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Randy finds out he might be in danger with Marlo while Bunk and Lester use a bit of his information to track down Lex's body in Season 4 Episode 11 of The Wire!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/j7WMCPJ1xr4

Uncut: video above


Kamina 1

Glad to have you back Spidey. Your humor on the couch was missed man.

Chaos T

Lester is Batman.


Things are starting to heat up.


The momentum that is built in this and the following episode is incredible.


Lester Freamon - natural police

the continent

I don't even watch this, but wanted to say I love Rana's bucket hat and I need one.


Why is this show so good? It's just so fucking good.

John M.

'Your Worship' is a typical honorific when addressing a mayor.


You guys haven’t figured it out yet so I’ll tell you. The stuff Snoop and Chris put on the bodies is lime aka calcium oxide or quicklime. It speeds up decomposition and keeps the smell down. I’ve seen it used on roadside deer carcasses.