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Hey all. Unfortunately, we will not have a Premium Access reaction for Parks and Recreation next week. We had something come up and we had to make a couple of sacrifices in our recording schedule and unfortunately next week's Parks episode had to be one of them. 

We are very sorry for this inconvenience and wanted to let you know as soon as possible. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding. 

If you have any questions, leave them below and we'll get them answered.

- The Normies



Thanks for letting us know


No worries


Thanks for the heads up! Hope all is well with the crew!


Everyone is healthy and well - just an unfortunate scheduling conflict. Thank you for understanding!

Bryan Matola

Dang, oh well. And this weeks episode is one of the ones I always skip, too…


Where do babies come from?


I love the “pre-thank you” in order to stave off negativity. Someone took business 101 in college…