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Jesse Collins

Rejoice! The Naruto Reaction was delivered upon them! 🙌🏻


this is gonna have to wait till after the england match now haha







Bliss 28

Kakashi vs Sasuke

Shanks solos

This is why Sasuke is one of the most hated characters in all the series. I don't know how his fans justify these kind of actions of his.


Imma be honest with y’all nobody really likes Sakura there are tons of videos on YouTube about how bad she is


"People are gonna hate us for all this Sakura hate" Bro, what fandom do you think you're a part of??? That's all some people here do. I swear some people hate Sakura more than they like the show




Did anyone else want to smack Suraj when he questioned if Kakashi has always had the Mangekyo Sharingan? Lol.

Kevin Kovacs

I mean there are people who LOVES characters like Sasuke who just doesn't give a damm about anything... XDD


On another note, Kishimoto really had Sakura, the only female character, get saved by the two male characters like a damsel in distress twice in the same fucking episode. It's such bad writing


this episode's sasuke will forever be my favourite sasuke


You guys don't have to worry about it. Is literally known in the whole fanbase at this point how horrible sometimes the pace of this show is (This only happens in the Anime btw) Thank god you guys only have to watch cannon stuff otherwise you guys will be so much tired of this shit. This comes from a guy that literally sit throw this whole show week after week , year after year :)


jesus suraj....after the deidara fight, pain fight....you just now realize kakashi has the mangekyo??


Pretty sure this is the third time they got surprised by it xd


Lmao an now we begin the flashback arcs


I feel so bad for Sakura! I defend sakura for the right reasons! But her in this arc is impossible to defend! Idk what Kishimoto was thinking

Isaiah Cox

Wow after this episode I hate the normies for all of the Sakura hate


I think the flash back was fine, i mean the Original series ended in 2007 this episode aired in Japanese in 2011 and English in 2013, I cant remember what I had for lunch yesterday I sure as hell cant remember the details of something I watched almost 5 years ago, I appreciate the reminder, though i admit they cut the best part lol.


This is genuinely one of my favorite reaction videos from the Normies that line up with their Got "the Bell" reaction and their the 100 "Blood Giant" reaction.




no its not "bad" writing its just writing lol being a damsel isnt inherently a bad thing. not all female characters are gonna be uber equal to the male counterparts. This isnt a western show where the females are artificially raised to the levels of males. Strong females exist and should def exist but sakura isnt a strong female and its okay

Jamil Hicks

we’re not mad we can all agree that sakura is trash 😂😂😂

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Sasuke: You have no right to use the Sharingan!!! I'll murder you!! Blah Blah Blah.... Also Sasuke: Proceeds to try and kill Kakashi with the Chidori, a technique Kakashi invented and taught to Sasuke. Sasuke is a straight joke man NO CAP.


Tbh they over hype kakashi. They call him the copy ninja and that he can use 1000 jutsu but you see maybe 6


Suraj complains about excessive flashbacks, yet doesn't remember Kakashi's Mangekyo, which was featured multiple times during the show...

Mike Drop

This video will be remembered as the roast of Sakura

Kishan P

Then ur going to have to hate a LOT of people, cause most naruto fans hate/dislike sakura.

Anas Ghadfi

Sakura is trash and the anime made her worse

Kishan P

Agreed, but some people try so hard to justify her actions and try to make people feel bad for disliking her.


Lol sasuke was always a one-note cunt. Nothing changed about him but who his targets were... Sasuke has ONLY ever been the 'angry guy hungry for revenge'. He's just louder about it now lol

Kevin Kovacs

I love their reaction sooo much man!! the Sakura frustration in this episode was like over the top here!! XDD

Mike Drop

In a world of Shinobi, Sakura is a Shenobody


Hearing Sasuke talk his shit and be able to back it against kakashi was awesome. Blind psycho sasuke was is so fun to watch

Neal Cabanos

I still go back and watch their reaction to the original throat chop scene. It gives me life


unpopular opinion but i actually like sakura. she makes decisions that i don't agree with but she's flawed and not perfect. and i appreciate that.


I do hate the amount of flashbacks, and Sakura is poorly written in many ways, but I do not judge her decision to go for Sasuke again. It's stupid, but love makes you do a lot of stupid things, she had to know if she had it in her.

