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Kento hates working overtime!! It's time to bring out the big guns..



Oh, no. Just remembered the Nahid announcement. Does that mean it's only going to be the Cozy 3 for JJK from now on soon? :(

Rishi Shukla

The bullies are the ones from the movie theater which is how all of this started.


Everything shall be explained as the episodes go on...this show has alot of dialogue but not as much as HxH lol so you'll be good


I actually thought Gojo subbed is perfect compared to dub. I just think Gojo is meant to be a child with a serious side and in the dub he isn't childish enough. For me there's much more vocal range in sub too, so all the jokes (and serious moments) land better XD


I was going to post the same thing, the scene when he mocks the spirit saying that he was weak and shouldn't worry about itadori it's 10 times better subbed.


At least we still get a little more time w/ Nahid for one last JJK episode it seems. Love and miss you already homie <3.


I don't want to start a whole thing, but I've definitely noticed I get more of the emotions from the actors when watching dubs. It's probably because I don't speak Japanese and can't pick up on their emotional cues, but a lot of the time I get more of the show's personality from a dub


There's a lot of cultural and subtle emotional cues that go unnoticed when you are watching something that isn't in a language you speak. In any case, subbed or dubbed, there will always be something lost in translation. Subs aren't closer to the original than the dubs are. Getting into a tizzy over them (not saying that you are) is useless, especially when it comes down to a preference.


Gojo is basically that one cheater that gets every single buff and cis super op

Joey Sabishii

tht was the 3 tht died in the theater .

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

Why did nahid say besto friendo? You don't hear that until the character a little down the line is introduced. Been sneaking peeks ahead?

Anas Ghadfi

Suraj small-brained on that dialogue with the teacher. Its his bullies that died but the teacher is so clueless he thought they were his friends. Thats why he snapped.


My guess is that he saw a spoilery title for Ep 15 from of the reactors. He once said that his reactions recommendations on YouTube always spoil him on something from the titles.


Nahid & Suraj: Tabula rasa/ nature vs nurture theories are more about the psychology of ppl, not so much the soul. Psychology is backed by science. Souls, whether they exist or not, depends on a person's belief. Majority of Mahito's speech is more about his opinion, so I wouldn't take it as hard facts.


Also, Mahito is supposed to be inspired by Shigaraki from MHA. I wonder if u guys can see the similarities.


Honestly I think JJK's dub is good, it's not like HxH where it's unwatchable. I actually like Gojo and Megumi's VAs a lot more in the Dub. But I don't feel strongly about it either way

Maeve Murphy

i love sub, but the dub isn't bad (megumi's and gojo's VAs are probably the best in it)

Alex cleveland

Even if ppl say dub is good here and there. Yuji’s VA in dub is horrible. He doesn’t fit Yuji’s personality at all. The dub VA is too serious for Yuji. That’s why dub overall isn’t worth the hyped for JJK. If ur MC dub voice doesn’t fit the character, then what’s the point…🤷🏽‍♂️😬 MHA dub is good tho lol.


i love rana. that is all

Vin Sama

considering his other role is Marco Diaz from a disney cartoon i'd say its amazing that he even stepped into anime dubbing despite not really that good of a pay last i recall


Seeing Nahid for the last time on this cozy 4… is sad but very happy for him on his future endeavors.


I've watched the entire series dub and sub numerous times and I thoroughly enjoy both. There are some aspects I prefer in the sub just are there are other aspects I prefer with the dub. For example I really enjoy Kaiji Tang as Gojo in the Dub, his voice and style I feel fits in real well with the character. Where as Todos Japanese voice actor Subaru Kimura and how he says "My best friendo" might be the single greatest thing i've ever heard. 😋 Yes in the past there were some real dicey English dubs -- and still are -- but now for the most part with modern anime and how popular it is around the world and way more mainstream, the dub work and translations have made leaps and bounds forward. And I think those that just flat out dismiss dubs as inferior, you're doing an incredible disservice to countless amazing English voice actors out there. PS. Nahid brother, I'm really going to miss you on the channel and I wish you nothing but happiness and success in this new chapter of your life. As George Harrison sang in All Things Must Pass "No one's life string can last. So I must be on my way. And face another day". Best of luck my friendo! ✌

Nicholas R. Gonzales

Others prolly explained, but the 3 kids that the teacher said died are the bullies, the same 3 who died in the movie theater. It wasn’t his friends. The teacher was mistaking him being friends with the bullies which is why he got so mad and almost killed the teacher.

Vin Sama

although his technique is an undeniable fact behind the soul for him

Arindrajit Sen

Na, Mahito said Soul is no more special than the physical body but since we can't see it we place more value on it.

Corey Pearson

Even more so, the teacher knew they were bullying him and had the nerve to say they were friends. That's also why he became so angry.