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RWBY 4x11

Reaction: https://youtu.be/TaMIbWRbKIE 

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/567629634/b9cb896886

Clone Wars 15 (111)

Reaction: https://youtu.be/aoC5mmSLmw4

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/558216792/b7378becf5



Ricky Faber

Klein is supposed to be the 7 dwarfs, each time his eye colour changes he's a different one of the 7 dwarves.

Edwin Ayala

Telling from their brief reaction to the scene with Ironwood/Jacques, I get the feeling they’re gonna really like a couple specific volumes.

Benjamin Donahue

-The word you were looking for was "centaur" (body of a horse with human torso and head) -Yes, Haven academy is in the kingdom of Mistral -though I'm not sure I think Kline is suppose to represent all 7 dwarves so they make his eyes change with his personality, and voice - love this group watching RWBY and all of your takes on it. One recommendation I wouldn't mind seeing is if you chose to watch each season as a complete movies instead of episode by episode. I think each season runs close to 3 hours in total. Though at the same time I think I would miss the discussion in between. Food for thought I suppose.

Dominick Sermeno

As we approach Vol 5. I would like to once again remind everyone that each member of Team RWBY are NOT I repeat NOOOOOOTTTT on the same timeline. RNJR is our present, Blake is the furthest in the past, followed by Yang, then Weiss. I say this because as you can see here some people are traveling. It will become more obvious in 5 that events are not happening at the same time. Just think Game of Thrones Logic. I already can hear Damarin saying "H0w dID ThIS PerSon gEt HeRe SO FaSt? DoeSn'T MaKe ANy SenSe".... simple, they didn't it took time and they even hint several times that some characters have not experienced some events that others have to account for travel time.


YES, someone else who doesn't like Parks & Rec and The Office.


When are we getting fellowship on the ring pt 2?


your right Suraj you have never seen that grimm before that was a gorilla Not a bear.

Zen Reacts

Fun fact the voice actor for Tyrian also voices Tokoyami from Hero Avademia


That grimm would have been familiar if you guys didn't skip the Volume 4 Character Short, which I'm surprised with how many people keep talking about it in the comments you guys still haven't watched. Hopefully you don't skip the shorts before volumes 5 and 6.

My Toasty Toast

Winter’s voice is Ymir’s voice in Attack on Titan


So the thing with Cline's eyes is that he is based on the seven dwarfs so he has multiple personalities and his eyes change color based on what personality he is currently portraying