Adrian Bisutti

how does one forget that kakashi has the mankegeyo, he literally used it in the pain arc to save himslef and choji


Your literally binging the show and forgot about kakshis mangekyo ability...... Imagine only watch 1 episode a week you guys would be fucked in the memory asoect


I’m usually not one to complain about this, but you guys got so lost in your Sakura/flashback hate that you missed that perfect artistic transition when it changed from the part 1 flashback to Sakura being unable to stab Sasuke. I get it, Sakura was at an all time high of stupidity thinking she could do this, but you guys made the entire scene worthless by complaining about the same shit over and over while it was happening.


If it was a guy he’ll be a Simp But still fuck Sakura at this point She cool in boruto tho 🤷‍♂️


Honestly after all the complaining in this episode I might not subscribe anymore. I know my $10 doesn't matter to you guys but there are tons of reactions on YouTube for free that don't complain about everything.


The Normies be real forgetful so maybe these flashbacks are good for you.


Sakura breathes: The Normies: UGHHHHH SHES SO DUMB

Abdul Manneh

Please watch swagkage dissecting sasuke I think u missed some shit and only hating on him based on surface level acts


Nah guys, Sakura does suck


I really wish they could do like 4 episodes a week, its tooooo addicting 😂


You guys rolling and doing drugs really messes with your brain. You guys lack the ability to remember simple things, and pay attention to moments where you miss the artistry. You guys talk way too much while there is important dialogue, Nahid had to shut you guys up in the previous drop.


This is one reason why when people mention that Chiyo fight I just be thinking "man she did have that huh, damn" lol. It was so dope that it's just off putting connecting it to her character after all she's done the entire series. I feel bad that she's written so badly lol.


they make fun of sakura when she faces sasuke but hype kakashi thinking he can take on sasuke lol.... bias

Abdul Manneh

Its blind sasuke tho he has a chance but his ms op as well especially this is just before war arc wen he starts spamming it with ease


There are definitely people who get mad about Sakura hate but honestly like. She has poop for brains. As for Sasuke, his psycho phase is entertaining I guess but from a writing perspective, he was obviously a better character when he had more than one dimension to his personality. TBH the decision to take Itachi from pure evil to morally grey while Sasuke went from grey to evil will always seem kinda forced to me, Sasuke was merciful to at least some degree, did some evil shit but balanced it with having a soul at least occasionally, while Itachi was shown telling Kisame to kill Asuma back in part 1 (you know, since a double agent would totally attack the hokage's literal son), and telling his 7 year old brother to murder his best friend and a lot of other stuff, like the massacre plot twist itself was cool but the characterization swap will never make sense to me. Uchiha stans don't @ me.


Also no hate on Kakashi since he's one of my favorites but he always gets his ass kicked, so this fight's outcome wasn't surprising lol

Liam D

Gaara cried because he knows how much Sasuke means to Naruto, and he tried to reach out to Sasuke but saw how futile it was, he was too far gone.

Abdul Manneh

Look at who he is match up against this is susano with a full incomplete susano raikage could barely done anything to just his rib cage suraj show sasuke some respect


This is why seasonal anime is the way to o


lol sakura almost got herself killed twice this episode

Paul R Peddy

I get people don't like to hear complaining about the show but these are accurate and understandable criticisms. They wrote Sakura HORRIBLY and it's shown prominently in this episode. Her entire emotional arc is centered about this one man she had a crush on in school and every decision she's made in this show has been based on it. I have more to say but I won't get into it because of spoilers but lemme just say, Your complaining is completely understandable and warranted given how this episode was mostly flashback and like 10 seconds of a fight lol

Abdul Manneh

They ain't see nothing yet imagine filler in the middle of hype moments and turning points in the war. War is one of the weakest arcs of shonen period


Just read record of ragnorak i believe the anime didn't do that well!




Yeah this episode was full of unnecessary padding and filler. Naruto is my favorite show, but there’s no denying it’s flaws. This being a major one.


So, what I'll say for now is that this episode annoyed me with the flashbacks. They could've settled with just a few happy memories between team 7 and maybe even a silly filler scene with Sasuke to hit the feels before Sasuke leaving. That being said, Sakura isn't being written badly here, just trust me on that. She could be written better, no doubt (Literally two sentences and/or one action in this episode would have made her character 100x better) She gets written badly LATER 😵😒 And then oddly very well... And then meh. And then she's a beast in Boruto... Wrll, at least that's what I'm told.

