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(Contains spoilers for 2x6 (31) episode of RE:Zero)

In the last episode, Subaru was saved by Beatrice while he was trying to save Rem, and he was not happy about it. In the past, he has reversed time once before by suicide. It was extremely hard to watch. Now that we're in this moment, we are worried he is going to do the same again, but he also has Beatrice in the room who could talk him out of this act. What do you think he's going to do? Will Subaru kill himself to save his friends yet again? Or will Beatrice prevent that from happening? What will happen to Petra, Ram, Rem and Frederica? 

This is the last episode the Normies watched, so please avoid spoiling further development of the story in the comments. :) ty!



yes yes but naruto reaction when

Loic Reviews

then go to bed and stop annoying the normies with your selfish behavior


Subaru is such a simp name 🤣. Its perfect for the show


Chill, least they can do is update us if the reaction will be a lot later than usual rather than have false expectations


Yall really make the fanbase look terrible crying for the reactions on post that has nothing to do with it

Mike Drop

Go to bed, maybe youll wake up as a big boy thay doesnt cry about anime anymore

Prithvi Pawani

selfish behaviour? shut up knucklehead, just excited for the reaction, keep the negativity to yourself.

Jesse Collins

Well then can you please contain it and not ask about it on a post that has nothing to do with Naruto?

Mike Drop

They did, the update is soon. shut the fuck up and don't pollute other comment sections of shows that have nothing to do with it you whiny bitch


Please react to line of duty.


Too many naruto retards on this patreon that don't know how to exercise patience. Clearly this is the highlight in your life while everything else must be trash.


Calls others kids but asks when a "naruto reaction" is going to come out. At least half of you guys that are on here for naruto clearly have nothing better going on in life.


My car is offended

Dominic Caciappo

What false expectations, you know what day the reaction comes out, its not guaranteed at an exact time, all you do is drag all of us other naruto viewers down.

Dominic Caciappo

fact is normies say they hate this behavior also, its not just us, you are disrespecting everyone here, you dont like, you can leave.


Sir! You know it’s very Wednesday and they most definitely always put it put the same day! So then why would you do this!? Fine! For next week now you know! Have some patience child...


Nice drama you got going down there >.< It was entertaining reading it!!