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Bliss 28



Aye Let’s Dig In them Guts

Neal Cabanos

Enjoy that milkshake, Chris 😂


It’s Sasuke lol

Jan Pospisil

I appreciate Chris casually dropping in his Czech bits. Not always correct, always fun.


Overthinking things obviously its Sasuke c'mon


Suraj overbraining the quote but yes it could be Sasuke or Madara lol


As someone who's been with the series since the manga dropped in the US in 2002-2003, not going to give the answer but the "he who's power lies in his eyes" debate was a topic that spanned from the moment this chapter dropped till the actual fight. Suraj, is speaking about it as we did when we got this chapter so that's pretty dope. There were many threads about this lol.


Pretty sure you are wrong suraj, the old frog was talking about sasuke. He just asked if naruto knew who he was talking about


I know these are supposed to be canon...but they feel like filler lol


12:55 Shikaku hit Shikamaru with "you're on the council but we don't grant you the rank of master"

Abdul Manneh

It kinda obvious that is sasuke especially after madara just told the indra asura story kinda


Suraj is on the correct path of logic. "He" is not Sasuke. But "his" is. "Do you know who and what he is as well then?" Prophecies are always more cryptic than meets the eye.


Also guys don't forget that once a tailed beast is removed or let free from its Jinchurik host, the Jinchuriki host will die.


Sasuke have Itachi eyes, so he has the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan so he will not go blind. Madara told Sasuke about it when he had him tied up.


Tsunade is back in action. Today was a good day....

Storm King

@Normies you guys are forgetting that when an Uchiha takes the eyes of someone that unlocked the Mangekyo Sharigan they will never go blind again. Remember during the Itachi fight he told Sasuke that the reason he pushed Sasuke to get stronger was so he can take his Sharigan. Obviously he was lying about wanting to steal it but he was telling the truth about the power increase in taking eyes.


Hi Normies, great reaction! Just wanted to clear stuff about the Mangekyo Sharingan. When you awaken MS, you start going blind. Once you’ve used it too much you go completely blind. The way to not go blind is by replacing your MS eyes with someone else’s MS eyes. Once you’ve done that you no longer go blind and your vision is restored.


That's not true for Uzumakis. I don't think it's ever stated outside of the databooks, but Uzumaki clan members have long lifespans and a lot of chakra. So, Naruto would actually survive without his Jinchuriki. However, he could still die because he wouldn't be able to heal the chakra back that he would lose, so he'd die eventually.


Oh man they still haven’t clicked about the eyes yet

Michael Diaz

In fairness, the show will explain that point better going forward than it did in the past. In the past you only really see it when Itachi claims to want Sasuke's eyes (I think. See? Even I can't remember.) But I mostly remember later they'll go over it more and more.

Vic Valentine

still crying over nahid


I hate how slow this anime gets after the battle at the bridge. all of July has just been a slow recap. I guess Im just anixous for the next big moment(s),


The frog was talking about Sasuke. He called Sasuke, "The boy whose power lies in his eyes."


suraj over thinking tf out of this lol


The way it’s worded it could be itachi think about it sasuke just got his eyes lol so the frog saying you know him and the boy who power lies in his eyes

Pervy Sage

Feudal lords are inherited titles, kind of like kings. You can't become one you are born one. That's why they are voiced kind of like pampered and effeminate, that denotes nobility


@The Normies come on its Sasuke and your gonna have to re learn about the eye thing can't wait for you to see more

Mike Strider

We need another lesson from Hunter asap!


These types of episodes make me happy that I can watch the edited reactions


The he with eyes things can refer ta Madara


The prophecy is so obviously about sasuke


Fuuuuck I hate to say it, but the reactions don’t hit the same without nahid…

Cliff Douglas

No he was referring to Sasuke. Madara is not a LAD. He is an adult. And the Great Elder did not say man. He made the clear distinction with LAD. Suraj overthinks things and usually gets it wrong.

Arindrajit Sen

1:45 That was cap af Suraj. She did many things but a lot of it is just showed for some seconds.

Arindrajit Sen

Sasuke now has the Eternal Mnagekyou Sharingan coz he did what Madara did once as Itachi told Sasuke in there fight. Madara took his brother's Mangekyou to get Eternal Magekyou, a Mangekyou that never loses its light. And since you need your brother to awaken his Mangekyou too so when you take it, it becomes the EMS Sasuke always was planning to do that after teaming up with Madara.

Arindrajit Sen

I mean isn't Shikamru a Jonin now like Yamato. He might know him more than we think ya know. Off camera and stuff.