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Hey all! Just wanted to let you know that The Wire reaction IS coming today, but it's going to be a bit after 5 PM EST. Thank you all for being super understanding when these things happen. We are lucky to have you. :)

For now, comment any questions you might have below about anything and we'll answer as many as we can!



Thank you for the update. ❤️


Best season of the wire!


No problem, can’t wait to see it, so much to discuss.

Kamina 1

Tell Dustin to take his time. Goat editing takes time.


I can’t imagine having to edit the Wire, there are no fillers or unimportant scenes, that guy is a hero


Thank you for the info, it's better to inform people to avoid unnecessary questions. Also is anyone else going to join the cozy 4 for JJK reactions? I would like to see more reactors for this amazing anime.


Yes...I'm curious if you guys have realized Bubbles is the true king of Baltimore.

Ian M

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to this season.


The plan is to keep it at the Cozy 4, but cameos are always possible in some reactions!

Furio Giunto

So 11pm for France good just before sleeping time

John Richards

I just looked at the story synopsis on IMDB to refresh my memory... I don't envy anyone trying to edit this down to meet fair use. This episode covers a lot of ground.


We appreciate our editor Dustin so much! Overall this series covers a lot and he does some great work.


Oh man season 4, I’m so excited, Fayette Mafia Crew, Chris and Snoop, Norman Wilson, and that mom, ok I’m not really looking forward to that POS but I am looking forward to the crew’s reactions to her.

The Normies Staff

Thanks for not wanting to throw water balloons filled with... well... y'all know what at me. Y'all the best, thanks for your patience everyone. Shouldn't be too much longer, y'all <3 -Dustin the Editor.

Alwyn Smith

I’m tired of you guys treating “The Wire” like the ugly stepchild...smh

Ian M

Popularity my guy. I bet a ton more people are patrons for whatever anime they're reacting to than the wire so those get priority. Also as other people have said S4 is hell to try and edit, I don't envy Dustin that job. As a result us wire fans got to suck it up and take these '40 degree days'. We'll get our reaction sooner or later and hey if the Normies get paid off the anime can't blame 'em.


My favorite show of all time and this is the best season, enjoy


That first scene getting pro tips on power tools is legendary

Kamina 1

They don't treat The Wire like the ugly stepchild. It's a tough edit man. You're acting as if the uploads are this late in the day on a weekly bases.


We’re lucky they even do this show, it’s not fun but it is what is. I had given up on them ever doing this show since it will never win a popularity contest.


Man I'm not gonna get proper sleep for work for waiting for this 😕


I have been watching along with you guys. This will make my 8th or 9th watch of the entire series. What's crazy is that I am still catching things that I missed on previous watches. This is arguably THE best show ever created!

Kamina 1

Same Ryan. I wake up every Tuesday happy just to know the normies are reacting to this.


Fun fact! I started The Wire with season 4.. it was still airing on tv at the time and one day I randomly left the tv on and heard lots of colorful language so I rushed in to see what was on and I saw a scene from a later episode that hooked me... Comcast had the previous episodes of season 4 on demand so I started watching lol after 4 finished I bought all the other seasons on DVD and binged them in prep for season 5 😂


The uncut could've at least been released in this post, seeing how a new post is probably gonna be made for the edited-for-YT version. Top 5 show of all time being the lowest of priorities, which is understandable cause the majority of the content here seems to be anime. Just makes it hard to support for the people who are here for something other than anime. Outside of this and Lucifer, don't really be anticipating drops.

Jason Williams

I know this show and especially this season can be a beast to edit, but why not release at least the uncut?

Pronto (SK)

Exactly, could've been uploaded 9-10 hours ago. And later just update the post with youtube version included.


What was the scene? Give a spoiler warning, if you want, or tell me in clues


Because they would have had to post an explanation for why the youtube edit version is not there, and then have to change the description and repost, which would confuse the viewers, etc. It's twice the necessary work


A shocking classroom scene... which threw my off a lot considering what The Wire was lol I just saw kids being crazy and found it intriguing lol