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Bliss 28

RIP danzo


reactions to the war arc are going to be great


Can someone in discord explain to them the Dattebayo/believe it/ya know stuff coming up in the next arc? It's minor but I feel it's a weakness of the dub.


Danzo is such a buster. He did all of this to enhance his power and still Hiruzen was naturally better. He didn't need cheat codes


Chris is so facetious

Daniel Sessions

Danzo one of my least favorite characters but still one of my favorite death scenes, and not just because you get to see Danzo die. Well, okay maybe a little, but I do just think it is very well done all in all. Just something about that flashback actually made me see a different side of the man. I also don't think the point of it was for you to forgive Danzo but just better understand him. He wanted to be like Hiruzen even if he never admitted it, he looked up to and admired the man. He only ever really wanted to be the Hokage because Hruzin was. And just something about the way he says those last lines, "What did you think of me? What was I to you?" There was no hatred or ill feeling in them, just curiosity over someone though he never said he admired and aspired to be


The final touches to this arc are fantastic. Then starts the incredibly long filler arc. Speaking of filler, the gang should watch the Chikara/power arc. It's a movie that was split into episodes and is quite good actually.


danzo was never a villain. we was literally doing whatever he could to protect the village. and sasuke did care about his team. when he was fighting bee there was a moment where he was scared for their lives bc it reminded him of team 7

Quadreek Jackson

At this point saskue is the villain and danzo is the “hero”


whos' waiting for 211??!!!

Corey Greene

Didn’t Sasuke kill like 30 Samurai like 10 episodes ago loll

Sarvesh Nathan

Not even the flashback can make me feel sorry for Danzo.


Agreed. Imo this is where the dub starts to lack a bit compared to the sub. Up till now, I preferred it over the sub. I'd still recommend the dub simply for Madara but other characters like Naruto do have some cheesy lines lol


How is this "dark even for sasuke"? Are we forgetting the final valley where he plunged a chidori through Naruto's chest and pile-drive'd him off a cliff? Tbh Fuck sasuke.



Isaac Torres

I don't know if you guys caught that but on the recap scene, you can see Uchiha Kagami (which you will hear about later) and also the Leaf's advisors Koharu and Hamura. Nice reaction!

Sarvesh Nathan

"The only way if they can work together is if aliens are coming." -Navi

Sarvesh Nathan

Yes he was. He committed so many atrocities and his ideologies created many dangerous criminals. All his actions only worsened the state of the village.


Chris 'so what do u guys think Sasuke cares about? Everybody 'revenge' There u go Sasuke in a nutshell..😅😅 Also "his hatred upgrades him" shld be on a normies T shirt....lol Great discussion!!


People attracted to toxic people all the time, for some reason lmfaooo


Sasuke was willing to sacrifice Naruto to get the power to kill the, in his mind, most evil person that could possibly exist.


I don't think Danzo was ever a proper "villain" like Madara is. Yeah he's an asshole and no one likes him because of the shady stuff he got up to, but everything he did was for the sake of the village. This was brought up in last week's discussion, but yeah, Danzo and the Foundation were basically the CIA. SOMEONE has to be the one to do the dirty work, to get their hands messy. Nations don't run on fanciful ideology and naivete alone.


Nope. that was about the presumably fake suicide letter.

Trey Milliner-Williams

I feel like Navi must've saw something when she was googling Naruto quotes and she's subconsciously remembering it cause these predictions are hilarious

Trey Milliner-Williams

Also Itachi, Danzo, and Sarutobi are hot trash to me and forever will be. Anyone who commits are encourages genocide is trash in my book.


Sasuke killing Danzo wasn’t a bad thing but i’ve been team F Danzo for over a decade


Sasuke literally murdered samurai from the NEUTRAL LAND OF IRON

Jonathan Sessoms

When Navi said Aliens I had to pause for the moment and smile if only you knew I love the fourth ninja war arc jus really hate how that shit ended


the next few episodes are about to shock you guys


Fun fact: the young man Homura with glasses and the female Koharu who told him not to be a coward...those are the other 2 elders Sasuke wants to kill. & I'm with Chris Evil Sasuke for the win!!


Itachi didn't commit genocide 😏 he saved his little brother hehe


Danzo's such a great character. He's a mean, grumpy, stubborn asshole who does things in the darkness, he's selfish and he's ruthless but with that said he did it all for the Leaf. People like him do exist. Even if his methods were wrong (nobody should do things the Danzo way) his character as a whole with everything he's influenced, all he's apart of, man he's one of the best overall characters in this series. Kishimoto also did a great job in making you go from "yeah Sasuke kill this dude I hate him" to "damn, RIP asshole Danzo, Sasuke's crossed over" by the end of this fight. I didn't think I'd ever care about Danzo but then when this chapter dropped I was saying RIP LMAO. The Hiruzen stuff really showed us him in a new light. As for Sasuke...bruh that crazy face of his became a meme on Narutoforums when this chapter dropped. It's still used to this day across the internet. Use it wisely!


