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Subaru meets some of the other witches, naturally chaos ensues!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/MrIsSQ3WZUI

Uncut: video above


Jesse Collins

Some cut information or wasn't explained too thoroughly. How Echidna possessed came to possess the other witches was before the Divine Dragon Volcanica sealed her soul. So she gathered the rest of the 5 witch's souls before then. Even though Subaru wasn’t actually viewed as a bad person to Typhon. Subaru felt guilt within himself, which was why his body (soul) broke into pieces which Minerva healed together afterwards. The coffin that Daphne resides in, is of her own creation that she calls the Centipede Coffin. Which is actually a living thing that shares a mutual beneficial relationship with her. It provides method of transportation to her, while the coffin gets to live off her 'bodily wastes'.


Remember Emilias been said to look like the Witch of Envy Satella, Echidna kinda looks like Emilia...kinda not really. But that definitely was the Witch of Envy Satella. #Echidna forever bae tho

Champion Bescos

I really like the ‘test’ of sorts with touching Typhon. To clarify, Subaru is NOT a bad person (regardless of what any of you think), but he is clearly flawed and as such thinks of himself as a bad person. That’s why he crumbled. My fiancé has often said that’s a characteristic I share in that I feel like a complete asshole all the time despite, as she says, most everyone saying the contrary. Truth is, some people genuinely feel they could have done so much better in life, handled things better, taken roads less travelled at every turn, and just be so much more in even their day to day interactions. This goes beyond regretting a relationship or a decision, beyond a fleeting remorse over something failed - everyone does that. I mean people that haul this baggage with them every minute of every day, almost detrimentally so. People that overanalyze and are self aware to a fault and incredibly critical of their own character. These few people carry that weight with them because self-forgiveness… isn’t a universal quality. This is of course in complete contrast to many people (I would say dominantly in their thirties and under) nowadays going around feeling the complete opposite - that they’re much better than they in fact are. Its popular nowadays to preach blind self forgiveness and dismiss shortcomings in lieu of being far more involved pointing out flaws in others than looking into themselves. To see the opposite - briefly - in an anime protagonist.. is refreshing. (: I really like that this show shed just a little light on that less common, self-deprecating mindset, which also solidifies Subaru as a character… but unfortunately the scene seems to have been misunderstood in a lot of reactions.

Josh kerry gray

There was a after credit scene


I think the difference isn't only generational but also cultural. A lot of cultures do not allow for any sort of "self-worship" lol even something like selfies is considered so vain. My parents roll their eyes every time I take a selfie lol and they are always there to knock me back to earth. I am a mix of generational x cultural dichotomy when it comes to feeling confident and feeling like a loser at the same time. Thanks so much for writing all this out! - Marketa

Champion Bescos

@Marketa, no, thank you! I always appreciate a response from the team, and I enjoy your insights especially. You’re absolutely right that cultural differences play a huge part in this as well. I’m also glad to hear you have such humbling (yet no doubt awesome) parents.