn't hate her.


MHA, 2 min recaps/ intro & outro every time + filler episode. Re:zero… what if we played the intro/ outro 3 times… & didn’t have 2 min recaps. You gotta appreciate how much effort white fox put in. They jammed in as much content as humanly possible & extra long episodes (& even then they skipped some stuff ).


& here some cool trivia (hope you guys actually read it. LoL). Back in the 500’s in our worlds history,, the pope said ,” X deadly sins is too many. Change it to 7. “. So they changed the original x number of sins to 7. I know there were complaints that “ohh 7 deadly sins again… “ so I hope vanities introduction spices things up. I was pleasantly surprised the author chose to go with the original number of sins. ( I learned about the original sins from the history channel 5ish years ago. )


The dub is not at fault it was clear they just dont want to talk about her parents. Yall sometimes just think something and latch onto it instead of going back and checking. Its not just this show or this dub. Happens alot where your fan theories become a self cannon unless the show spells it out. Not a big dig against you but blaming the writing is not the solution for a bad on yalls end.

The Regret Meter

In ep 42, Fortuna says the silver hair comes from her father's side of the family. So I would assume the mother, whoever she is, does not have silver hair.


Remember how Beatrice described Satella in season 1: "In this world when one says the word "witch" they're really just referring to one person in particular. The Witch of Envy, Satella. Long ago, she devoured the six witches who bore the names of the deadly sins and drained half the world dry. She's pretty much the worst of the worst. The story goes that she was starved for love. It's said that she doesn't understand human language. It's also been said that her body never withers from age, weakens from sickness, or dies. And although she was sealed by the powers of a dragon, a hero, and a sage, they were still never able to destroy her flesh. It's said that her body is that of a half-elf with silver hair." Satella cannot be Emilia's mother, because she is a half-elf. Emilia's father was an elf, and her mother was a human.


Fun fact: in episode 15 in one of Betelgeuse's ramblings he says 'look, with my hands, with my fingers, you... killed her' (while crying). back then we thought he was talking about Rem but really he was talking about Fortuna?


Normies usually be overbrainin stuff lol not even big brain..ay it happens


Yall mixing some stuff that's cool, that's part of reacting... Yall inserting yall personality and what yall thinking, that's much better than not saying anything at all which would make for boring reactions. I say this cause yall are being criticize for yall off ideas, but if yall didn't say anything the reactions would be boring and we wouldn't know what yall are thinking which makes the reactions fun in the first place. So I'm saying it's ok to be wrong and speak yall minds because soon or later yall will catch on. The show is very complex but usually there multiple hints or foreshadowing that even if you miss one thing you probably catch something else later that you end up in the right conclusion. So if yall are confused you either go back or keep watching the answer will come.


y'all where ep 18 at? am i blind cuz i don't see it anywhere!

Jesse Collins

It's there. Just got to tap Re:Zero by that tag looking icon on the bottom left the scoll down. Also, if you haven't seen that reaction, I warn you that, that particular reaction wasn't will receive by a handful. You'll see what I mean.