I completely agree with Suraj and Rana on Sasuke 👌🏻


Oh Rana, cant wait for your reaction for next couple of episodes :D

Quinton Campbell

*Rana's hope for Karin* Navi: there's not going to be a burial for Karin Suraj: are you in denial? Nahid: Rana idk what kinda mental gymnastics you playin 😂😂😂


I don't think Rana can look at Danzos arm without being sick. She keeps look at the ceiling, pretending to take notes, and holding a stuffed pillow infront of her eyes when ever his arm is on screen.


You'd think by now the rest of the Normies should LEARN that Rana is the best reactor and she is always right.


They have all been spoiled its hard not to on naruto nowadays they are just acting like its all new to them.


Skip 213 its almost all filler


Without chris these episodes would just go over the normies' heads lets be honest XD


Danzo is an extremely well written character, and the more time passes the more I realise it. He is very ambitious, yes, but he truly believes that what he does is for the best of the village, not his power hunger alone. And that seems like an ongoing thing with this show's villains (?), huh Also, Tobirama is hot af 🔥


Sasuke saw the opportunity and he took it. Karin made Danzo hold still. lol

J Hunte

I know people gonna hate but danzo is one of the most realistic people on the show.


Normies don't be so quick to judge


Lmao Rana smarter then every person on that couch xD

Varun Narayanswamy

I mean 4 episodes ago I think he left Jugo and Suigetsu under a bunch of rock... so I’m not sure if Sasuke wouldn’t have done this then


I love that they used the original manga style/panel for that one image of sasuke... its so scary and i think it gives the audience a better image of how dark he's turning

Pervy Sage

ok I swear I am not trying to be creepy or anything but Navi's outfit, the hair, everything she is the whole package the past 3 vids. Love that shirt and that grin she had at the end of the reaction talking about Sasuke and Karin. Daaaayum.


Chris has been growing on me. Loving what he adds to these discussions


Sasuke the most entertaining character in the show. Everything he’s involved his great


The Sasuke definitely DID care about Taka. It's like Suraj says, he evolved in his darkness. When he fought Bee he went out of his way to protect them. By the time he was in the Land of Iron, his hate of the village for doing what they did to Itachi had peaked and he started becoming darker and darker. Sasuke is a complex character. I only really understood him after finishing the whole series and rewatching.

Liam D

Chris is 100% right they shouldn't be surprised by Sasuke's actions. ever since Itachis death, hes tried to kill innocent man (bee), stated he wants to destroy the hidden leaf, and killed and attacked at 5 kage summit. Its his full heel turn which makes sense cuz he needs to be at his darkest so our boy Naruto can come save him. he has to be so far gone that no one but our protag can reach him.

Liam D

Also Danzo is a POS no doubt but hes a complex character, a villain but honestly believe what he is doing is for the greater good. And sometimes you have to give it to him, his darkness is what worked. Danzo in the shadows and Hiruzen in the light kept the leaf running for decades.

Queef Burglar

1.Sasuke beat a 40% orochimaru 2. Deidara killed himself 3. Itachi was sick/and wasn't trying to kill sasuke 4. Killer bee mop sasuke/but sasuke got assisted by his team 5. Raikage would've killed sasuke/but gaara saved him 6. Onoki would've killed sasuke but toby saved him 7. Danzo would've trapped sasuke in his sealing jutsu but toby saved him again...in conclusion sasuke is overrated


Once again, Sasuke can never have redemption. No one should forgive him.


The ending of the arc is the best part, it perfectly shows what misunderstandings can do. Also, it sets up Boruto.

Jimmy Wise

Some people have that reaction to repeating circles/holes, Trypophobia


Number 7 is a spoiler I think you should delete the comment immediately


Tobirama Senju

Lord Madara

Naah Karin was not innocent. She abused inmates in Orochimaru hideout, and let them be locked up in a inhuman way even after Orochimaru death.

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

Yeah I agree, you could say Sasuke is the cleaned up Danzo to Naruto's Hiruzen


Were you actually paying attention to the show you've been watching?

