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UNCUT IS FINALLY HERE: https://vimeo.com/584875502/59bf0bc60a

Part 1 Reaction: https://youtu.be/CP2ZRSOjBzA

Part 2 Reaction: https://youtu.be/IObPAaX8kaw

It's finally here ya'll the conclusion to Lord of the Rings Two Towers! The EPIC Battle of Helmsdeep that influenced so many cinematic battles for the future of filmmaking moving forward!

What was your favorite part of this entire film? Are you excited for our Return of the King reaction?? Let us know down below!




Sexy and powerful Edit: I spoke too soon. Uncut link is wrong

Kage Uzumaki

is this the fellowship of the ring


Uncut link is for Fellowship of the Ring

Edwin Ayala


Chaos T


Jihad Lee

It's the wrong uncut link


The amount of anticipation I’ve had for the uncut being dropped is fairly unreasonable. Edit: and it’s a link to Fellowship 🤣


This is still my favorite movie out of the trilogy. This whole second half is just perfect cinema!!

Jihad Lee

😂 I was so hyped. I had my food ready to watch and everything

Jimmy Wise

Now the wait for the correct Uncut link to be posted...BEGIN


I think the uncut link is wrong. When I click on it it takes me to The Fellowship Of The Ring uncut reaction.


fool of a normie

Jimmy Wise



I think that it's actually my Karma taking a hit now, so good stuff comes later down the line.

Jimmy Wise

They really need to have someone, the poster themself, or someone else, be around for the first half hour or so when things go up so that mistakes like this are caught and fixed immediately...it's unfortunately not a rare thing that bad links and misposts happen


I very rarely post about a gripe because I know its not intentional and also in the end it doesn't really matter and its all minor and not a huge deal. But I kinda agree with this. I am not sure if its a bot or a person that publishes the posts. But I feel like just a quick double check would be really great. I guess Im just really excited for LOTR reactions as they are my fav movies of all time. I am sure they will resolve it as soon as they can.

Jihad Lee

I think its gonna take awhile for them to notice. But it's all good. I'm gonna take a nap. It will be up within 2 hours I bet. Edit: okay maybe I was wrong lol. But its coming

Champion Bescos

RIP to all the food the fans either ordered or made when they saw this post that’s now probably going cold while we wait for the uncut link. But frrreal, I can’t thank Suraj enough for starting this reaction series. Best trilogy ever. Absolutely amazing reaction and well worth the wait.


im sure theyll live eating their food to something else though.


Tricksy Normies fools us! Lol easy mistake though. Excited for the uncut link.


I am so sorry guys! This is the link that was available in the database so I posted it without checking because my computer was dying. Glad I came back here, I am following up with our editor right now. I will update the link as soon as I get my hands on it. - Marketa

Chase Gardner

This makes me so happy thanks for watching and continue to watch my favorite trilogy of all time the lord of the rings trilogy!

Sheriff Uchiha

Wait, I thought Marketa just posted the wrong link? Why does the video need to be exported and uploaded to vimeo again?

Jimmy Wise

The correct video probably wasn't exported or uploaded in the first place

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

I can't believe the editor missed the iconic, "So It Begins" by King Theoden at the beginning of the battle of Helmsdeep..

Rishi Shukla

'To the King!' will always give me goosebumps


Two dudes being nice to each other… chris- i think they might be gay! Like wtf he did that with haku and zabuza as well like dude two guys can have brotherly/friendly feelings and not be gay

Deviant Parker

Tolkien fought at The Somme. One of the three most horrific experiences of the war and probably top 5 worst places any human has ever been in history. 3/5 are from WWI. The others are WWII: Leningrad and Tokyo during the American fire bombings. I'm sure there were ancient events that were just as bad, but those involved hundreds of thousands of people suffering versus millions. Oh and obviously the Jewish experience in Poland. That's up there. All my opinion as a history lover who has never actually experienced war. Anyways, you can see Tolkien's experience all over the books and movies.

Jesse Collins

If you like watching war stuff, especially about history on war. I recommend watching Come and See. It's about the German invasion of a village in Byelorussia. It focus's on a 13 year old boy called Florya who goes into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope. It was hold up 8 years after production, on accounts of being "too realistic" and really shows the horrific atrocities performed by the Nazis SS unit ( specifically the Dirlewanger Brigade). The movie is based real events and parts of the film are accounts by genocide survivors. If you saw this then you'll no doubt add that as one of the top worst places any human has been in as well.


Are you guys going to react to The Suicide Squad jw?


