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New girl in town!! She's ready to bring the HAMMER DOWN.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/wFrE60rFFGU

Uncut: video above



Damn only one episode 😢


For pretty much every show that the Normies watch, with the exception of Naruto because of its length, they drop one episode a week, not two. So go ahead and do yourselves a favor and create that expectation and relax.


The show is only one season so far. Double drops are unnecessary.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe 2018 is the current year for JJK


Y'all just made Mondays lit thank you!


correct! so the first years are the same ones shown :(

Alex cleveland

Nobara gang ALL DAY Y'ALL😎


New York ( 8.419 million ) Tokyo ( 13.96 million ) pretty sure Tokyo would be worse then :P

Jessica Conrad

so glad you’re enjoying this i can’t wait for y’all to see more 😌 you guys should stick around to the end of the ED, there are little skits after each episode!


I got 18.823 mil for NYC and the same 13.96 mil for Tokyo.


good reaction but i hope chris joins the team


Micky was weird in this reaction. Like he doesnt enjoy it or doesnt care what happens. Or maybe he was just not in a good mood in general. But just my opinion. Maybe Im wrong


Wait is Sakura actually being useful??!!! Oops wrong show. What was I thinking?


Bro y'all even watching the same thing as us what are y'all talking about 😂😂


gonna patiently wait for every episode I really want them to see 😒 like episode 7 ughhhh


Where’s my dawg Chris at? Please add Chris to this.


Sometimes they double drop Haikyuu as well, but yeah in general you're right.

Kamina 1

Ya you are wrong Azorc. Micky was completely engaged throughout the entire reaction. He's always yawning. That's just Micky lol


18.8mil would be including the entire metropolitan area (dozens of nearby cities). 8.4mil is correct for NYC. If you want to include metro areas for both, then it would be (officially) 20.3 million NYC and 37.8 million Tokyo.


I love Chris, but I don't think there's any need to add him


You should be excited for future seasons of JJK, but you should also temper your desires. While MAPPA nailed the adaptation of the first season, they're not really known for doing long running series and JJK will most likely end up being one of those series (based on the amount of manga characters currently out). the prequel movie is confirmed it I'm not sure if there was any news on a confirmed second season. Also MAPPA has taken up way too many projects in a short amount of time, so those poor animators must be completely worn out. This reminds me of how studio Madhouse ended up in the pitiful state it's currently in. Overworked/underpaid animators that all eventually quit and a studio that kept on saying yes to every damn project that came across them


I think they missed the juju strolls at the end 😅


Gojo wears shades to protect the sun from his eyes.