Lord Madara

Hype for episode 322


For everyone saying that Danzo isn't a villain bc everything he did was to protect the Leaf, y'all haven't been paying attention. He let the village be destroyed by pain and witheld foundation ninja so that he could seize power. He jeopardized the five kage summit so that he could seize power. If he really cared about the village, he could have cooperated with five kage, no matter who led the new army, or he could've help in the pain arc and possibly stopped the Leaf's destruction. ALSO, even if he was solely trying to protect the village, he did evil sht that was totally unnecessary. He convinced Hanzo the rain orphans were somehow a threat so that he'd kill them, how was that for the sake of the leaf. Someone who goes around killing random people saying it's to protect their family is still a villain. If you kill someone who is no threat to your family, for the sake of your family, you're still a villain. Danzo was a coward who really only ever wanted to take power for himself and used "helping the leaf" as his own mental gymnastics of convincing himself he was doing some good idc how pitiful they tried to make his flashback.


Nah he never cared about that team at least for me I never saw a sign.


Hated Karin she was so obnoxious and a complete B*tch to everyone but Sasuke. so seeing Danzo and Karin get stabbed like that I can't help but think of the line from the joker movie "you get what you f*cking deserve"


Sasuke hitting the plug walk


So, the female ninja (Koharu) and the guy next to her (Homura) in the flashback with Danzo and Hiruzen are the two Konoha Elders (the old farts that Tsunade jacked up during the Pain invasion) who are on the Konoha Council. They were also Hiruzen's teammates, and the Second Hokage was there was their sensei.

Sarvesh Nathan

He literally went to save Karin from Bee's tentacles, even though doing so could kill him. He risked his life to save one of his own.

Sarvesh Nathan

Exactly. Thank you. Those defenders all believed his lies, when looking at his actions, he truly cared about power above all.


Danzo was just an extremist.


The dub butchered Danzos last line. What it actually is is "You were the leaves, basking in the sunlight. I was the root, growing in the darkness". Gives a very different meaning. Danzos ways were necessary to keep the Leafs way of life. They were both part of the same tree.


I LOVE Navi's point at 32:00 about humans coming together only against an alien threat lol, in terms of Naruto and Sasuke.


Sasuke really gets me so annoyed at points, like it even annoys me how persistent Naruto is about getting him back after all the stuff he does. I'm on The Raikage, Shikamaru, Sakura etc. sides, Sasuke needs to die XD (I'm with you chris, he makes me think of Kira too)


Tobi did not interfere at all

Mohamed Aimal

They are forgetting how sasuke killed those samurais, i think they were more innocent than karin

Aura Y

I definitely think Sasuke is pretty much using his team for his means of revenge rather than caring for them. Although he might have some desire to protect them, he's clearly more than willing to use them or get rid of them if they become "expendable" to him. Some of these predictions though haha

Flex i cute

Suraj and Nahid steady saying “nah he or she is dead” yet they be wrong most of the time. Jeez have some faith for certain characters

Chaos T

For me, the most unforgivable thing Sasuke has done up to this point is his attack on the Five Kage Summit. All those samurai he killed should be enough for life in prison or worse.


Kinda of frustrating to see most of the Normies straight up dismiss Rana's theory considering future events.


I'm usually a sucker for scenes of showing characters as they were as kids when they're dying... I felt nothing for Danzo. No backstory they possibly could have given him was going to redeem him at this point.

Benjamin Donahue

Not sure if you guys caught it but the woman in Danzo's flashback and the guy next to her were the two other village elders that Sasuke is still after


"Now that's my boy"

Ruben Lopez

Danzo went out like a boss. Idc what anybody says. He a g.


Rip Karin, she was fine, deserved better writing 😔

_ FlusterCluck

Chris is so happy about sasuke being cruel


The next few episodes are flashback heavy


i swear when she said aliens, I was like yup you have no idea whats about to happen

_ FlusterCluck

I believe those were the 2 advisors on the far right in danzos flashback

Chaos T

Probably my least favorite handful of episodes in the series.


There isn't a more basic bitch than a Sasuke fan


Danzo is one of my favorite characters and I’d say best death scene. This was such a bad fight showcasing Danzos power it’s sad, I wish he took the win against sasuke and had tobi step in but still not obtain shisuis eye, because they’re making out sasuke to be way too strong considering he should’ve died against deidara and now this like he just got out of fighting the kages in the summit 🤦‍♂️


Aww, Suraj realizing he is a Naruto is sweet with still believing in Sasuke. Also, I do think that there is a tragic-ness to Karin's character. From the fight with Killer Bee when she first healed Sasuke, you see bite marks all over her body. Aside from Sasuke, the implication is that she has been used throughout her life.