Well... I checked with our editor again but this export continues to take too long and then failing. We will have to figure out a plan B to share the uncut with you all tomorrow. In the meantime I hope you were at least entertained by the YouTube cut. I will keep checking on this tomorrow. - Marketa


That whole Boromir backstory was cut from the original release and I wish they included some of it because it really shows he was a good and caring brother who was already corrupted by his father telling him he is better than lesser men. I always hated Boromir before watching the Extended edition because he was kind of like the 3rd bad guy in the 1st movie. Good reaction love the charge of helm’s deep but it’s no charge of pelenor😮‍💨

Raga Gopalakrishnan

Yes! “Gandalf the Gay” to the rescue (a nickname endorsed by Sir Ian McKellen himself)! Peter Jackson teased Sir Ian McKellen in an interview for the Hobbit trilogy that his favourite method of filming tricky shots that show a tall wizard alongside short dwarfs was to have all the actors playing the dwarfs “on their knees”. He took the joke in stride too (at around the 2-minute mark of this video): https://youtu.be/ONYIxdHA8aY

Chase Gardner

You should watch the 20 year reunion with the fellowship of the ring cast it's so good it's on YouTube. It spoilers some return of the king movie if you haven't watched the return of the king yet.

Chaos T

This along with the revelation how old Aragorn was are things that should have been left in the theatrical release. Don't know why they cut some of these scenes.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Damn it’s midnight and still no uncut… awe sad face


I will say, as a result of all of this, I *am* more excited to watch Two Towers right now than I have been in a very long time lol

Abhishek Amol

got the extended cut lined up, just waiting for you guys now!


This smeagol empathy needs to go lol cringe em


To this day I still crack up at Smeagol getting his ass repeatedly beat by the Gondor rangers lol I feel bad for laughing but not that bad


I'm pretty sure he knows that. Both instances you're referring to have huge fandoms postulating a gay romance between the characters based on the looks they give each other, how intimate they are with each other, and general perceived sexual tension. It's called Ho Yay (look it up on TV tropes) and it isn't homophobic at all.


Damn I was looking forward to the uncut this weekend. I do appreciate the updates so I'm thankful

Jesse Vincente

This is like waiting for the end of the world lol


I think they said next saturday

Abhishek Amol

maybe they could release the uncut in 2 parts if possible... we'll just have to re sync one more time- small price to pay

Sheriff Uchiha

I agree. People who have physical DVD/Blu-Rays have change discs for the extended version anyway.


Don’t expect this today or even tomorrow, as soon as we went from bad link to export problems we were in for the long haul. Just pray they don’t completely forget about it.


They are just going to cancel the rest of the series. Too much trouble uploading. Focusing on reactions now.

Jihad Lee

Yeah when it was a bad link I was like oh awesome they will just replace it with the right one. Then Marketa said it hasnt been exported and it keeps failing when it does.

J. J.

Who the f even has time to watch the uncuts


Keep checking on the uncut, it is still not up :( - Marketa

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

It’s all good! I’m waiting to watch it later anyways so I can review it on www.nerd-nexus.com Then I can do a rewatch with y’all!

Chase Gardner

We need the uncuts precious uncuts. Looking forward to seeing the uncuts of the two towers

Jake Gering

The Return of the King uncut is gonna be a nightmare!

Kage Uzumaki

If they have issues they should just make the uncut for both instead of combining it even though they are watching it in one sitting

Jimmy Wise

Why is Adobe Premiere so reliably bad...

Jesse Vincente

Day 2: I'm starting to experience hallucinations of the Two Towers and I hear the OST play every time I close my eyes, no matter where I go I can't escape the dread of this mythical "uncut" that alludes us to this day


https://vimeo.com/584875502/59bf0bc60a uncut is here!


Dance party in Meduseld, let’s go!

Jimmy Wise



Funny thing about Rana and Marketa saying Gollum reminds them of their cats: Andy Serkis (motion capture actor for Gollum) based his mannerisms on Serkis' cat, particularly the "Gollum! Gollum" coughs. His cat coughing up fur balls gave him the idea.

Chase Gardner

Thanks for the uncut!!

Arturo Mauleon Higginbotham.Jr.

Thank you. This is so much appreciated for the work and videos that are put out. Keep up the good work and I hope everyone stays safe and have a wonderful day.

Kage Uzumaki

it gets out of sync at the end

Jimmy Wise

I just reached that point...luckily im more watching the movie and listening to their reaction, so it doesn't matter that their audio/video is out of sync...at least the movie audio is still in sync with the movie

Rime Pendragon

And Lord of the Rings isn't an allegory of WW2. Tolkien always denied that.

Jimmy Wise

Specifically, at the 2:59:41 timer point, the couch crew video glitches and it's nowhere near the same point in the movie...BUT the audio stays synced the whole way to the end of the movie


Oh yes the white guy commentary version.