Michael Diaz

SURAJ! NO ONE LIKES SAKURA! YOU'RE FINE. Suraj: Well there are SOME Sakura fans out there. "There ARE NO Sakura fans." - Nux Taku B) lol


that gawk gawk 3000 for kakashi lmfaooo

Zero Requiem

Thankfully Boruto doesn't have many flashbacks


Naruto really should’ve been seasonal. The padding during the hype episodes is even bad.


Love or Hate Sakura no matter you want...there's no argument that her character writing is LITERALLY not the best it could have been. Sorry 🙄 but Kakashi vs Edgelord Sasuke gotta love it.


Completely wrong. There are (almost?) no flashbacks longer than 1 page to previously shown things in the manga. I've read the manga. The anime adds A LOT of padding.

Zack Aranda

Don't say that in the discord. They'll gang up on you since they're all Sakura defenders.

Alex cleveland

The studio that does Naruto always had issues with catching up with the manga and then making horrible paced EPs or scenes, and it gets really annoying. Unnecessary ass flashbacks really was the downside to the Naruto series in general. If Naruto was seasonal tho.... boy everyone and they great grandmas would've watched the living shit outta Naruto. And Naruto is considered one of the most watched anime ever


The worse the writing gets the better the reactions are


yerp. bitch been trash. i lowkey don't blame dude for tryna take dat bitch out

Alex cleveland

Sakura is delusional basically... She need to catch the 1 2 from Naruto or Kakashi or fucking somebody😂


honestly i genuinely can’t stand Suraj, love the reactions y’all are great. But he brings down the group. Really annoying 🤦🏽‍♂️


The simultaneous cringe of the entire crew to Sakura trying to "take the burden" is priceless!


this is the worst ep of naruto. but your guys reactions were GOLD


I was confident that someone was going to edit this episode and the next few because they're so flashback-filler heavy. It def ruins team 7 reunion.


Also I get the feeling they forgot the whole Pain arc existed and it's effect on Naruto. Like, him knowing what loss and revenge is. That and Kakashi's Mangekyo 🤦

Daniel Sessions

Okay firstly how the hell did they forget for the second time about Kakashi having the Mangekyo?? When it showed up in the Pain fight that I understood, even minusing the fillers it had been like 100 episodes damn near, and they did remember like a minute after. But, the Pain fight to here has not been that long, given they skipped like 20 episodes, so really no excuse for that guys. Secondly, I know this episode is getting and will probably continue to get shit and a lot of it I do agree with, but not all. However something in this episode I think does deserve a shoutout it the voice acting on Sasuke. That VA is doing such a good job making him sound so unhinged and angry and just murderous. It's actually fairly unsettling, and I think does deserve to be mentioned


Probably forgot that Jiraiya was literally a father figure to Naruto :(

Lively Nili

Sasuke falling this far is one of the most realistic things in the entire anime. The majority of people would do the same if they were in his shoes. People hating on him and saying his actions don't make sense are the same people that see Good and Evil as Black and White when it comes to the Humanity in a person. It's never that clear cut. Seeing your parents and clan get massacred over and over by your beloved elder brother in a Tsukiyomi at 8 years old, is pretty traumatising if you ask me. The type that doesn't go away. Only to find out years later after killing Itachi in vengeance, that it was his mission given by the upper echelon of the Hidden Leaf, when Itachi was only 14. Some heavy mental fuckery there. So if you're up to this point and still saying he's a whiny edgelord or his character is badly written and sucks or his actions make no sense, then we'll just assume you're trolling or too shallow minded to see the bigger picture. Not to mention he's 16 and the Uchiha are genetically predisposed to growing stronger in power through Hatred and getting lost in it.

Mohamed Aimal

Nahid "ya'll" Rana "ya'll", Nahid "dog" Rana "dog" 😂


Trust me NO ONE will hate you for hating Sakura. Everyone hates "Uselessness".


i want to say cause suraj said "sasuke couldn't even beat the raikage at full strength." Sasuke dealt a lot of damage to the raikage and it was virtually a tie. Sasuke is without a doubt stronger than kakashi. The raikage is also stronger than kakashi. The only reason kakashi doesn't die is because sasuke just fought danzo.


it was not a tie, if garra did not step in at the last second then sasuke would had been dead right now.


Sakura is one of my favorite characters but yeah. Understandable.


I never started liking her until I got into fanon & fanfiction where they got rid of SasuSaku and... her being annoying.

Siraj Khalid

Just wanted to say record of ragnarok flopped in the animation department and that's even worse considering it's a "fighting anime"


Hell Yeah Surj has seen Inside


same goes for the Hyuga simp girl but her fans ignore that


I don't think it's justified at all. So many people complain about the female characters not doing anything, but then everyone bitches whenever Sakura does anything.


