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Suga shows his value and shows why the team has his back in Season 1 Episode 21 of Haikyuu!!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/sInpt1tvKvM

Uncut: video above



I love Haikyu

Elle B.

“This is when he breaks his leg” Pat’s out for blood 😂

Alex cleveland

Suga did his thing to replace Kageyama and to play on equal ground with the GOAT Oikawa. And yall gotta at least give props that Oikawa is easily the best player yall have seen thus far in Haikyuu. Or at least give him some credit lmao 😂. Dont hate the player, hate the game!


The oikawa hate is great, keep on hating the best player on the court, he’s only doing exactly what any amazing player would do; find every advantage and help his team be the best


Preach,GOATkawa is just an amazing player and anyone with talent can be cocky, he backs it up


they even said in the show that he’s the best overall player in their prefecture. like i get he’s cocky but i mean can ya blame him. and what’s with the ‘one trick up your sleeve’ comment? it’s like attacking noya for only being able to receive lol

Helena Flores

Honestly Oikawa isn't rude to anyone besides Iwaizumi and Kageyama. I think it's fine if they don't like him not everyone has to like and hate the same characters. Personally I enjoy Oikawas personality it's pretty entertaining lol, I just think he's very confident in his skill since he puts the work in for it but, he's not arrogant to the point where he doesn't recognize when someone else is really talented like he even says Kageyama is a genius.


even with iwa, he isn't exactly rude either. they're childhood best friends who love to tease either and that's that. but other than that i think you put everything i wanted to say in one comment! hopefully oikawa will grow on some of them by next season.


if he does end up growing on them it's going to be so satisfying to see haha

Tina L

I loved how (most) of the Normies basically fell in love with Suga in this episode. Also, my man, Ennoshita spitting knowledge made me so giddy!


I mean they're getting mad at him at this point for having a pre serve ritual (something Kageyama also does), its basically the bitch eating crackers meme lol I doubt their opinion will turn around tbh but who knows


lol right. their hating on him cause he’s a hella good player? i bet if he was on karasuno they wouldn’t be so bias. at this point idc if they like him or not cause their reasons are petty.

Kamina 1

Man. Lol the Oikawa defense team is strong in these comments.

Kamina 1

I love the love for Suga in this ep :)


It's realistic though lol anyone who loves sports irl always has that one player they know is amazing but hate to see them thrashing their fav team. I love the hate, it's hilarious.

Champion Bescos

My previous comment/essay may have been deleted, oddly. Anyway.. Pat and his strange obsession for a player (mostly Suga) to get injured is hilarious and I hope it becomes an ongoing thing in these reactions. Personality wise, Pat actually reminds me of Oikawa a bit, in the sense that they say these over the top things because its fun and brings heat, contrast, and colour to the table. People either get that about them and enjoy it, knowing where their hearts are, or they don't and get offended by it. Speaking of Oikawa... Marketa! You're looking as beautiful as ever, but you really hate my boy! Haha. This applies to Nikki and Suraj, too, I suppose. Oikawa's service ace is actually a remarkable skill that clearly took years to master to this degree. To shit on that, as someone else said, is no different that shitting on Asahi for his spikes, Nishinoya for his godlike saves, and Hinata for his hops. Tools are meant to be used. Not to mention they've shown him do great spikes and coordinate great blocks, and have repeatedly mentioned he is the best all-around player in the prefecture. That indicates that while serves may be his bread and butter, they aren't his only 'trick'. I get that he's the opposition and that his personality can rub ya the wrong way, but I find that understanding general Japanese culture in sports helps one appreciate him a bit. Look at just about any televised sport with a Japan team, or follow some of their best players on social media, and you'll often see them reserved, respectful, polite, and often soft-spoken. Oikawa, who I believe is inspired by a South American V-ball player and is fairly western in design, flies in the face of this stereotype which Suga and Kageyama embody pretty well. Contrasting his 'petty' comments and smug personality will make him seem like an asshole in comparison, but only if you ignore how he supports and encourages his team (he's somewhat the Suga for Aoba Johsai) and acknowledges the skills of his opponents (Kageyama and Daichi). You may never like him, and that's fine, but he's not an asshole! I will die on this hill! lol All fanboying aside, this was another great reaction. The group is always so fun and refreshing and wholesome. The editing is sharp as always Dustin; I loved that edit of Nikki sandwiched between Oikawa and Kageyama when the match was lost. All in all, thank you all for making this the most rewarding reactions on youtube right now. (:


As much as I don't personally stan Oikawa as a peerless character in the show like many people do, I legitimately do hope they read this because they're so trigger happy hating him for what seems to me like no good reason. He's never been one of my favorites but I never saw a reason to hate him either.


i like how neutral you are about his character. ppl can like, dislike, love or don’t care much for him but damn hate? that’s a strong feeling. like i’ve seen ppl hate on my guy so much that they go out of their way to buy his doll to abuse it… that’s just sad. like why.. give him to me 😢


@Ssamja: That is true. Personally I don’t mind if they get annoyed with Oikawa. Sometimes that can part of the game.


This reactions have been my favorite from the Normies lately. I’m loving the energy this group brings to the series. This match is so good. I cannot wait for the Normies to see it all. This episode showed how all players can contribute even the benched players. They all have their own rhythm and can shift the momentum.

DennisC (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-17 03:25:17 I am so excited on your reaction for the remaining episodes. Really love it! <3
2021-06-09 03:35:57 I am so excited on your reaction for the remaining episodes. Really love it! <3

I am so excited on your reaction for the remaining episodes. Really love it! <3

Helena Flores

I think if they're reacting to it like how someone would react to a real game that's great lol I get that. I want them to enjoy the show in the way they enjoy it, which is why I said that people can like or not like any character they want but, I just think Oikawa comes off a certain way for sure lol but, he's a cool character he's very dedicated to improving himself and whatever he lacks in terms of skill in comparison to Kageyama he finds ways around it through strategy.