Jesse st.facile

I’d love to see them react to the first 9-10 openings of shippuden since it’s be the same length as the OG Naruto


Nah I don’t want to hear y’all say shit about Karin 😂. Y’all went out of your way to hate on her consistently even when she was being useful as hell but now y’all feel some way. 😂💙😂😂


Hey Normies don't forget that Sasuke was on his way to the leaf during ep 197 or 198 but Madara stopped him and told him that Pain already destroyed the village and mentioned to him that Danzo was going to the summit. So yeah he was going to the leaf with Taka full force.


Sasuke best character fight me

Kamina 1

You don't have to dislike Sasuke just because he just went full heel guys 😂 it's okay to still like him. The parallel between how Rana, and Suraj responded to Sasuke's actions was great tv. Suraj conflicted beyond imagination, while Rana staying loyal to her cute bad boy with every defense in the book lol.


These next couple of episodes 🤣🤣

Kamina 1

Suraj, i lowkey thought you were gonna take this Sasuke flip the same way you took the butchering of Bellamy's character from The 100 lol. Glad you took this as well as you did man. Personally this development made much more sense for me because of the constant foreshadowing Kishimoto force feeds his audience. The Bellamy thing still pisses me off till this day.


My thoughts on this are somewhat mixed. I guess I supported Sasuke in this fight with Danzo because Danzo was the most responsible for ordering Itachi to kill his clan to prevent a coup d'etat. But in my opinion out of Madara, Sasuke, and Danzo, I believe that in that moment Danzo is the least evil one and has the best intentions for the leaf/shinobi world. Danzo was in the right to try to get rid of them for the sake of the Leaf/shinobi world.


Sasuke in this small arc, killed about 10 samurai and attempted to kill all the Kage, 4 of their supports, and karren, meaning irl he would be charged with 10 counts of first degree murder, 10 counts of attempted murder, assault and battery, and aiding a terrorist organization.


I love Suraj's spirit! I too believe there's good in everyone, even villains. I'm with you bro! believe it!


Guys, feel free to skip episode 213. I just rewatched it. It's just a bunch of flashbacks that we've all seen before.


The normies: Karin was being used misaka: am I a joke to u

Sarvesh Nathan

No Danzo is definitely more evil than Sasuke. Sasuke has redeeming qualities, while Danzo has little to none.


Chris's socks lol

Christian Callahan

Navi: "only way Naruto and Sasuke can unite is if there is a bigger threat coming like alines" little do they know lol

Vin Sama

lets he how much Rana can defend Sasuke in the next 2 episodes

Dayvon Rose

Can people stop trying to be funny and spoiling the story thinking they're smart enough to say stuff without saying it?

C Nichole

I dont think Sasuke necessarily cared about the taka.....I think he saw a glimmer of Team 7 in them...thats what made him care


The advisors have names similar to Konohagakure like Konohamaru. And I think that was him. They called him Homaru or something.


Not the Normies complaining about an opening preview when they use it in every reaction

Lively Nili

Sasuke walking to Danzo with that look on his face is the funniest shit in the anime lmao

Silverskar (Movies are FUN)

the girl and the guy with glasses in danzo's team were the 2 elders that give advise to tsunade

Brandon Holmes

Isn't the reveal from that one character next. Wont say name for spoilers.

Johnny Blue

Found 6 spoilers in this one. Disappointing.

Abdul Manneh

More like naruto n sakura annoying for still having hope. Naruto is literally one of my least favorite character for this very reason


She's just right until she knows she not.. other normies are always wrong

EJ Roldan

So...... is suraj ok threatening the president? Long time watcher, first time commenter.... because I'm generally concerned


STOP WATCHING THE INTROS! For the love of God! They get way more spoilery

Gerard Lelouch

I agree that Karin is a shitty character (like pretty much all females characters in Naruto) but at least she is an excellent supportive ninja. Way better than Sakura : Her healing powers are faster and better + she's one of the best sensory type we've seen


Watching the intro is like watching a movie trailer. It’s a “spoiler” if you know what you’re looking at but otherwise it’s just a teaser. It’s fine.


Lady Tsunade was right about all three not caring the true will of fire


the fight between danzo and sasuke was alright but the best part was seeing Tobirama Senju flashback


Hey look a sharigan uchiha dude in the flashback..


this was when sasuke became my favorite character.