She's only useless in the "shounen fan" concept of useless. A female character is only useful to them when they can beat up a room full of people. Sakura being the only medical ninja in her generation, having an old Uzumaki/Senju sealing jutsu, and being the second smartest character in her generation who everyone agreed would be a good hokage one day is "useless" to you people? lol

Lively Nili

Sasuke falling this far is one of the most realistic things in the entire anime. The majority of people would do the same if they were in his shoes. People hating on him and saying his actions don't make sense are the same people that see Good and Evil as Black and White when it comes to the Humanity in a person. It's never that clear cut. Seeing your parents and clan get massacred over and over by your beloved elder brother in a Tsukiyomi at 8 years old, is pretty traumatising if you ask me. The type that doesn't go away. Only to find out years later after killing Itachi in vengeance, that it was his mission given by the upper echelon of the Hidden Leaf, when Itachi was only 14. Some heavy mental fuckery there. So if you're up to this point and still saying he's a whiny edgelord or his character is badly written and sucks or his actions make no sense, then we'll just assume you're trolling or too shallow minded to see the bigger picture. Not to mention he's 16 and the Uchiha are genetically predisposed to growing stronger in power through Hatred and getting lost in it.

Sonia Sanches

My god the way they animated this always makes me think the studio hates sakura. Like why make her look worse when we know shes make dumb decisions. I love sakura but the anime just makes it worse the manga was less cringey.

Senbu Johns

Sakura isn't useless. She is just too annoying. As the only medical ninja of her promotion, she is a key element to many situations. She is also strong and smart. The fact that she is so annoying blends with the reality of things and makes her useless. But she really isn't.


14:39 Yup we were all thinking that.


Almost falling out my seat with laughter, watching you guys react to Sakura's questionable decisions LOL


I get that she's a poorly written character. But tbh she gets too much hate for every little thing she does. Kiba, Sai, Lee and Sakura were going to kill Sasuke. But only Sakura got hate for it. Why? because she's weak. Kakashi and Sakura wanted to bear the burden of being the one to kill Sasuke. But Kakashi is praised and Sakura is called dumb. Why? Because she's weak. She is annoying multiple times like when she told Naruto she loves him. But the hate she's getting here ends up being just for her being "weak" not "annoying". And thats kinda irritating. Like Nahid said, feels like they are just nitpicking at this point.


True. People hate on Sakura for things she does that other character also do but get praised for it. In the end, Sakura is still a fucking strong Shinobi compared to the average one. But comnpared to Naruto and Sasuke of course she's going to be weak, she doesn't have plot armor and she's not written consistent in the whole series. Kishimoto didn't know what to do with her honestly, she should have been more consistent at this point in the series.

Vin Sama

also the fact Kishimoto out himself saying he isnt good at writing women so alot of them tend to be wasted potential


19:40 the disappointment hahaha


I tried so hard not to hate Sakura cause I know her character is just a victim of the sexism in the anime industry, but goddamn I can’t help it I really hate that bitch😭


@The Normies yeah poor Sakura Sasuke literally tried to kill her mant times but she still obsessed with him yeah this always hurts lmfao and by the way you gotta understand why Sasuke is mad like seriously if you don't your the real one that's blind

Arindrajit Sen

And if a guy said this u would see so many comments shaming him and telling he's toxic and justifying Sakura and all. Anyway I won't go into that. I think it's not just sexism in the anime industry but the inability of Kishimoto to write good female characters. So many wasted female characters like Ino, Tenten, Sakura. I so wanted to see Mei Terumi fight and just more of her in general but nah. Well Sakura is low key awesome in Boruto now so I like her.

Arindrajit Sen

He's mad definitely but he's doing the same thing that his brother sacrificed not to happen. They extent he's going to isn't justified and he definitely has become a powerful but a pathetic shinobi and human being. Ya one would be angry but what he's doing is unjustified. Killing Danzo is understandable but the whole leaf, your comrades, the innocent people who didn't know and do anything that's just evil and disgusting.

Arindrajit Sen

The thing is back when it aired there were 1 episode a week and sometimes irregular longer gaps between episodes especially from 2011 to 2014. So they had to show the flashback so people remembered what they saw a long time back unlike you guys watching 2 episodes a week so y'all remember stuff(kinda) and also for the manga to go ahead so they can start animating the new scenes.