Maybe they confused him with Sir Ian?

Tim Chaos

I don’t know your dynamic and could be wrong but in my simple opinion, there is a bit too much talking (from the people who have seen it) over dialogue or during some of the poignant scenes. The chills-inducing moments are sullied a bit when a random trivia fact is thrown over the top of it. As much as I understand wanting to share the insane behind the scenes stuff that went into the films and the impact LOTR had, I hope for the next film you guys try to hold fun facts and trivia for AFTER the movie or at least the scene in question. For an example, “Helm’s Deep” had barely come out of someone’s mouth before the veterans on the couch started hyping up the battle. Let them see for themselves when it happens, then tell them the facts after! It’s delightful to see fellow nerds chomping at the bit to discuss, but I think a focus back on the two on the left would be great.


Fully agree. As soon as something is about to happen, random trivia will suck any new viewer right out of the immersion. He robs them of feeling empathy for Gollum by talking over scenes where Frodo explains why he feels sympathy for Gollum.


dang do we gotta wait another month for ROTK now :(


Love the watch, but I would try and treat the next one less like a commentary track and more like a reaction. Hard to immerse in the movie if its all a bunch of trivia facts that take you out of the story.

Daniel Bouwman

hey the uncut version doesnt seem to have any audio anymore i went to go a pick it back up where i left off and its all silent at any point in the video i clicked to. I tried pulling it up on another tab and browser still silent. confirmed my audio is still working by playing something else. so i went to my phone and laptop to pull it up and their both also silent and any point in the video i click to

Nelson Kelso Martinez

I’m not getting audio on the uncut, anyone know why by any chance?

Jarrod Wild

Finally circled back looking for the uncut link and same issue here, no audio. Weird.


Hey Guys The audio doesn’t work for the uncut link.


It makes me very sad that the audio isn't working. Did anyone of the normies say sth about this?

Kage Uzumaki

it was working when it was added but just checked audio isnt working


Can we get a fix on the audio pleaseeeee :)

Cory Deuschle

the pain I feel when I just watched the fellowship uncut reaction to come on to watch two towers and theres no sound. lol

Jarrod Wild

I wish I had caught the uncut link when the audio was working, but I hear there was a sync issue about 3 hours in.

Michael Diaz

My favorite parts were when the Ents fucked up Isengard and when Legolas freakin surfed down the stairs on his shield while shootin people up with his arrows before kicking his shield into one orc's throat and stabbing another with his arrow. lol So ridiculous. Also does anyone know when Return of the King is supposed to drop? Cuz I mean YES I'm excited for it. C:


J. R.R. Tolkien based the Frodo and Sam relationship on the relationship a British Officer had with their personal assistant, known as a Batman. And as you are looking at comparisons between Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, there are a lot of similarities between Sam Wise Gamgee and Sam Well Tarly. Both being the very loyal sidekicks of one of the primary characters.

Derik Knutson

Man.. the guy on the right is the woooooooooorst

Derik Knutson

How many times did they have to explain to Suraj (who has apparently seen this multiple times and is the only one to see the extended editions) what Rohan (the setting of 60% of this movie) is???


The helmet kick was intentional and wasn't improvisation. They had Viggo do it over and over again because Peter wanted a shot of the helmet flying past the camera and a good scream of anguish from Aragorn, but it became a Goldilocks affair and no take was quite right. Then quite a few takes in, they got a shot of the helmet flying past the camera and a really good scream, instantly thrilling Peter Jackson who called it on the spot that it was the take they were going to use. Then, when he went up to congratulate Viggo Mortensen on the great performance, Viggo told him he just shattered his big toe. Viggo also almost died during the river float scene. He was sucked under water and got trapped under a rock, only barely managing to escape before he drowned. He later noted it was the closest to dying he had ever come during a production.


Also worth noting that Elrond had a twin brother who sacrificed his immortality for the love of a mortal woman and became the founding king of Numenor, one of Aragorn's ancestors. So, Aragorn and Arwen are distant cousins. She's also about 2800 years old, so she's something of a cradle robber. In any case, Elrond's determination not to have Arwen sacrifice her immortality to stay with Aragorn is probably even more stubborn for having already lost a brother to the same choice.


Love the reaction great stuff


Gotta say though - was intensely surprised by the whole Viggo is gay conversation, so did a quick bit of googling and couldn't fine anything to support this - maybe innacurate?

Henry Wallace

Very inaccurate, hes divorced and currently in a relationship with Spanish actress Ariadna Gil.

Patrick Toscano

Im surprised that no one mentioned that Grima Wormtongue was played by Brad Dourif who also played Chucky from the Child's Play movie series and tv show.