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After this intense backstory reveal, which female Naruto character do you think has had the most tragic backstory?



Not claiming anything, just asking. Does anyone know if the Karin backstory they watched is canon or filler just added to the episode?


I believe it’s canon that Kishimoto didn’t put in the manga just like “her” backstory that we’ll see later.

Guillermo Oliva

Whos the someone i havent met yet what arc

Fred Carmichael

Id argue it would be Konan? Even if it wasnt explored much she was a war orphan. If they ever do a Naruto-Kai, I really hope they do every female character JUSTICE and put extra effort on writing them


Konan definitely deserves a spot on the list


That Karin episode is to hard to watch for me it personally makes me sick how they treated her...and also how is Sakura an option out of So Far everybody she has the best non tragic backstory...she does not know pain


karin backstory is filler so i dont count her and choose Konan


Karin definitely the saddest but the best female characters are Tsunade, Chiyo, and Ku......


That list has to be bigger, but considering what they saw up to this moment, I'd say Karin Although, they have seen some female characters with a f-d up childhood already


Red heads in this show is synonymous with traumatic backstorys


How is Sakura even on this list? She had the most normal and happy life and upbringing with loving parents and everything. Edit: Now that I think about it, I would even put Hinata on the list before Sakura. Her childhood fucking sucked as well, with her being outshined by Neji and her younger sister and being disregarded as a failure as well.

Kevin Kovacs

hmmm I wonder who is that female character that we haven't met yet... has a REALLY sad backstory but I don't think people are thinking about "that" one who everybody hate because he ruined a lot of thing in the end of Shippuden...XDD


They haven't really met kushina yet....


Only the females? So all the males not named Naruto or Sasuke don’t need development? As for Konan’s backstory. Karin is a war orphan too. Forced to immigrate to a nation that does nothing but guilt and use her, and to make things worse she has no family to go to. Konan at least had 2 people she could be with, Karin was alone after her mom died, and spent her entire life getting used until Orochimaru died.

my new name

K.O.N.A.N. !!! (Tsunade close second)


Well, yep, Konan and Karin (even though her story is partly canon) have to claim 1st place


Lady Tsunade is only answer


Tomato Head is the only real answer


But sasuke....and sasuke....and...SASUKE....sas...uke... How can you not be moved by this?


Are you hinting at Kushina lol? They know who Kushina is...they showed her and Minato at the same time lol


Konan by far


Lady Tsunade’s tragedy happened when she was in her 20s and 30s, and now when she’s like 60. I wouldn’t count that as “backstory” lol

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

Guren, from the filler arc, was/is the best and most well written female character in the show.


I really loved that filler arc because of her. Shame most people hate it and skip it. I thought the combination jutsu stuff with Gamakichi was also really cool. Too bad it's not canon and therefore never gets used in the series again after that filler arc. Also that filler really amps up Kabuto's presence as a villain for me. He was fucking ominous in that filler arc with the curse marks.

Pepperoni Pony .

Man, it literally says try being spoiler free in the comments


Ok sorry I mean tomato hair lady has the saddest back story but it’s barely a spoiler because well… anyways

Lara Staehli

The woman/girl you will meet and get to know better has in my opinion the saddest story. I always cried (still do..) because of her. Im not kidding... The color "red" is really a warning sign.

AyPeeElTee .

delete this, why do people like spoiling things so much...smdh


That Red Hot Habanero chick

Jordan Swan

Tenten clearly


Karin; what they did to her mother and what they did to her was monstrous, and like you said the whole felt like symbolism for rape.


You might have met her already, but you haven’t seen the backstory


Haku. oh wait...


You can't forget about my girl Konan. Literally 2 of her best friends died that u already met: Nagato and Yahiko


Seen her a few times but, only know one thing about her and know nothing about her.

Avalon Glynn

Sakura should be replaced on that list


Konan…..her story is Yahikos


I think people are saying it’s the red hot habanero. I’d agree.

Omar Bautista

Why would anyone choose Sakura

Dominic Caciappo

I did, do you not know the tragedy of seeing the cute hot edgy boy you wanna kiss run away.

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

I can only think of one Female character they haven't met & I'm gonna say no for that OP ass itch-bay.


Red Hot Habanero (My favorite female character in Naruto.)


sakura has the least pain yet for some reason she does 10x more crying than every other character lol

Hazy Skies

Someone with red hair, you'll know her when you see her

Chaos T

There's two I can think of. The character has already been mentioned by others and the other one I'm thinking of gets introduced at the end of Naruto; a character that's divisive in the Naruto fandom because she came out of nowhere. The woman with grey/white hair really does have a tragic backstory.


Karin is a far more fleshed out character than one of the main characters but shes not the most tragic


Can’t say her name I ain’t spoiling sh!t here lol but Naruto fans definitely know what I’m talking about (episodes 246 to 249 broooo 💔)

luke nwagbara

most tragic is probably random leaf villager # 37 got her family killed in all those leaf attacks and they didnt come back

The Regret Meter

Her story isn't tragic IMO. Personally, I feel suffering through life is more tragic than a bad death.


After watching a filler arc that the Normies are definitely going to skip (and nothing after yet) I have to say it upsets me to no end that a certain konichi who just wanted 100 friends died before we even got to meet her.


They have seen the red hot habanero alraedy its not a spoiler wtf


Konan should def be on this list


Saddest backstory is Ramen Guy. Its so sad it doesn't exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dallas Winston

Sakura has a tragic existence not back story lol, shit Hinatas back story more more heart wrenching that Sakura. Sakura got picked on for having a big forehead until she embraced it and no one picked on her any more. Hinata got bullied and she had to live up to her fathers expectations of being the next clan ruler all while getting wrecked by her little sister lol, Oh and Neji who was from the branch family


That Robin backstory hits every time. Herasihishishishi ;-;


Sakura's life is shit in the community, not in the anime. People really love to scapegoat her instead of calling out the misogynistic anime industry and the Naruto creators who basically created her for the sake of two men. The only reason why people justify their hate for her is because she is the most plot-developed kunoichi even if it's tropey and in a negative context; it's easy for people to like Hinata, Tsunade, and Ino given their conventional anime beauty/aesthetics (which is the sole purpose of their character designs, being over-sexualized and objectified to the extent of Naruto's diegetic world) and lack of screen time as well as personality/connections to the storyline. Another women berated instead of the people who are at fault for how she is created through the series.

Vin Sama

nah thing is a lot of female characters that do have potential just end up being wasted


the red hot habanero is the most logical answer.