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Jedi, Sith, they are both powerful, each excelling in different fighting style and martial arts. If you could put money on either of these warriors, who would it be? 



Definitely Ventress. Half trained as she is, she’s a monster of a fighter. With full and proper teaching she would be terrifying


yoda duh he could be beat all of them with his eyes closed

Matthew Cronin

Anakin is the best swordsman but Yoda is the most masterful in the force. Still Anakin would likely loose to Dooku at this point in the show so Yoda wins.

Darth Skhorrn

Dooku was the only Jedi who specialized in saber-to-saber combat before he left the Order. Every other Jedi neglected this discipline because they had no need to use it, since no one had engaged a Sith directly in 1000 years until Qui-Gon fought Darth Maul. This gives Dooku an advantage over every Jedi, even putting him on the same level as Yoda. The only reason Anakin beats him in Revenge of the Sith is because he gives in to the dark side to win.


day 2 of asking for the norms to watch one piece

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

Don't know much about star wars outside this show, but Anakin Skywalker and Yoda have shown themselves to be ridiculously skilled and talented.

Daniel R

From this list, Anakin by far, he's supposed to be the best with a lightsaber next to Yoda or at least he thinks LOL

Mob K.O.

wack list of course anakin number 1

Chaos T

At this point in The Clone Wars, easily Yoda. Being a Jedi warrior is more about saber fighting. Yoda's mastery of the force gives him a huge advantage over the others on this list at this point in the show.

Lord Edge

Anakin’s the most powerful by far and the only swordsman on par with him is Count Dooku who Anakin defeats in Revenge of the Sith anyway. The only person who might rival him is Yoda due to his intelligence, but my money’s on Anakin personally.


Guys if Anakin is by far the best Jedi than why did obi wan beat him when they were both in their prime

Jesse Collins

Good point. Obi-Wans style is being on the defensive. It's what made him hold out till Anakin got too over confident and ended up defeated afterwards.


It’s definitely either Anakin or Dooku, Anakins skills rival that of Yoda and Dooku is supposed to have been one of if not the greatest Swordmaster in the Jedi order’s history


yall really think anakin beating yoda in a duel when dooku couldnt beat him in a duel yoda literally has 900 years of experience and is the best duelist in the order along side mace and the strongest in the force anakin is not that experienced yes he’s powerful but not experienced like yoda

Matthew Bankston

Bruh, if Yoda is on the list, this isn't even a debate.


Obi-Wan. His whole style and form of lightsaber dueling is about waiting an opponent out, often a better opponent, until that opponent makes a mistake and he strikes. It's how he's won all his duels.


Is Anakin in his right mind? If so, he's winning hands down. If he's in rage mode like he was in Star Wars 3, then Obi-Wan. We've already seen the results of that, lol.

Kamina 1

If i need a job done, who would i call upon for the highest chance of completion? I'm going with Anakin. No question. In a 1 on 1 I'm going with Anakin or Mace Windu every time. But probably Mace. Such a tragedy he didn't make this poll. Yoda is cool, but he failed to defeat the sith lord when the order needed him most. Mace would have destroyed Sidious.


Anakin or Yoda

The Greg

Well, Ahsoka is the only one made it out alive so I would bet on her.

Lord Madara

Anakin at his full potential would be a force god, he would solo the entire jedi order, and he did. In the Darth Vader comic he slapped the Jedi order in seconds, and 0 diffed Palpatine. And that comic is canon.

The Greg

They have already seen all the movies and the Mandalorian, so they know who lives and dies.


Dooku can out duel anyone on this list not named Yoda or Skywalker

Mehdi Kadhim

1v1 prime Dooku would always be trouble

jastop94 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 15:18:03 theoretical in prime Anakin(If not Darth Vader)>Yoda>Darth Vader>In Prime Dooku>Anakin
2021-05-26 14:55:06 theoretical in prime Anakin(If not Darth Vader)>Yoda>Darth Vader>In Prime Dooku>Anakin

theoretical in prime Anakin(If not Darth Vader)>Yoda>Darth Vader>In Prime Dooku>Anakin