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An evil scientist threatens to spread a virus through the entire Galaxy.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zHC3Z6yzR24

Uncut: video above


Etagz 3

You’re almost at the point where it’s becomes more of an adult show than kids show

Reynaldo Urena

It gets better, that is all we can say atm

Lord Edge

If you guys feel like the show is moving slowly in terms of character development specifically, a lot of it is because the show takes its time with it. With the chronological order specifically, I’d say things pick up the most around the arc that’s starts at episode 32 or season 2 episode 6. I know that sounds like a while, but trust me, with how long the overall show is, it’s worth it. There’s still good arcs and episodes until then though, so enjoy!


Ever consider doing 2 episodes a week especially as we begin getting multi episode arcs?


Every now and then would be nice. Especial some some arcs are only two episodes or 3


It’s gunna get tough once you start getting into the meat of the CW and y’all doing one episode a week reactions. That’s probably why it feels slower than other reactions lol not hating but you’re gunna definitely have to bump up to at least 2 episodes a week later on.

Frankie H

Yeah, you're in the "agents of shield" season 1 stage of the clone wars.


This reminds me: Are you (The Normies) gonna do a trailer reaction for Marvel’s What If..? series?


This arc isn't in any CW watch guides that i've seen, no wonder they're bored, they're watching a bunch of filler.

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

Chris likes to think he's a diehard Star Wars expert lmao his Star Wars commentary is real amateur though.

Aaron Gauntt

BLUE SHADOW WY-RUS!!! Classic lol

Daniel R

fr he got confused with The Phantom Menace while the noobs like Rana and Marketa were following along just fine lol

Redding Tier

There's no such thing as filler in western stuff. That's an anime thing. This is all canon


I haven't started this show but I just got Disney plus and any reason to watch normies reactions I'm down...but Suraj and even RANA saying it's slow...are they gonna Batman animated series this soon? Or what...


Just because it's technically canon doesn't mean it isn't boring to watch or that it actually has an impact on the series as a whole.


It's character development and world building. Some of it is more interesting (and it's better written), some less.


They've been told beforehand that the series starts very slow and then becomes good (and imo the later seasons are top notch Star Wars content), so they kinda know they need to endure this part a bit


If you look up a guide you can skip all the boring episodes it makes the watch much better


Have any of y’all played Jedi fallen order btw?


Keep them coming Can we get 2 episode a week?

Chaos T

Jar Jar is a Baltimore politician; when he fails he succeeds.

Kamina 1

Definitely not surprised this is the show you guys are least into right now. It's shown in your reactions haha didn't wanna be that guy though. Although with Micky I'm pretty sure his least favorite reaction series atm is Re:Zero lol.

Colby Scroggins

Ah yes everyone's favorite Star Wars evil scientist, Dr. Nuvo Vindi. What an eccentric fellow. Also, there is light at the end of the tunnel in terms of getting through the slow muck that is season 1 of TCW. While I do still enjoy a good chunk of it, S1 is definitely in the bottom third in terms of ranking all 7 seasons.