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Endeavor will sooner or later have to deal with the greatest challenge than any villain could present - facing his own family and making amends. How do you guys feel about Endeavor's journey towards redemption so far? What would you like him to do next? 



Personally I love that he isn’t thinking about it in terms of redemption. It’s atonement.

Jarryd Thompson

Yall not ready for my teacher Academia

Devil’s Arrow

This arc made Endeavor shoot up to my favorite character in the series when I read the manga


When Endeavor first showed up I honestly didn't care about him one way or the other, but his arc and growth has made him my favorite mha character by far.


Honestly I hope endeavor dies soon. There’s no redemption for any men who beats on woman and kids, and the fact they make the people watching think it’s okay as long as your sorry is F’up. I’m sorry it hits to close to home. No one who hits a child or there mom should ever be redeemed

Nermin Selimovic

What happend to Touya? How did he die? How did Endeavor end up like this? - yeah wait until next Season to get this answers i guess =D MHA is getting sooooo much better from exactly NOW ON. I cant wait to watch you guys react to MHA the next weeks and next year.


What about his story sends the signal that anything is "okay"?


The show is in no way saying that anything he did is okay, if anything they're showing that even though he's changing his family is still suffering a lot from all the awful crap he's done. I understand your frustrations with the character, he's meant to be a tough one. However this isn't a "redemption" arc, I believe that's a common misconception for what's going on with Endeavor's character, think of it more like an "atonement" arc, which is very different.


You sound like a clown, he deserves death for slapping someone ? Lol. And 90% of kids at one point or another got a ass whooping of a lifetime by their parents 😂 . Everyone deserves 2nd chances, unless your a cold blooded murderer or child predator!


Sounds like you don't understand anything you're watching

Lisa H

I dont think he should die, but I think people who are flippant about his abuse or just want shoto and his siblings to "get over it" dont understand how damaging and devastating abuse of any kind can be, especially for children. I think if anything, they're being realistic at least w/ the older brother and how hard it is for him to forgive his father.


i'm sure you're one of those who sent death threats to the author


I bet none of you have seen your mom get hit in front of your eyes or a family member beat on an abuse. So don’t talk like it’s something to get over. It nots and the author did a disservice to everyone who witnessed it in person and now have endeavored her and everyone feeling sorry for him and looking at him like his a hero. YES SOMEONE WHO BEAT THERE WIFE AND KID IS THE NUMBER ONE HERO GOOD MESSAGE.


I wrote a comment before trying to be cool and explain a little. But I genuinely don’t think you’re understanding what’s happening in the story at all. The public doesn’t know anything about what he did to his fam, him being an abuser has nothing to do with his skills as a hero, that combined with public ignorance makes him #1. Also again.... in no way is the story making anything Endeavor did in the past okay nor are they making his fam just forgive him and everything’s sunshine and rainbows.


Marketa was def picking up on the right things with a lot of Endeavor's problems being caused or amplified by anxiety/fear and needing to feel 'in control'. He's a dude who's quirk is 'being on fire' who lives in a traditional Japanese wood/tatami/paper screen house surrounded by family members with ice quirks. His idea of 'being in-control' is tantamount to self-flagellation.


Midoriya flat out says "it's okay if you hate him and never forgive him," which is clearly Natsuo's position, and which the story isn't framing as 'wrong'.

Zen Reacts

Hi victim of parental abuse both physically and mentally over here and just wanna say that Enji Todoroki's character arc is one of my favorite parts about MHA.

Champion Bescos

You definitely don’t speak for everyone who’s suffered from mental, emotional, and physical domestic violence, and thank God. Being a good human being in all things is hard. Sounds like a cop out, I know, but it’s not. Particularly when generational issues come into play, which they often do. And people, good and bad, fuck up. I know it isn’t easy to forgive them, and you don’t HAVE to. But I have loved people in my family who were just as bad, if not worse than Endeavor has been shown to be in the past. You don’t condone the things they put you or your other loved ones through, never, but you don’t hate them for their flaws - as violent as they may be - when they make a concerted effort to make amends and change and grow and atone. Family is a lot more nuanced and a lot of difficult than “you hurt me so you deserve to die”. I’m not saying it’s wrong to never forgive them, but to just progress that violence back at them accomplishes nothing.

Candice Blair

Once you learn more about the Todoroki’s even the Hero’s Rising movie makes sense in why Endeavor was so relieved when he saw Shouta.


The youtube video is only available in 360p.

Corey Pearson

Y'all definitely didn't understand what Shoto meant when he said Endeavor made his mom do that. The mom is not to blame from the kids point of view. His abuse led her to having horrible mental health issues which caused that incident. She would of never gotten to that point of hatred if it wasn't for his abuse. So, he is the reason the mom did that.