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Carcetti wins the mayoral primary and Randy spills what he knows about Lex to his principal and Carver in Season 4 Episode 6 of The Wire!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/XBXjRiDNIck

Uncut: video above



One of the guys Butchie sent to protect Omar in jail is played by Donnie Andrews, the person who the Omar character is based on.


I think Marlo was doing more than pranking the cops, I think that was part of trying to figure out who's been filming him and whether he should be worried about it. Remember Randy saying about group homes i.e. the foster system, "in those places you don't need to eat boiled cat to make you crazy." He dreads going back, which is why he's so polite and deferential to miss Anna, and will snitch about anything to keep out of trouble.

Queef Burglar

Rana said kenard is a cute little baby lol this will not age well

Chris Partlow

Tony Gray didnt vote for Tony Gray :(

Kamina 1

I don't know what i was doing when i first watched season 4 of The Wire, but i certainly don't recall Norman being this hilarious of a character. One of the standout performances of this season so far. Again, great to have you back Suraj. The show is almost over. 17 episodes to go. Hang in there man


I’m so glad that you guys talked about Randy’s fear of going back into a group home; his fear being so great that he told about a murder in order to keep from going back. When I would watch and rewatch the show as a teen, I would constantly make fun of him for snitching. But now that I’m in my 20s, I have a strong dislike for that Principal for throwing foster care into his face in order to get information, knowing how traumatizing the whole experience is for kids. It’s so fucked up how she used that specific circumstance against him. I said all of that to say this: I’m glad you guys weren’t assholes like I was 😂 and that you looked as the situation as human beings unlike me who shunned a child for a decision he made out of fear.


Fantastic reactions! :)

Kwame James

I understand that it's not cool but look at it from her perspective a student said she was raped we know it's a lie but she doesn't so she needs answers and the girl said Randy was involved same thing with the Omar situation someone that the cops know rob drug dealers and sometimes kills people someone tells you he killed someone why would the cops be like naw let's go do more work I don't think he killed this lady this time or be like he should've been in prison also this shows the difference between Marlo and Avon the fact that Avon had more of a reason to want Omar dead but never would've killed a citizen to get him looked up to do it even though it was incredibly easy to get him like that Omar Is alive because it's hard to find him if he is in jail you know where he is and have a lot of people who would kill him just cuz but I'm sure they would put money on him