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Jarryd Thompson

Finally the episode we been waiting for them to simp too

Abs Mahamud

lessss gooooooooo


jogo isnt stronger than full power sukuna only current sukuna with less than half his fingers


Stronger than Sakuna *currently* is so yuji has eaten 2 or 3 fingers so far? Jogo is equivalent to 8 or 9 fingers they said in the restaurant? not certain i can't remember p.s. Gojou 4 president.

Wally Boyd

The concept for the curses, especially the Frankenstein's Monster stitched one and the one that looks like evil Groot, are really great! No spoilers, but it gives their power levels a lot of meaning, which adds another layer to the show (which already has way more layers than most anime imo).


how did all four of you miss "currently" for the sukuna part


Nice job Nahid. Any secure straight man can realize that Gojo is way too good looking for this world.

Dillon W

Sukuna is the king of all curses, their is none stronger (as far as curses go) in the last episode they said he is about 8-9 fingers worth but Sukuna completed is 20 fingers. Over twice as strong.

ZureZule Miyazaki

Actually in 0 it was stated that Rika could be on par with or even stronger than completed Sukuna.

Dillon W

Ahhh ok cool, didnt watch 0 I didnt know that, Jogo however a different story lol

Vin Sama

but Sukuna didnt exist when 0 was made. that was basically the first draft of the series


Yeah but I feel like they meant in pure curse energy and raw power. But when it comes to techniques and understanding of the use of curse energy Sukuna far outstrips Rika.


Why are you asking comments for answers when the anime hasn't even explained how he teleports... Just wait like all of us

Scott Brown

Before JJK existed (and therefore Sukuna), and also by somebody who isn't all-knowing, that was just Geto fetishizing Rika.

Vin Sama

or they can read the manga to get the answers quickly like the rest of us


A real fan would simp Gojo along with their girl. Those eyes are godly