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Namond, Randy, and Mike's conflicts all come to a head in the tense penultimate episode of Season 4 of The Wire!

Premium access reaction: https://youtu.be/pGbMWEXsCEM

Uncut: (video above) 



This show has a way with punishing the characters if their not being real with the story and their role in it. Dee didn’t want to be real with the fact that he was a gangster with a 20 year prison sentence hanging over his head, he thought he could turn his back on the game and there wouldn’t be any repercussions. Stringer thought he was somehow above the game by being a suit wearing businessman and using Roberts Rules. Prez never had any business being a Police or carrying a gun, even though he had found a niche inside the department with chasing the paper trail, the man just had no business carrying a gun and it finally caught up with him. And now we come to Bubbles, who thought he was something more than some bottom end dope fiend because he had his cart and wasn’t pulling capers anymore. But Bubs is a junkie and he had no business trying be some kind of father to Sherrod. Bubbles wasn’t being real about who he is and his role in this game and the story finally caught up with him but it was Sherrod who paid the price.


Fun fact...The security guard that tells Carcetti the Governor will see him was the republican Governor of MD in the time frame this is based on.


delete this, kind of spoiler. let them know its bad on there own

Kamina 1

Kenard came out the womb talking shit. He was built for this life.

Chaos T

Namond's mom is one of the worst TV moms ever. I hate her so much.


Also, they offered a similar cameo to Martin O'Malley, his opponent at the time, so as not to appear like they were endorsing Ehrlich...even though O'Malley (the inspiration for Carcetti) tried to shut down the show between Seasons 1 and 2. O'Malley declined.


If yall thought this episode was sad wait till the finale....


S4 of the Wire is truly peak kino. one of the things people often miss is the contrast between Mikey and Bubs taking care of "an issue", Michael goes and straight up beats the shit out of Kennard so he knows his problem is taken care of (Naymond's in this case), while bubs is cooking up shots trying to, as pat said, indirectly take care of his problem. the difference in mindset is so evident, even tho bubs has been in this world for much longer, but michael already understands certain things


Does he? Life is long, I don’t think Michael fully realizes the cost of his decision to walk the path of darkness. He only knows what’s in front of him. Knowing how to operate in the short term doesn’t mean you’ve got it figured out for the long. It’s only a few short years before Michael is “old” like Bodie.


im talking about this in a vacuum, a lot of characters got burned because they were afraid to do full measures, shit, even michael wouldve been shitty if he didn't take care of his stepdad issue. he knew what had to be done if he wanted him to go away. he's by no means the smartest character in the series, but knows what has to be done, and is ready to do so himself, if faced with a situation like this


love bubs btw. one of my favs. still should've wacked the bully with a brick.


I think your analysis is way off here. Michael chose to fight Kennard because he knew he could easily beat up Kennard. The same isn’t true for Bubs at all. If Bubs were to fight the man who’s been targeting him he’d get dropped

Kwame James

You do realize Michael had no other choice he 100% got molested by his stepfather and to save his brother ask chris when he realize that he had no other choice and that means he had to join their organization


Namond was talking smack because he was deseperate to cover and overcome his gentleness. Everyone around him, especially his mother, putting on him impossible pressure to be a hardened, violent criminal, when that's not him, and making him feel like a shameful pathetic failure when can't betray himself (like you did, calling him a weak bitch). He didn't cry because he got hit or embarressed, but because he is surrounded and attacked on all sides, and in that moment he is attacked by the last person he thought he could rely on to have his back, Micheal, he realises there is no path forward for him, and he will NEVER be what they demand him to be, so he collapses, physically and emotionally. I would argue that he is the stongest of the bunch. The others hardness isn't some natural born state, they act hard to hide vulnerabilites out of fear, trying to hide or destroy any unfavorable truths or gentlessness inside so they aren't preyed upon. Namond is the only one able to take the leap and be honest enough to reach out for help.


Also, Cutty wasn't being "strong" when he told Micheal to go, it was meant to be a cutting insult. "Yeah, leave your friend, who cares about you and came to reach and help you, bleeding in the gutter, and go off with your psycho thug friends who shot him just for talking back, cos you're one of them now, huh? Go on!"


Miss Anna is alive. The whiteboard as Carver walked in listed her as critical but stable, with 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

Philip G.

So nobody else thinks Jay looks like John Cenas father


The Wire is so great man, this watch along journey with you all has been awesome. It's great seeing how invested everybody is in this.

John Richards

Cheese had one of the best lines in the series: "shit was unseemly"