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Tick Dickler

That Sakura shit helped a generation of growing young boys understand and recognize the signs of emotional manipulation. I don't hate Sakura, she did what she did because she thought it was best for him. But, she didn't look him in the eyes and tell him the truth and hiding that behind feelings is something most kids (boys and girls) growing up aren't equipped to deal with.

Dayvon Rose

Um the fuck? You do realize young girls can get manipulated as well right? Also, the fact that you're calling Sakura a thot when she literally only lied because Sai pressured her into doing something that reckless and she believed the best course of action was for Naruto to stop chasing Sasuke (For his own good) and hate her later was best. She literally did it because she actually cares for him...which is explained. Was it a good idea? No. But neither is Naruto's weird obsession of having to "Save" a guy who barely even gives him a passing thought. I also like how you're casually okay with pushing poor Female representation to justify this when it's because of that poor representation that it happened anyway. If Naruto really help shaped you then you wouldn't even hate Sakura to begin with because Naruto literally tries to teach you to not hate.


Serious question: Could Kakashi have "saved" Naruto from that panic attack by putting him in a genjutsu? That seems like a good use


I wonder if genjutsu would make a great tool for therapy