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Hope you enjoy the reaction :) Let us know what you thought about this episode of JJK! 


Reynaldo Urena

You guys are misunderstanding how Mahito’s cursed technique works. The moment a human’s soul is contorted with Mahito’s Transfiguration technique, they instantly die from shock, cuz they’re brain/body can’t handle the soul changing that dramatically, what’s left is a monster with remnant thoughts the person had before they died. Also what Mahito meant by Killing Yuuji’s soul is hurting him emotionally and mentally, the way he “killed his soul” was torturing and killing Junpei in front of Yuuji.


To add onto what you said with how Mahito wants to "kill his soul", in this episode Mahito forced Yuji into a situation where he had to kill people, thus breaking one of Yuji's core beliefs and morals. By forcing Yuji to take a human life it "killed his soul".


Nice you made it to the halfway point if the series...sometimes I really wanna jump through the screen and sit in the couch with y'all...I got nothing but hype for these reactions and on a Monday no less

Vin Sama

kinda prefer the early scans translation; Mahayanna Prison


'Shock' in medical terms just means the blood flow drops enough that vital organs don't get oxygen and stop working. They probably die of shock because Mahito isn't usually putting thought into making their forms sustainable. They *are* alive when Mahito transfigures them- they need to be or they wouldn't have much of a 'soul' to manipulate- they're just well beyond the ability of anyone other than Mahito to do anything.


Yo the little curses mahito spit out were from the previous juju stroll


Ahh back in the early days when Domain Expansion was called Territorial Expansion haha.


It's funny Suraj mentioned Bleach at the end there (and JJK is heavily inspired by it as well as Hunter X Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho and weirdly Evangelion lol) and a bit earlier they talked about how it's gonna be exciting to see everyone's different Domain Expansions, because that's how i felt with Bleach and their Shikai/Bankai powers - everyone had different ones, it was so cool lol, Domain Expansion have big Bankai vibes. (Also i'm happy Bleach is apparently coming back with a whole new arc and the anime is coming back too, good times for Bleach fans!)

Kamina 1

I'm pretty sure it was mentioned at some point in this arc that once a human is turned by Mahito, their is no turning them back guys. Junpei was dead the sec he was turned. It's okay that you missed, just wanted to remind you es all.


@Laura Brown They died of shock. As said in the anime and manga. Move on


Mahito meant he was gonna "kill his soul" by killing the people around Yuji since he needs Yuji for Sukuna.

Arindrajit Sen

14:07 U mean, "The Silent Voice" Suraj???

Arindrajit Sen

Not coz of intricacy, the thing is, Domain expansion is not a technique keep to people away from someone it's to trap a target and not let him get away. So they imbue more of their curse energy to the inside of the Domain but don't waste much of it on the outside of it, coz there's no merit in that as Nanami said.


I was curious, did you guys go back to the OP later on? Episode 13 is one of several episodes where the OP's scenes have slight differences in them. 13 in particular had a couple of very touching changes.

Mike B

whats with the new video player? borderline unwatchable, takes hours to buffer.