Okay, I feel like I need to comment on Sasuke, because his narrative is definitely integral. I feel like Suraj is on point that this sort of thing is something that Sasuke wouldn't have done an arc ago; he's actively giving into his anger and frustration and despair. Sasuke is a lot like Gaara, and Naruto actually. Totally alone. Used by so many as a bullet for personal/national interest...it goes on and on. This kid is 16, and his entire worldview has been forcibly and violently changed at least twice within the last decade. First he thought his brother had been lying to him his whole life, then he realized he was, but so was the village he initially was loyal towards...I mean Christ, I think you could honestly look at what's going on with Sasuke as a form of mental breakdown. He literally doesn't know how to live other than in hatred, for revenge. His pain makes him unable to connect to others. He feels alone, and confused, and unbelievably angry at the shinobi world that caused him so much hurt. I'm not saying he's right, of course. But man, Sasook didn't have much of a chance given the cards he was dealt.


sasuke snapped naruto's neck and tried to take him out with a chidori in pt 1


As a puertorrican I aprove the dando shimura song 🎧😂😂😜


@The Normies Yeah Danzo got what he deserved I don't care what anyone says but i'll be honest when I first saw this episode and they showed Danzo with Sarautobi I felt 0.00000000000000000001% bad because I have a heart lol but still fuck him!!! That scene with the manga art after he told Kairen not to move is still so fucking good, one done soon the rest big brother. But yeah it was kinda fucked up though lol also that scene when he's walking behind Danzo smiling on some Micheal Myers shit always gets me so iconic


What the hell are you talking about. Naruto has excellent female characters, including Karin. People are just salty that Kishimoto didn't believe making a good female character involved making her a powerhouse. Why are people so obsessed with every creator needing to make some gender political statement with their female characters, where they do something world-breaking? The main characters are Naruto and Sasuke. Past a certain point Kishimoto emphasized that they were on another level from everyone else. Now, you could say that he wasn't good at writing side characters, but that is arguable unimportant to the story he was trying to tell.

Brian Gerald Ford

I think funniest part about the whole Karin situation is that Sasuke intentionally shot his Chidori spear through Karin just to kill Danzo a little faster. I am totally sure he could have done it and missed her completely or just graze her while still hitting Danzo. No matter if Karin lives or dies after this Sasuke basically said she's not worth the extra time it would have taken to save her and kill Danzo.


I think y’all are spoiler proof for the OP/ED, plot points from earlier seasons, reminders, etc. it’s just another aspect of The Normies. Y’all watch too much to keep anything straight beyond numerous filming sessions. Still love ya

Darren Metts

Nah Danzig is trash I don’t feel bad for him just wait for it dudes a complete clown


Hiruzen was the worst hokage. The uchiha massacre, all that orochimaru did up until he left the village. Also, Naruto was in his care and had a rough childhood (Couldn't asign a proper tutor or someone to look up after him? bad example but like Gaara had).

Shanks solos

SASUKE IS THE WORST!!!! kakashi and naruto are the best characters

Dark Danny

Nahid thinking Sasuke cares about Kakashi is hilarious.


what's wrong with RANA. He didn't kill anyone , it doesn't matter whether or not he kill someone or not, the intention behind the action matters he tried to kill karin and that's all that matters, he doesn't care about his team either. he is a great character but he is a shit human being

Arindrajit Sen

So again.... Itachi died coz of his illness and being almost blind coz he exerted too much and the illness became fatal. Now Danzo committed suicide. Ik Sasuke kind of won but he didn't kill him and Danzo's last technique would've killed them both making it a draw in terms of fight if Madara didn't step in. The only one's that he has killed until now are poor Samurais XD. Karib kinda came in cltuch healing Sasuke after getting beat by all the Kages then mid fight with Danzo and Madara was anyway not going to let Sasuke die. And he still stabbed her. He has became strong but a pathetic human being nonetheless Rana. He didn't kill her but he definitely had all the intentions to do so.

Arindrajit Sen

Yup he wasn't able to kill Danzo and Itachi. Only killed the Samurais and after all the help he got from Karin he does that to her.

Arindrajit Sen

14:42 Remember the Kinkaku unit u guys. I'm just gonna say that they are kind of important.

Arindrajit Sen

I'm telling you now Suraj knows everything about the story.

Arindrajit Sen

18:33 That's why I like the character of Danzo and almost every villain. He's written so good that everyone despises him. At the end of the day he did stuff in very wrong ways but his intention was always protecting the hidden leaf. He was always chasing Sarutobi and become a worthy shinobi but died a pathetic way. He was a Villain inspiring disgust in us for him but doesn't mean he can be given a kind of good send off. That's what Naruto does shows good intentions and things that'll make you care about the villains a bit too coz nobody's a completely evil except a certain someone.