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We take a stroll down memory lane with Otto and finally see Subaru and Emilia kiss!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/D2U-Q6yfxxg

Uncut: video above




Jesse Collins

Naruto fans be slipping pass Parasyte. But be hitting Re:Zero. Which means this was a coordinate move. I see how it is.....😑 Welp! It ain't here! 😃


Every time I go to see if there is a discussion for re zero I end up bombarded with naruto comments smh

Jesse Collins

The back half of this episode is a sharp contrast from the conversation they had in season 1. Subaru was so full of himself then, and everything he said was clouded by his own ego and self-satisfaction. But now, it feels much more genuine. More like he's seeing her, and not some idealized version. This show continues to impress with it's character's growth and development. BTW. Knew that Mickey will do something criticy, like a comment or some flashy hand gestures during the Subaru/Emilia kiss scene. Didn't fail my expectations during that part at all. Though props to the writer of the series to making that more realistic then the 'oblivious MC or Side Character who's completely blinded, dumb or doesn't have much common sense to know when someone likes them' like they do in something like in Shonen. And like confesses or marries during the very last episode of the series.


then just be patient im waiting for Naruto as-well but you yelling Naruto wont get it up any faster


haha just having a laugh here since I knew a comment like that was gonna come one way or another :D

Jesse Collins

And yes. The Divine Protections was brought up, in the very first episode. During the scene of Subaru's first encounter with Elsa, when Old Man Rom was killed. Felt showed her Divine Protection just moments after she died which Elsa comment that it was the 'Divine Protection of Wind'. Reinhardt also showed a Divine Protection which any projectile thrown against him automatically changes their trajectory making him unable to get hit by projectiles, which was shown in ep 3 (S1) when Elsa threw her knife at him. The Ground Dragons also have a Divine Protection called the The Divine Protection of Wind Evasion, which enables the user to be unaffected by the wind and not encounter any wind resistance while running. The effect also applies to the passengers, one may cary or transport. PS. The series started out as Light Novel series and still ongoing. 27 volumes currently if you wanted to know how many so far. (Except English translation is only at volume 16, which starts Arc 5. Which is after S2 in the anime)


These next 4 eps are some of the most interesting in the season. Also, subaru doesn’t have the right to take the trial anymore so he was in extreme pain just being there with emilia.

Deji Sauce

You gotta be patient it’s not the end of the world they will release it sometime later today

Deji Sauce

Lol I’m a Naruto watcher but it’s funny every week this happens

Lye Batenkaitos

It’s a real shame how they don’t really show any interest in getting invested into it. This type of show seems beyond their scope. Mickey acting childish during an emotional scene was pretty cringe to watch. But whatever, I should have known not to expect so much from a channel called “normies”, much better off watching blind wave tbh

Zachary Provenzano

the trail their at was the first one he already passed so hes able to go into that building. He tried to go in before with the ideal of doing the second trail not the first trail. So an idea echidna probably can tap into your feelings and block out people who try to do the trail. He went in with the ideal to find emilia only and not to attempt the trail. Just an idea idk seems off tho.

Jesse Collins

Uh...actually they do. Nahid had mentioned getting interested in the series and actually rewatches episodes (in sub, if you care). Rana's and Marketa's reactions are quite genuine, as you can see from the previous episode and you can literally see them being interested and excited during certain scenes. It's that when they first started the series, they didn't expect it to have so many twists and turns as they first expected from episode 1. They didn’t even know what an Isekai even was either. And I wouldn't blame them for not liking S1 as much as S2 because that's when Subaru was at he's worst mindset for most half the season before he even grew and developed into being a 'good person' and coming to terms with his inner demons and combating them and not just working single-mindedly to secure the best happy ending for him and Emilia. But also working for the most good, for the most amount of people. Which concludes the most main point of S1 is trying to ask 'What does it mean to be a good person?' As for Mickey though. He's the one who has his cons of the series. As you can hear him state several times before.

Jesse Collins

The graveyard did reject him from gaining entrance. Yet he simply pushed through. Hence why he said, "I'm trying my hardest to hang on." and even through he could throw up, he's still there to talk to her. That was referring to the barrier trying to reject him. Patrasche was able to push through and drag him out, even though she was rejected, if you remember.

Daniel Gotenks

divine protection is like having a superpower in this world. Garfiel has a divine protection too. U saw him use it against ram when she attacked him. He was able to use the earth as a shield.


This is where pretty much all of the characters in the series go up a league in development. In particular the most being subaru and emilia. But also a few other prominent characters. One character that isn't around much right now will get some big development as well at the end of the season.


They completely misunderstood what Otto meant by "8 guys" of course. Also misunderstood where subaru and emilia were actually at which I am not too worried about because it isn't a big deal and it is a simple mistake.

Lye Batenkaitos

I don’t think you understood what I meant. After they finish reacting to all of season 2, I bet none of this group will have re zero in there favourite list. They praise mid shonen like naruto and hxh daily, but won’t hold re zero in that regard at all. Their interest doesn’t go any further beyond than being paid to watch this show, I’m willing to bet if any one of this group quit reacting - re zero wouldn’t be an anime they would watch in the future on their own. Their criticism of repetitive dialogue is pretty weak over all and Mickey being tired of the over whelming amount of “twists” is one of the lamest things I’ve ever heard. Look how far along we are in this show, they haven’t shown any interest in wanting to support or enjoy the series outside of reactions; except maybe nahid if what you say is true.

Jesse Collins

Sure dude. Go on Discord, if you want to see proof about Nahid being genuinely interested of the show. He even comments about positive things about the series during some of his Twitch gaming streams too. Sure, they may not praise it as much as Naruto and HXH. Yet I can see from their reactions that at least Rana, Marketa and definitely Nahid being interested in it. (Not all parts, that I can agree with) and also why does it have to stand among with Naruto or HxH? Other animes like Vinland Saga wasn't too spread in fanbase from the Normies, yet they very muched enjoyed S1. I'm able to overlook most their confusion and forgetfulness, as long as they actually show interest in it, regardless of not entirely understanding it. I guess having a 'accepting whatever happens' personality, doesn't effect me as much as you do. But keep your point. You think what you like to think and I'll do the same for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Axl Jones

You guys are right when you said Subaru shouldn't be in the tomb because he lost the qualification. It now makes him physically sick to be in there which is why he looks beat up during his talk with Emilia. I assume the deeper he goes in the tomb, the more pain he'd feel.

Albatross Johnson

Well, except that one time a few weeks back on one of the Parks and Rec reactions where, when ReZero was brought up, Mickey said things like "It's not for me" and "I really don't like it" but I guess we can choose to ignore that ;)

Lye Batenkaitos

You can defend it all you want, but I gaurantee you there will be no more interest in the series after they finish the season or a season 3 gets announced because they’re being paid to watch it. Like I said before - if the normies channel were to get shut down and they went their seperate ways, I’m sure they wouldn’t would never click on a re zero video in their life, with the exception of nahid. Now look at other reactors, supermechafrieza, Struckbybelz, for example - they show interest in the series even after it’s over. Often tweeting and discussing it in discord. Smf has it in her top 4 of all time, for the normies - this is just to entertain the audience who voted for it and it shows in the way they talk about it after the reaction. Nahid definitely has shown interested since s2 ep 7